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Created July 7, 2013 19:08
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// GorillaScript as of 2013-07-08
macro assert-equals(x, y)
@maybe-cache x, #(set-x, x)
@maybe-cache y, #(set-y, y)
if $set-x != $set-y
throw new Error("assert-equals failed: " & $x & " != " & $y)
macro assert-deep-equals(x, y)
@maybe-cache x, #(set-x, x)
@maybe-cache y, #(set-y, y)
if JSON.stringify($set-x) != JSON.stringify($set-y)
throw new Error("assert-deep-equals failed: " & JSON.stringify($x, null, 2) & " != " & JSON.stringify($y, null, 2))
class Foo
def constructor(@threshold)
pass // an empty body crashes the web compiler for me
def process(list)
list.filter(#(el)@ el > @threshold)
let list = [3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 20]
let result = Foo(11).process(list)
assert-equals JSON.stringify(result), JSON.stringify([12, 17, 20])
alert "ok"
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