This is a list of articles/books/videos that have influenced me :)
There isn't a particular order to this list. I recommend them all but there are a couple that stand out. I have marked these with ✨
- The Developer's Code (free!)
- Pragmatic Programmer
- Mythical Man Month
- The Phoenix Project ✨
- Peopleware
- 5 Dysfunctions of a team (he also presents a youtube video that goes through them too)
- Creativity Inc - Ed Catmull
- Innovator's Dilemma book
- Practical Object Oriented Design in Ruby - Sandi Metz ✨
- Ruby Tapas
- ✨
- Growing a language
- Raymond Hettinger's Beyond PEP-8
- Scrum Guide Refresh (thank you Kay Smith!)
- Jack Diedriech's Stop writing classes
- Kathy Sierra's 'Making users bad ass' talk
- Bret Victor's Inventing on Principle talk
- Rich Hickey
- Kathy Sierra also very good for learning how to get better at teaching
- Sandi Metz
- Gary Bernhardt
- José Valim (Elixir creator - so impressive how he deals with github issues/pr/discussions)
- Joe Rainsberger:
- Camille Fournier
- Ben Horowitz (medium)
- Kent Beck
- How broken practices become standard
- Technical debt
- Ron Jefferies's sudoku solver
- Peter Norvig's sudoku solver
- Peter Norvig's spellchecker
- (how DBs/indexes actually work)
- (search for reading list to see the top 10 articles)
- Hacker News
- Github trending repos
- Thoughtworks Radar
- Newsletters
- Software Lead Weekly (SWLW) ✨
- Hacker Newsletter
- Devops Weekly
- Cron.Weekly
- Last Week in AWS
- Security Newsletter
- Better Dev Link
- SRE Weekly
- Bring the Donuts
- Elixir Radar
- Julia Evans' blog
- Password manager (LastPass / 1Password / Passpack / Dashlane)
- Node/python/elixir/ruby version manager (asdf)