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Created June 5, 2011 14:15
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This script parses US mailing addresses.
# For development, execute this from the command line to run the test cases.
# For production, just require the file, then:
# address_hash =
require 'rubygems'
require 'parslet'
class AddressParser < Parslet::Parser
# case insensitive string match - copied from the 'Parslet Tips' page...
def stri(str)
chars = str.split(//) {|c| match["#{c.upcase}#{c.downcase}"] }.reduce(:>>)
# matches two-letter abbreviations for US states
def state_match
states = %w(mn ak hi id mt wy ut nm tx ks
ok nb sd nd ia ar la ms ab wi
tn ky in oh pn wv md va nc sc
ga de nj ct ri ma vt nh ma il
ca co az nv fl mi ny or wa mo) {|s| stri("#{s}")}.reduce(:|)
# Single character rules
rule(:comma) { str(',') >> space? }
rule(:space) { match('\s').repeat }
rule(:space?) { space.maybe }
rule(:spacecom) { comma.maybe >> space }
rule(:state_term) { (comma | eof | str(' ')) >> space}
rule(:newline) { (str("\r") | str("\n")).repeat }
rule(:digit) { match('[0-9]') }
rule(:adr_char) { match('[A-z0-9 \#\.\-\,]') }
rule(:eof) { any.absent? }
# For Testing
rule(:state_match_test) { state_match }
# Things
rule(:word) { match('[A-z]').repeat }
# Address Parts
rule(:address1) { (adr_char.repeat).as(:address1) }
rule(:address2) { newline >> (adr_char.repeat).as(:address2) }
rule(:address) { address1 >> address2 }
rule(:city1) { >> spacecom }
rule(:city2) { (word >> space >> word).as(:city) >> spacecom }
rule(:city3) { (word >> space >> word >> space >> word).as(:city) >> spacecom }
rule(:state) { >> state_term }
rule(:zip) { digit.repeat(2,5).as(:zip) >> space? >> eof }
rule(:sz) { state >> zip.maybe }
rule(:csz) { (city1 >> sz) | (city2 >> sz) | (city3 >> sz) }
# Top-Level
rule(:all) { (address1 >> newline >> csz) | (address >> newline >> csz) }
root :all
if $0 == __FILE__
def test_runner(rule, string)
parser =
eval "p parser.#{rule}.parse('#{string}')"
rescue Parslet::ParseFailed => e
puts "FAIL> #{rule}".rjust(20, '-') + ' > ' + string.gsub("\n",'/').ljust(60, '-')
puts e, parser.root.error_tree
# Test cases...
test_runner( "state_match_test", "Co")
test_runner( "state_match_test", "Ca")
test_runner( "state_match_test", "NY")
test_runner( "state_match_test", "fl")
test_runner( "state_match_test", "wa")
test_runner( "comma", ",")
test_runner( "digit", "5")
test_runner("address1", "1523 Broker Way")
test_runner("address1", "1523 Broker-Way")
test_runner("address1", "1523 Broker Way, #22")
test_runner("address1", "1523 Broker Rd., Apt. #22")
test_runner( "address", "1523 Broker Way")
test_runner( "address", "1523 Broker Way\nApartment 22")
test_runner( "address", "1523 El Camino Real\r\nApartment 22")
test_runner( "zip", "94022")
test_runner( "zip", "94022 ")
test_runner( "state", "CA")
test_runner( "state", "Ca")
test_runner( "state", "ca")
test_runner( "state", "CO")
test_runner( "city1", "Sunnyvale")
test_runner( "city1", "Sunnyvale ")
test_runner( "city2", "Mountain View")
test_runner( "csz", "Mountain CA 94022")
test_runner( "csz", "Mountain View CA 94022")
test_runner( "csz", "SF CA 94022")
test_runner( "csz", "mountain view ca 94022")
test_runner( "csz", "mountain view, ca 94022")
test_runner( "csz", "los altos hills CA")
test_runner( "csz", "los altos hills, CA")
test_runner( "csz", "los altos hills CA")
test_runner( "csz", "SF CA")
test_runner( "csz", "SF, CA")
test_runner( "all", "1523 Broker Way\nMountain View CA 94022")
test_runner( "all", "1523 Broker Way\nApartment 22\nMV CA 94022")
test_runner( "all", "1523 broker way\nmountain view ca 94022")
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