Doc here with exact same stuff:
Goal: Configure BOSH-deployed copilot to send config over MCP to a Pilot deployed on a CFCR cluster and use the Istio Ingressgateway (Envoy) route to cf apps.
- Deploy latest CF deployment
- Deploy CFCR cluster (don’t forget to run the apply-specs errand!) and deploy istio with a 1.1-snapshot.3 or greater (and change all the images to pull release-1.1-latest-daily)
- Create a secret to host the cert, key, and ca needed for pilot to communicate with copilot over mutual TLS. This can be done by running the following:
kubectl create secret generic cf-mcp-certs --from-file=cert=/tmp/cert.pem --from-file=key=/tmp/key.pem --from-file=ca=/tmp/ca.pem -n istio-system
The ca, cert and key should come from credhub: (, pilot.cert, pilot.key). Copilot and Pilot should have the same ca, and have a cert and key generated from that ca.
Update the istio-pilot deployment to mount the secret to a specific location. You can pattern match from other volume_mounts with secrets
Update the istio configMap to include a configSources section that will let pilot know to connect to copilot. The updated mesh section of the configSource will look as follows:
mesh: "# Set the following variable to true to disable policy checks by the Mixer.\n#
Note that metrics will still be reported to the Mixer.\ndisablePolicyChecks: false\n\n#
Set enableTracing to false to disable request tracing.\nenableTracing: true\n\n#
Set accessLogFile to empty string to disable access log.\naccessLogFile: \"/dev/stdout\"\n\n#
If accessLogEncoding is TEXT, value will be used directly as the log format\n#
If AccessLogEncoding is JSON, value will be parsed as map[string]string\n# example:
'{\"start_time\": \"%START_TIME%\", \"req_method\": \"%REQ(:METHOD)%\"}'\n# Leave
empty to use default log format\naccessLogFormat: ''\n\n# Set accessLogEncoding
to JSON or TEXT to configure sidecar access log\naccessLogEncoding: 'TEXT'\n\n#\n#
Deprecated: mixer is using EDS\nmixerCheckServer: istio-policy.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:9091\nmixerReportServer:
istio-telemetry.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:9091\n\n# policyCheckFailOpen allows
traffic in cases when the mixer policy service cannot be reached.\n# Default is
false which means the traffic is denied when the client is unable to connect to
Mixer.\npolicyCheckFailOpen: false\n\n# Unix Domain Socket through which envoy
communicates with NodeAgent SDS to get\n# key/cert for mTLS. Use secret-mount
files instead of SDS if set to empty. \nsdsUdsPath: \n\n# This flag is used by
secret discovery service(SDS). \n# If set to true(prerequisite:,
Istio will inject volumes mount \n# for k8s service account JWT, so that K8s API
server mounts k8s service account JWT to envoy container, which \n# will be used
to generate key/cert eventually. This isn't supported for non-k8s case.\nenableSdsTokenMount:
false\n\n# This flag is used by secret discovery service(SDS). \n# If set to true,
envoy will fetch normal k8s service account JWT from '/var/run/secrets/'
\n# (
\n# and pass to sds server, which will be used to request key/cert eventually.
\n# this flag is ignored if enableSdsTokenMount is set.\n# This isn't supported
for non-k8s case.\nsdsUseK8sSaJwt: false\n\n# The trust domain corresponds to
the trust root of a system.\n# Refer to\ntrustDomain:
\n\n#\ndefaultConfig:\n #\n # TCP connection timeout between Envoy & the application,
and between Envoys.\n connectTimeout: 10s\n #\n ### ADVANCED SETTINGS #############\n
\ # Where should envoy's configuration be stored in the istio-proxy container\n
\ configPath: \"/etc/istio/proxy\"\n binaryPath: \"/usr/local/bin/envoy\"\n #
The pseudo service name used for Envoy.\n serviceCluster: istio-proxy\n # These
settings that determine how long an old Envoy\n # process should be kept alive
after an occasional reload.\n drainDuration: 45s\n parentShutdownDuration: 1m0s\n
\ #\n # The mode used to redirect inbound connections to Envoy. This setting\n
\ # has no effect on outbound traffic: iptables REDIRECT is always used for\n
\ # outbound connections.\n # If \"REDIRECT\", use iptables REDIRECT to NAT and
redirect to Envoy.\n # The \"REDIRECT\" mode loses source addresses during redirection.\n
\ # If \"TPROXY\", use iptables TPROXY to redirect to Envoy.\n # The \"TPROXY\"
mode preserves both the source and destination IP\n # addresses and ports, so
that they can be used for advanced filtering\n # and manipulation.\n # The \"TPROXY\"
mode also configures the sidecar to run with the\n # CAP_NET_ADMIN capability,
which is required to use TPROXY.\n #interceptionMode: REDIRECT\n #\n # Port
where Envoy listens (on local host) for admin commands\n # You can exec into
the istio-proxy container in a pod and\n # curl the admin port (curl http://localhost:15000/)
to obtain\n # diagnostic information from Envoy. See\n #\n
\ # for more details\n proxyAdminPort: 15000\n #\n # Set concurrency to a specific
number to control the number of Proxy worker threads.\n # If set to 0 (default),
then start worker thread for each CPU thread/core.\n concurrency: 0\n #\n tracing:\n
\ zipkin:\n # Address of the Zipkin collector\n address: zipkin.istio-system:9411\n
\ #\n # Mutual TLS authentication between sidecars and istio control plane.\n
\ controlPlaneAuthPolicy: NONE\n #\n # Address where istio Pilot service is
running\n discoveryAddress: istio-pilot.istio-system:15010\nconfigSources:\n
\ #\n - address:\n #\n tlsSettings:\n #\n
\ mode: 2\n clientCertificate: /etc/istio/cf-mcp-certs/cert\n privateKey:
/etc/istio/cf-mcp-certs/key\n caCertificates: /etc/istio/cf-mcp-certs/ca"
- Restart the pilot pod by deleting the existing one. Exec onto the pod and update the
file to
to the internal ip of theistio-control
vm. (OR TRY adding a service entry to resolve this address -- talk to Gabe for more info)
Right now, we see from looking at pilot logs that pilot is getting the config from copilot
curl localhost:9093/debug/configz
However, it looks like istio ingressgateway is not receiving this configuration from pilot. Once it does, it should be as simple as pointing the DNS entry for *.istio.<cf-system-domain
at the istio ingressgateway (set up a load balancer to forward to a worker vm and port 31380).