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Xamarin.iOS MonoTouch.Dialog JVFloatSharp Element for gshackles
This creates an EntryElement with placeholders that change into floating labels when the field is populated with text.
Andy Whittlestone
public class JVEntryElement : EntryElement
public UIColor FloatingLabelTextColor { get; set; }
public UIColor FloatingLabelActiveTextColor { get; set; }
private string _placeHolder;
private bool _isPassword;
private JVFloatLabeledTextField _entry;
private UITextAlignment _textAlignment;
private UIFont _floatingLabelFont = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(12);
public UIFont FloatingLabelFont {
get { return _floatingLabelFont; }
set { _floatingLabelFont = value; }
public new UITextAlignment TextAlignment {
get {
return _textAlignment;
_textAlignment = value;
if (_entry != null)
_entry.TextAlignment = _textAlignment;
public JVEntryElement (string caption, string placeholder, string value) : base (caption, placeholder, value)
Value = value;
_placeHolder = placeholder;
public JVEntryElement (string caption, string placeholder, string value, bool isPassword) : base (caption, placeholder, value, isPassword)
Value = value;
_isPassword = isPassword;
_placeHolder = placeholder;
protected override UITextField CreateTextField (RectangleF frame)
return _entry = new JVFloatLabeledTextField (frame) {
AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleLeftMargin,
Placeholder = _placeHolder ?? "",
SecureTextEntry = _isPassword,
Text = Value ?? "",
Tag = 1,
TextAlignment = _textAlignment,
ClearButtonMode = ClearButtonMode,
FloatingLabelTextColor = FloatingLabelTextColor,
FloatingLabelActiveTextColor = FloatingLabelActiveTextColor,
FloatingLabelFont = FloatingLabelFont,
public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tv)
var cell = base.GetCell (tv);
// lets make it fit better to the eye
_entry.Frame = new RectangleF (_entry.Frame.Location.X, 0, _entry.Frame.Width, cell.Frame.Height-5);
return cell;
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