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Last active February 13, 2025 09:00
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* This Google Apps Script provides a web app interface for querying data from a Google Sheet.
* It enables HTTP GET requests to search for a specific value in a specified column.
* The script returns the matching row as a JSON object and includes debug information such as:
* - Time taken for search and retrieval
* - Deployment version
* - Last edited time of the sheet
// Define constants for configuration
const SEARCH_COLUMN_NAME = "Search"; // The column name to search (e.g., "Name")
const HEADER_ROWS_TO_IGNORE = 1; // Number of header rows to ignore in the search
const SHEET_NAME = "Tabellenblatt1"; // Name of the Google Sheet to query
const RETURN_COLUMNS = ["Search", "Content"]; // List of columns to include in the response (case-insensitive)
* Checks whether debug mode is enabled via script properties.
* @return {boolean} True if debug mode is enabled, false otherwise.
function isDebugMode() {
return PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("DEBUG_MODE") === "true";
* Retrieves the last edited time of the Google Sheet.
* @param {Sheet} sheet - The Google Sheet object.
* @param {Array} debugLogs - The debug log array to append timing information.
* @return {string} The ISO string representation of the last edited time, or "unknown" if unavailable.
function getLastEditedTime(sheet, debugLogs) {
const start = new Date();
try {
const file = DriveApp.getFileById(sheet.getParent().getId());
const lastEdited = file.getLastUpdated();
debugLogs.push(`getLastEditedTime Time: ${new Date() - start}ms`);
return lastEdited ? lastEdited.toISOString() : "unknown";
} catch (e) {
debugLogs.push(`getLastEditedTime Time: ${new Date() - start}ms`);
return "unknown";
* Handles HTTP GET requests to query the Google Sheet.
* @param {Object} e - The event object containing query parameters.
* @return {ContentService.TextOutput} The JSON response containing the matching row and debug information.
function doGet(e) {
const debugLogs = []; // Collect debug information
try {
const searchStart = new Date();
// Extract parameters from the request
const query = e.parameter.query;
if (!query) {
return createResponse({ error: 'Missing query parameter. Please provide a value to search.' }, debugLogs);
debugLogs.push(`Query parameter: ${query}`);
// Open the spreadsheet and select the sheet by name
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME);
if (!sheet) {
return createResponse({ error: `Sheet '${SHEET_NAME}' not found. Please check the sheet name.` }, debugLogs);
const data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues(); // Get all data from the sheet
// Find the column index based on the header row (assuming headers are in the first row)
const headers = data[0].map(h => h.toString().trim().toLowerCase());
debugLogs.push(`Columns Headers: ${headers}`);
const columnIndex = headers.indexOf(SEARCH_COLUMN_NAME.trim().toLowerCase());
debugLogs.push(`SEARCH_COLUMN_NAME: ${SEARCH_COLUMN_NAME}, Column Index: ${columnIndex}`);
if (columnIndex === -1) {
return createResponse({
error: `Column '${SEARCH_COLUMN_NAME}' for SEARCH_COLUMN_NAME not found in the headers. Available headers are: [${headers.join(", ")}].`
}, debugLogs);
// Convert RETURN_COLUMNS to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison
const lowerReturnColumns = => col.toLowerCase());
// Check if all RETURN_COLUMNS match headers case-insensitively
const unmatchedColumns = lowerReturnColumns.filter(col => !headers.includes(col));
if (unmatchedColumns.length > 0) {
debugLogs.push(`Warning: Some columns in RETURN_COLUMNS do not match available headers. RETURN_COLUMNS (lowercase): [${lowerReturnColumns.join(", ")}], Available headers: [${headers.join(", ")}].`);
// Search for the query in the specified column (case-insensitive, trimmed)
const lowerQuery = query.trim().toLowerCase();
for (let i = HEADER_ROWS_TO_IGNORE; i < data.length; i++) {
const cellValue = data[i][columnIndex].toString().trim().toLowerCase();
if (cellValue === lowerQuery) {
debugLogs.push(`Match found in Row ${i}`);
const rowObject = {};
headers.forEach((header, idx) => {
if (RETURN_COLUMNS.length === 0 || lowerReturnColumns.includes(header.toLowerCase())) {
rowObject[header] = data[i][idx];
debugLogs.push(`Search and Retrieval Time: ${new Date() - searchStart}ms`);
debugLogs.push(`Row Object: ${JSON.stringify(rowObject)}`);
return createResponse(rowObject, debugLogs, sheet);
// No match found
debugLogs.push(`Search and Retrieval Time: ${new Date() - searchStart}ms`);
debugLogs.push(`No match found for query: '${query}'`);
return createResponse({ error: `No match found for the query: '${query}'.` }, debugLogs, sheet);
} catch (error) {
debugLogs.push(`Error: ${error.message}`);
return createResponse({ error: `An unexpected error occurred: ${error.message}` }, debugLogs);
* Creates a JSON response to return to the client.
* @param {Object} result - The main result object to include in the response.
* @param {Array} debugLogs - The debug logs to include if debug mode is enabled.
* @param {Sheet} [sheet=null] - The Google Sheet object for retrieving metadata (e.g., last edited time).
* @return {ContentService.TextOutput} The JSON response.
function createResponse(result, debugLogs, sheet = null) {
if (sheet) {
const lastEditedStart = new Date();
result.lastEditedTime = getLastEditedTime(sheet, debugLogs);
debugLogs.push(`getLastEditedTime Total Time: ${new Date() - lastEditedStart}ms`);
if (isDebugMode()) {
result.debug = debugLogs;
return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(result)).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON);
* Test function to simulate an HTTP GET request locally in the script editor.
function testDoGet() {
const mockEvent = {
parameter: {
query: "/stadt/berlin" // Replace with the mock query value you want to test
const response = doGet(mockEvent);
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