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Created July 6, 2023 22:03
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Use WordFence's vulnerabilities API to determine if any directories match recently reported slugs (previous 30 days)
# Usage: ./ /home/username/web/
# Output (Clean)
# >>> Scanning /home/username/web/
# >>> Nothing found.
# Output (Suspect)
# >>> Scanning /home/username/web/
# >>> Found
# >>> /home/username/web/
# Note: Change "30 days ago" if you want to scan for older vulnerabilities
### Begin ###
# Get the directory path from command-line argument
echo "Scanning $scan_directroy"
# Set the API URL
# File path for the vulnerabilities.scanner.json
# Check if the file exists and its modified time is older than 24 hours
if [[ ! -f "$json_file" || $(find "$json_file" -mmin +1440 -print) ]]; then
# File is older than 24 hours, fetch a new copy
echo "Fetching $json_file from the API"
curl -s "$url" >"$json_file"
# else
# Use the existing file
# echo "Using existing $json_file"
# Get the current date (30 days ago) as an ISO 8601 date
current_date=$(date -I -d "30 days ago")
# Calculate the cutoff date as the current date minus 30 days
cutoff_date=$(date -d "$current_date" +%Y-%m-%d)
# Filter the JSON data with jq and extract the matching slugs
matching_slugs=($(cat "$json_file" | jq -r --arg cutoff_date "$cutoff_date" '.[] | select(.published >= $cutoff_date) | .software[].slug' | sort -u))
# Output the list of slugs
# echo "List of Slugs:"
# for slug in "${matching_slugs[@]}"; do
# echo "$slug"
# done
# Search directories for matching slugs
search_directories() {
local slugs=("$@")
local directory=$scan_directroy
local matching_directories=()
for slug in "${slugs[@]}"; do
if [[ -d "$directory/$slug" ]]; then
echo "${matching_directories[@]}"
# Call the function to search directories
matching_directories=($(search_directories "${matching_slugs[@]}"))
# Output the matching directories
if [[ ${#matching_directories[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Nothing found."
echo "Found suspects"
for directory in "${matching_directories[@]}"; do
echo "$scan_directroy/$directory"
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