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Last active October 11, 2017 20:39
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  • Save angelo510/5c13694c75eb7d0c17eee61752ffabf4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save angelo510/5c13694c75eb7d0c17eee61752ffabf4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
inputProducts = gets
total = 0
products = {
"A" => { "1" => 2.00, "4" => 7.00 },
"B" => { "1" => 12.00 },
"C" => { "1" => 1.25, "6" => 6.00 },
"D" => { "1" => 0.15 }
inputArray = inputProducts.split('') # input products
counts = # number of item
products.each_key do |key|
counts[key] = inputArray.count(key)
total = 0.0
counts.each_key do |key|
if products[key].count > 1
groupKey = products[key].keys[1]
groupUnit = counts[key] / groupKey.to_i
singleCount = counts[key] % groupKey.to_i
subtotal = groupUnit * products[key][groupKey] + singleCount * products[key]['1']
total += subtotal
subtotal = counts[key] * products[key]['1']
total += subtotal
puts "Subtotal: #{subtotal}"
puts "Final Total: #{total}"
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