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Created September 14, 2012 23:07
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GHC’s DataKinds pretty printing leaves a bit to be desired
-- WIP
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures, TemplateHaskell,
ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances,
UndecidableInstances, QuasiQuotes, RecordWildCards,
TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Record.TL (
type Label(..), l, label, labels,
type Record(..), type (:=), type Field(..), (&),
) where
import GHC.TypeLits
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Control.Applicative
data Label (s :: Symbol) = L
instance SingRep s String => Show (Label s) where
show (L :: Label s) = fromSing (sing :: Sing s)
l :: QuasiQuoter
l = QuasiQuoter {..} where
quoteExp s = [|L :: Label $(sym s)|]
quotePat s = sigP [p|L|] [t|Label $(varT $ mkName s)|]
quoteType s = [t|Label $(sym s)|]
quoteDec _ = fail "can't use [l|...|] as a declaration"
sym :: String -> TypeQ
sym s = litT $ strTyLit s
label :: String -> DecsQ
label s = sequence [sigD n t, valD (varP n) (normalB [|L|]) []] where
n = mkName s
t = [t|Label $(sym s)|]
labels :: [String] -> DecsQ
labels = fmap concat . mapM label
type (name :: Symbol) := (ty :: *) = '(name, ty)
data Record :: [(Symbol, *)] -> * where
N :: Record '[]
(:&) :: Field s a -> Record sas -> Record ('(s, a) ': sas)
(&) = (:&)
data Field :: Symbol -> * -> * where
(:=) :: Label s -> a -> Field s a
infixr 0 :&, &
infix 1 :=
instance (Show a, SingRep s String) => Show (Field s a) where
showsPrec d ((L :: Label s) := val) =
showParen (d > 1) $
showString (fromSing (sing :: Sing s)) .
showString " := " .
showsPrec 2 val
instance Show (Record '[]) where
show N = "N"
instance (Show (Record sas), Show a, SingRep s String)
=> Show (Record ('(s, a) ': sas)) where
showsPrec d (f :& fs) =
showParen (d > 0) $
showsPrec 1 f .
showString " & " .
showsPrec 0 fs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeOperators #-}
module Example where
import Data.Record.TL
label "hello"
label "goodbye"
test :: Record ["hello" := Int, "goodbye" := String]
test = hello := 6 & goodbye := "boo" & N
λ» :t test
:: Record
((,) GHC.TypeLits.Symbol *)
("hello" := Int)
((,) GHC.TypeLits.Symbol *)
("goodbye" := String)
('[] ((,) GHC.TypeLits.Symbol *))))
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