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Yongkun Anfernee Gui anfernee

  • Google
  • San Francisco Bay area
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iperf result when vhost is enabled:

root@anfernee-XPS-8700:/home/anfernee/VM/images# iperf3 -c
Connecting to host, port 5201
[  5] local port 50716 connected to port 5201
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr  Cwnd
[  5]   0.00-1.00   sec  4.72 GBytes  40.6 Gbits/sec    0   1.95 MBytes       
[  5]   1.00-2.00   sec  4.97 GBytes  42.7 Gbits/sec    0   2.64 MBytes       


Create VM in google cloud:

gcloud compute instances create $INSTANCE --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud --image-family ubuntu-2004-lts --min-cpu-platform="Intel Skylake" --machine-type="n1-standard-32" --zone=us-central1-c --network-interface='' --network-interface network=custom-network1,subnet=subnet1 

Install libvirt:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients virtinst

List available filter functions:

cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/available_filter_functions

ChatGPT says:

cat /proc/kallsyms | grep ' [Tt] '
2023-06-22T03:48:44Z [debug] Used defaults from parsed flat file config @ /etc/cni/net.d/whereabouts.d/whereabouts.conf
2023-06-22T03:48:44Z [debug] ADD - IPAM configuration successfully read: {Name:whereaboutsexample Type:whereabouts Routes:[] Addresses:[] IPRanges:[{OmitRanges:[] Range: RangeStart: RangeEnd:<nil>}] OmitRanges:[] DNS:{Nameservers:[] Domain: Search:[] Options:[]} Range: RangeStart:<nil> RangeEnd:<nil> GatewayStr: LeaderLeaseDuration:1500 LeaderRenewDeadline:1000 LeaderRetryPeriod:500 LogFile:/var/log/whereabouts.log LogLevel:debug ReconcilerCronExpression:30 4 * * * OverlappingRanges:true SleepForRace:0 Gateway:<nil> Kubernetes:{KubeConfigPath:/etc/cni/net.d/whereabouts.d/whereabouts.kubeconfig K8sAPIRoot:} ConfigurationPath: PodName:netshoot-deployment-77bc5477c4-dc7mw PodNamespace:default NetworkName:}
2023-06-22T03:48:44Z [debug] Beginning IPAM for ContainerID: ceed7f96e1b31566dec70bdde1d6ea7b8f20ce1f8c3599b4415ba9e7acf3db00
2023-06-22T03:48:44Z [debug] Started
# Install the necessary tools.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential git make coreutils -y
# Install clang-10 llvm-10.
echo "Running ebpf unit test, installing clang-10 and llvm-10"
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 15CF4D18AF4F7421
sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb llvm-toolchain-focal-10 main"
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install clang-10 llvm-10 -y
# Install the newest version of golang.
# Install the newest version of golang.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports -y && sudo apt update && sudo apt install golang-go -y
# Install clang-11 and llvm-11 and make
sudo apt install clang-11 llvm-11 -y make
# Update the clang command used for test
export CLANG=clang-11
export LLC=llc-11
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: kindnet
namespace: kube-system
tier: node
app: kindnet
k8s-app: kindnet
anfernee / nginx.yaml
Created September 10, 2022 05:01
k8s manifests
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 3
# Generated by iptables-save v1.6.1 on Wed Aug 4 16:59:19 2021
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [856536:2689798381]
:INPUT ACCEPT [846190:2658161040]
:FORWARD ACCEPT [10346:31637341]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [838510:556224859]
:POSTROUTING ACCEPT [848856:587862200]
Serial port 1 (console) output for gke-a54a21-cppv
�[2J�[01;01H�[=3h�[2J�[01;01HCSM BBS Table full.
BdsDxe: loading Boot0001 "UEFI Google PersistentDisk " from PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x3,0x0)/Scsi(0x1,0x0)
BdsDxe: starting Boot0001 "UEFI Google PersistentDisk " from PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x3,0x0)/Scsi(0x1,0x0)

UEFI: Attempting to start image.
Description: UEFI Google PersistentDisk 
FilePath: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x3,0x0)/Scsi(0x1,0x0)
OptionNumber: 1.