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Last active February 8, 2025 04:40
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Useful resources for getting started in Developer Relations

πŸ“š Books

πŸ“Š Related - presentation skills reading

πŸ“° Communities / Newsletters / Resources

πŸ“ Classic blog posts

All the bases

What is it?

πŸ”₯ On self-care and burnout

πŸ”§ Useful tools

  • There's an excellent list of tools on the DevRelCollective Awesome DevRel page. i.e. I'm outsourcing this part of the doc... I may add things I think of myself in the future

πŸ“„ Twitter lists of interesting people and resources

(note: I no longer recommend the use of Twitter and I no longer use it myself)

I did not build these lists myself, but I've been added to some... here are a few examples, in no particular order. An interesting project might be to aggregate / de-duplicate the list memberships.

πŸ“£ My related content

🎲 Fun

πŸ₯‘ Advocate or Evangelist?

I am #TeamAdvocate πŸ˜‰

Notes for this presentation


Presenter Notes:

Who remembers this movie from the 1990s? (kickass theme song by Ash)

Developer / Technical / Product - Advocacy / Evangelism? we've debated these things in this group before.

Slide 2: MY Journey

Presenter Notes:

This talk is going to very much be a personal story and some thoughts about what I do.

As I've thought about this, I look at where I've come from, where I've been and where I am in a few stages.

You can expect a lot of personal history - and honesty - from the next 20-30 minutes.

Slide 3: Walking

Presenter Notes:

I started out as a hobbyist developer

I was online in the days of dial-up, I taught myself Linux and learned from the community.

In the late 90s I was helping out on various open source projects on SourceForge (Anjuta, OpenUT)

It was natural to me to learn from others and share what I had learned.

I was working at the UK Post Office at the time.

Slide 4: finding

Presenter Notes:

In 2001 I joined IBM in the UK

I was told not to be out in the community. IBM wasn't keen for me to be involved in Open Source at the time.


IBM very good at selling to business; not so good with dev community.

Frustrating! So after several years - 7! - I started to focus on what was needed to 'win over' developers and have a grassroots focus. I pushed MQTT as a community thing.

An advocate / evangelist but not a formal role.

Slide 5: LEADING

Presenter Notes:

In 2012 after 10? years I left IBM.

I was invited to join a new Dev Relations team at VMware, to do a new Open Source thing 'Cloud Foundry'

This was new for VMW which was essentially a closed-source company (but Spring, Rabbit, Redis etc)

At the same time MQTT was starting to explode - Eclipse, OASIS process - spokesperson / 'community lead'

Slide 7: GOALs

Presenter Notes:

Where do you sit as a Developer Advocate?

IBM - Technical Marketing

VMW / Pivotal - under the product manager / engineering team - outreach, real community

Twitter - part of business development but closely tied to engineering too

Slide 9: finally

Presenter Notes:

Some final thoughts - what I've learned about what works / what is needed

Slide 10: BE passionate

Presenter Notes:


Believe in what you are doing - if you don't it will show.

Be enthusiastic! CARE.

Slide 11: BE patient

Presenter Notes:

Be patient; kind; and resilient

Easy to get burned out, easy to snap at people asking without sharing.

Resilient - MQTT story. Take time out.

Slide 12: BE yourself

Presenter Notes:

Be yourself - you. It's best if you know who you are.

It took me a while to find my voice and persona.

Be honest and genuine - again, IT SHOWS.


Hold fast to what you believe, but listen and understand too.

Slide 13: @andypiper

Presenter Notes:

This is who I am.

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