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Andrey Tarantsov andreyvit

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andreyvit / MYPROJPromise.h
Created December 25, 2017 10:45
My template for server operations with using AFNetworking or any other 3rd-party code (in Objective-C)
@import Foundation;
typedef void (^MYPROJPromiseResultBlock)(id result);
typedef void (^MYPROJPromiseErrorBlock)(NSError *error);
typedef void (^MYPROJPromiseResultAndErrorBlock)(id result, NSError *error);
typedef void (^MYPROJPromiseErrorAndResultBlock)(NSError *error, id result);
typedef void (^MYPROJPromiseResultOrErrorBlock)(id resultOrError);
typedef void (^MYPROJPromiseWorkBlock)(MYPROJPromiseResultAndErrorBlock completionHandler);


Ресурсы на планете Шелезяка подходят к концу, и роботы были вынуждены перейти на питание упавшими частицами метеоритов. Через несколько дней ожидается большой метеоритный дождь, поэтому вам поручили написать программу для небольшой серии из трех роботов, позволяющую им в сумме собрать максимальное число метеоритных осколков.

Поверхность планеты представляет собой плоский круг, по которому раскидано 100 метеоритных осколков. Как роботы, так и осколки считаются точками. Когда робот подходит к осколку на расстояние 1.0 или ближе, он подбирает осколок, а с неба в произвольное место планеты падает новый (таким образом, количество осколков всегда ровно 100).

Действия роботов разделены на такты. У вас всего есть 5000 тактов, чтобы собрать максимальное количество осколков.

andreyvit /
Last active May 24, 2016 14:54
Proposal for a Michigan Logging Policy

Logging Policy

What's this, and why is it needed?

People often pick log levels randomly, making them fairly useless. I've recently seen a very useful definition of log levels, and I liked it very much. So here we go.

Log Levels

  • Notice: notable events that should be aggregated and reviewed by the system administrator or development team regularly. This is a good fit for something that's normal in moderation, but may represent a problem if it starts happening too often.
andreyvit / raid.h
Created August 10, 2015 06:41
One of the finer pieces of code I have ever written
#ifndef _RAID_H_
#define _RAID_H_
#define RAID_LEVEL 3
#define RAID_WRITE(stat) do {int raidi; for(raidi = 0; raidi < RAID_LEVEL; ++raidi) stat;} while(0)
#define raidwr raid[raidi]
#define raidrd raid[0]
GlobalState raid[RAID_LEVEL];
init: function(elevators, floors) {
var DIR_UP = 1, DIR_DOWN = -1, DIR_IDLE = 0;
var FLOOR_NINF = -1, FLOOR_PINF = 1000;
var floorUpRequests = [];{
init: function(elevators, floors) {
var DIR_UP = 1, DIR_DOWN = -1, DIR_IDLE = 0;
var FLOOR_NINF = -1, FLOOR_PINF = 1000;
andreyvit /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
WWDC 2014 Summaries

A Look Inside Presentation Controllers (228)


A Strategy for Great Work (237)

  1. “Know a good idea when you see it”: a demo of KHTML running on a Mac, made in 2 days, helped them pick it for Safari.

  2. “Don't try to solve every problem at once”: was extracting KHTML from KDE, had no idea how it worked, just compiled one file at a time, and stubbed missing functions one at a time.

andreyvit / ObservationPlayground.swift
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
Code from “In search of a clean closure-based observation API in Swift” on Apple Dev Forums
import Foundation
func weakify<T: AnyObject>(object: T, block: (T) -> Void) -> () -> Void {
weak var weakObject = object
return {
if let strongObject = weakObject {
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
// NSTextField has alignmentRectInsets = {.left=.right=3, .top=.bottom=0}, so
// when autolayout aligns NSTextField to its container's side margin (e.g. to x=0),
// the actual x position is -3, and the label gets clipped.
// ATUnclippedTextField compensates for that by overriding drawRect to extend
// the clipping rect by alignmentRectInsets.
require_once 'pdflib/fpdf.php';
require_once 'pdflib/fpdi.php';
// FPDI extension that preserves hyperlinks when copying PDF pages.
// (c) 2012, Andrey Tarantsov <[email protected]>, provided under the MIT license.
// Published at:
// GorillaScript as of 2013-07-08
macro assert-equals(x, y)
@maybe-cache x, #(set-x, x)
@maybe-cache y, #(set-y, y)
if $set-x != $set-y
throw new Error("assert-equals failed: " & $x & " != " & $y)
macro assert-deep-equals(x, y)