install and setup selenium toolkit on your computer
- the driver might be google chrome or firefox (geckodriver) based depending on your OS (unix vs windows) https://dev.to/hakobyansen/installing-chromedriver-and-selenium-server-on-linux-mint-19-3-tricia-5gnk https://www.selenium.dev/downloads/ https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/webdriver/getting_started/install_drivers/
install requirements.txt file ##Requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
##python update
it's highly recommended you keep your python install up to date. at the time of writing this, python 3.11.0 was just released.
start selenium java -jar selenium-server-4.5.3.jar standalone &
In terminal cd to directory which contains script
run: python3 -i composer_auto.py assuming your local python3 was made as an altinstall aliased to "python3"
login to composer
In terminal run job() because this was launched interactive. after line 20, the current python interpreter has nothing left to do. it got you to login at line 20, so the current session has your login/session information. so, you can run the "job()" function and direct python to start scraping the page for all the information.