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Created September 26, 2020 09:25
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NoFib Results
Program Size Allocs Runtime Elapsed TotalMem
CS -0.1% 0.0% 0.122 0.122 0.0%
CSD -0.1% 0.0% +2.6% +2.6% 0.0%
FS -0.3% 0.0% -2.4% -2.5% 0.0%
S -0.0% 0.0% +0.1% +0.1% 0.0%
VS -0.1% 0.0% +4.0% +3.9% 0.0%
VSD -0.0% 0.0% 0.015 0.015 0.0%
VSM -0.2% 0.0% -2.1% -2.1% 0.0%
anna -14.1% 0.0% -2.1% -2.1% 0.0%
ansi -0.5% 0.0% -5.1% -5.1% 0.0%
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banner +0.1% 0.0% +2.9% +2.9% 0.0%
bernouilli -0.3% 0.0% -1.5% -1.6% 0.0%
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clausify -1.1% 0.0% +1.9% +2.1% 0.0%
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digits-of-e2 -0.2% 0.0% -0.4% -0.4% 0.0%
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event -0.7% 0.0% +1.1% +1.1% 0.0%
exact-reals -6.7% 0.0% +2.5% +2.5% 0.0%
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expert -1.8% 0.0% -0.4% -0.4% 0.0%
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fem -5.5% 0.0% +2.6% +2.6% 0.0%
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lcss -0.7% 0.0% +2.2% +2.2% 0.0%
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mandel2 -0.7% 0.0% +28.3% +28.2% 0.0%
mate -5.2% 0.0% +8.1% +8.1% 0.0%
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mkhprog -1.8% 0.0% +6.9% +6.8% 0.0%
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para -3.8% 0.0% +1.4% +1.4% 0.0%
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rsa -0.2% 0.0% -1.1% -1.1% 0.0%
scc -0.1% 0.0% 0.000 0.000 0.0%
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sphere -4.5% 0.0% +1.3% +1.3% 0.0%
symalg -3.0% 0.0% +0.5% +0.5% 0.0%
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wheel-sieve2 -0.8% 0.0% -2.6% -2.6% 0.0%
x2n1 -0.1% 0.0% -18.3% -18.3% 0.0%
Min -14.1% 0.0% -18.3% -18.3% 0.0%
Max +0.1% 0.0% +41.5% +41.4% 0.0%
Geometric Mean -1.9% -0.0% +3.5% +3.5% -0.0%
Binary Sizes
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 843154 -0.1%
CSD 840172 -0.1%
FS 851426 -0.3%
S 843170 -0.0%
VS 843906 -0.1%
VSD 835628 -0.0%
VSM 856002 -0.2%
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linear 1327886 -3.0%
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nucleic2 1201592 -3.3%
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pic 1132870 -1.5%
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reptile 1293678 -3.7%
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sched 1042438 -0.6%
scs 1468183 -4.2%
simple 1572043 -9.5%
solid 1154687 -1.2%
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sphere 1166893 -4.5%
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tak 1011134 -0.1%
transform 1270830 -5.5%
treejoin 906268 -0.7%
typecheck 1077326 -1.4%
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wang 1119154 -1.3%
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wheel-sieve2 1046526 -0.8%
x2n1 1031281 -0.1%
-1 s.d. ----- -4.3%
+1 s.d. ----- +0.6%
Average ----- -1.9%
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 160050448 0.0%
CSD 1600050576 0.0%
FS 1760050448 0.0%
S 240050400 0.0%
VS 483117328 0.0%
VSD 50544 0.0%
VSM 2720050544 0.0%
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wheel-sieve2 2427575616 0.0%
x2n1 256057400 0.0%
-1 s.d. ----- -0.0%
+1 s.d. ----- 0.0%
Average ----- -0.0%
Run Time
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 0.111 0.122
CSD 0.949 +2.6%
FS 0.539 -2.4%
S 1.187 +0.1%
VS 0.440 +4.0%
VSD 0.000 0.015
VSM 1.371 -2.1%
anna 3.262 -2.1%
ansi 3.021 -5.1%
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boyer 4.025 -1.3%
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cacheprof 2.406 +4.4%
calendar 2.359 +3.2%
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clausify 2.742 +1.9%
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cryptarithm2 2.440 +6.5%
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fft 2.387 +3.3%
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genfft 4.736 +1.2%
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ida 2.809 +2.7%
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mkhprog 1.688 +6.9%
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para 3.001 +1.4%
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rsa 1.665 -1.1%
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simple 5.586 +1.8%
solid 2.920 +6.4%
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spectral-norm 2.124 +0.0%
sphere 2.212 +1.3%
symalg 2.133 +0.5%
tak 1.549 +35.7%
transform 2.376 +2.3%
treejoin 3.683 +0.7%
typecheck 2.034 +0.8%
veritas 2.231 +2.3%
wang 4.664 +3.7%
wave4main 2.793 +5.3%
wheel-sieve1 1.285 +10.5%
wheel-sieve2 3.539 -2.6%
x2n1 2.041 -18.3%
-1 s.d. ----- -5.1%
+1 s.d. ----- +13.0%
Average ----- +3.5%
Elapsed Time
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 0.112 0.122
CSD 0.951 +2.6%
FS 0.540 -2.5%
S 1.191 +0.1%
VS 0.441 +3.9%
VSD 0.000 0.015
VSM 1.374 -2.1%
anna 3.271 -2.1%
ansi 3.028 -5.1%
atom 5.463 -2.7%
awards 2.653 +7.7%
banner 2.646 +2.9%
bernouilli 2.327 -1.6%
binary-trees 4.373 +1.7%
boyer 4.034 -1.3%
boyer2 2.596 +4.4%
bspt 2.140 +34.0%
cacheprof 2.412 +4.4%
calendar 2.364 +3.2%
cichelli 2.241 +13.1%
circsim 3.708 +2.4%
clausify 2.749 +2.1%
comp_lab_zift 3.755 +0.7%
compress 1.991 +2.4%
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constraints 2.863 +4.7%
cryptarithm1 2.064 +13.1%
cryptarithm2 2.445 +6.5%
cse 2.446 -1.2%
digits-of-e1 1.283 -1.0%
digits-of-e2 1.564 -0.4%
dom-lt 3.089 +5.3%
eliza 2.360 -2.7%
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fem 2.034 +2.6%
fft 2.393 +3.3%
fft2 2.322 +7.4%
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fluid 2.028 +1.5%
fulsom 1.629 +0.7%
gamteb 4.233 +0.4%
gcd 1.850 +2.9%
gen_regexps 1.376 +25.3%
genfft 4.747 +1.2%
gg 3.059 -1.8%
grep 3.270 +2.4%
hidden 3.327 -2.7%
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ida 2.816 +2.7%
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kahan 1.836 +41.4%
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lambda 2.420 +1.7%
last-piece 0.623 +1.5%
lcss 5.296 +2.2%
life 4.794 -7.4%
lift 2.186 -2.7%
linear 4.482 +1.2%
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maillist 3.161 -11.0%
mandel 1.856 -1.2%
mandel2 1.232 +28.2%
mate 3.240 +8.1%
minimax 1.776 +0.8%
mkhprog 1.692 +6.8%
multiplier 6.176 +0.2%
n-body 2.101 +33.0%
nucleic2 2.447 -8.5%
para 3.008 +1.4%
paraffins 4.821 -0.2%
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transform 2.382 +2.3%
treejoin 3.695 +0.6%
typecheck 2.039 +0.8%
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wheel-sieve2 3.548 -2.6%
x2n1 2.045 -18.3%
-1 s.d. ----- -5.1%
+1 s.d. ----- +13.0%
Average ----- +3.5%
Mutator Time
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 0.110 0.121
CSD 0.935 +2.7%
FS 0.526 -2.6%
S 0.019 0.019
VS 0.305 +5.3%
VSD 0.000 0.015
VSM 1.349 -2.1%
anna 2.725 -1.9%
ansi 2.601 -5.7%
atom 2.536 -2.1%
awards 2.550 +8.0%
banner 2.511 +2.8%
bernouilli 2.273 -1.5%
binary-trees 4.328 +1.8%
boyer 2.331 +0.7%
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bspt 2.097 +34.7%
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digits-of-e2 1.414 -0.6%
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eliza 2.294 -2.7%
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fft 1.132 +3.5%
fft2 1.909 +9.7%
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fulsom 1.173 +0.3%
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genfft 2.493 +2.2%
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grep 2.721 +2.4%
hidden 3.189 -2.5%
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ida 2.162 +2.6%
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last-piece 0.448 +2.1%
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linear 3.468 +2.1%
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mate 3.080 +8.4%
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mkhprog 1.505 +7.8%
multiplier 2.229 +0.2%
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scs 1.975 -1.8%
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tak 1.549 +35.7%
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treejoin 1.313 +3.6%
typecheck 1.975 +0.9%
veritas 1.741 +2.3%
wang 2.246 +3.8%
wave4main 2.354 +7.1%
wheel-sieve1 1.205 +11.3%
wheel-sieve2 1.000 +1.2%
x2n1 2.039 -18.3%
-1 s.d. ----- -5.0%
+1 s.d. ----- +13.7%
Average ----- +3.9%
Mutator Elapsed Time
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 0.110 0.121
CSD 0.937 +2.7%
FS 0.526 -2.7%
S 0.019 0.019
VS 0.306 +5.2%
VSD 0.000 0.015
VSM 1.352 -2.1%
anna 2.730 -1.9%
ansi 2.603 -5.7%
atom 2.539 -2.1%
awards 2.557 +8.0%
banner 2.517 +2.8%
bernouilli 2.279 -1.5%
binary-trees 4.338 +1.8%
boyer 2.331 +0.6%
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bspt 2.101 +34.7%
cacheprof 1.570 +5.9%
calendar 2.272 +3.4%
cichelli 1.599 +18.2%
circsim 3.199 +2.6%
clausify 1.954 +3.9%
comp_lab_zift 2.423 +0.9%
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compress2 1.754 +1.8%
constraints 2.377 +5.0%
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eliza 2.299 -2.7%
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fft2 1.913 +9.7%
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genfft 2.492 +2.2%
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grep 2.725 +2.4%
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ida 2.164 +2.6%
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linear 3.471 +2.1%
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mkhprog 1.508 +7.8%
multiplier 2.230 +0.2%
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nucleic2 2.358 -8.8%
para 2.474 +1.2%
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parser 1.519 +9.5%
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transform 1.997 +2.8%
treejoin 1.314 +3.5%
typecheck 1.980 +0.8%
veritas 1.744 +2.2%
wang 2.247 +3.8%
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wheel-sieve1 1.208 +11.3%
wheel-sieve2 1.000 +1.3%
x2n1 2.043 -18.3%
-1 s.d. ----- -5.0%
+1 s.d. ----- +13.7%
Average ----- +3.9%
GC Time
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 0.001 0.001
CSD 0.013 0.013
FS 0.013 0.014
S 1.168 +0.1%
VS 0.135 0.136
VSD 0.000 0.000
VSM 0.022 0.021
anna 0.537 -3.3%
ansi 0.420 -1.5%
atom 2.913 -3.1%
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calendar 0.093 0.092
cichelli 0.638 +0.4%
circsim 0.507 +0.7%
clausify 0.791 -2.8%
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compress 0.578 -0.9%
compress2 0.838 -0.3%
constraints 0.484 +3.4%
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gg 1.341 -1.4%
grep 0.541 +2.1%
hidden 0.130 0.123
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pic 1.276 -2.9%
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solid 0.596 +0.9%
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wheel-sieve2 2.539 -4.2%
x2n1 0.002 0.002
-1 s.d. ----- -2.1%
+1 s.d. ----- +2.3%
Average ----- +0.1%
GC Elapsed Time
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 0.002 0.001
CSD 0.014 0.014
FS 0.014 0.015
S 1.172 +0.1%
VS 0.135 0.137
VSD 0.000 0.000
VSM 0.022 0.021
anna 0.541 -3.3%
ansi 0.425 -1.6%
atom 2.924 -3.1%
awards 0.096 0.095
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compress2 0.843 -0.3%
constraints 0.486 +3.3%
cryptarithm1 0.060 0.065
cryptarithm2 0.074 0.076
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digits-of-e2 0.147 0.150
dom-lt 0.307 +0.3%
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grep 0.545 +2.0%
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x2n1 0.002 0.002
-1 s.d. ----- -2.1%
+1 s.d. ----- +2.4%
Average ----- +0.1%
GC(0) Count
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 152 0.0%
CSD 1530 0.0%
FS 1697 0.0%
S 222 0.0%
VS 375 0.0%
VSD 0 0.0%
VSM 2603 0.0%
anna 1859 0.0%
ansi 7147 0.0%
atom 2191 0.0%
awards 4568 0.0%
banner 5839 0.0%
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k-nucleotide 8 0.0%
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x2n1 243 0.0%
-1 s.d. ----- -0.0%
+1 s.d. ----- +0.0%
Average ----- -0.0%
GC(0) Time
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 0.001 0.001
CSD 0.013 0.013
FS 0.013 0.014
S 0.419 -0.1%
VS 0.080 0.080
VSD 0.000 0.000
VSM 0.021 0.021
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atom 2.273 -3.1%
awards 0.096 0.095
banner 0.122 0.128
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pic 1.069 -3.0%
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x2n1 0.002 0.002
-1 s.d. ----- -2.1%
+1 s.d. ----- +2.4%
Average ----- +0.1%
GC(0) Elapsed Time
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 0.001 0.001
CSD 0.014 0.014
FS 0.014 0.015
S 0.420 -0.1%
VS 0.081 0.081
VSD 0.000 0.000
VSM 0.022 0.021
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atom 2.281 -3.2%
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fft2 0.369 -3.2%
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gg 0.813 -1.7%
grep 0.437 +2.6%
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x2n1 0.002 0.002
-1 s.d. ----- -2.1%
+1 s.d. ----- +2.3%
Average ----- +0.1%
GC(1) Count
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 2 0.0%
CSD 2 0.0%
FS 2 0.0%
S 8 0.0%
VS 8 0.0%
VSD 1 0.0%
VSM 2 0.0%
anna 102 0.0%
ansi 54 0.0%
atom 630 0.0%
awards 2 0.0%
banner 33 0.0%
bernouilli 4 0.0%
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cichelli 83 0.0%
circsim 22 0.0%
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cse 2 0.0%
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digits-of-e2 3 0.0%
dom-lt 8 0.0%
eliza 2 0.0%
event 356 0.0%
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exp3_8 2 0.0%
expert 2 0.0%
fannkuch-redux 1 0.0%
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fft2 84 0.0%
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hidden 17 0.0%
hpg 183 0.0%
ida 45 0.0%
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integrate 2 0.0%
k-nucleotide 2 0.0%
kahan 1 0.0%
knights 14 0.0%
lambda 153 0.0%
last-piece 56 0.0%
lcss 359 0.0%
life 343 0.0%
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linear 246 0.0%
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listcopy 2 0.0%
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x2n1 2 0.0%
-1 s.d. ----- -0.1%
+1 s.d. ----- +0.1%
Average ----- +0.0%
GC(1) Time
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 0.000 0.000
CSD 0.000 0.000
FS 0.000 0.000
S 0.749 +0.2%
VS 0.055 0.056
VSD 0.000 0.000
VSM 0.000 0.000
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-1 s.d. ----- -2.2%
+1 s.d. ----- +1.6%
Average ----- -0.3%
GC(1) Elapsed Time
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 0.000 0.000
CSD 0.000 0.000
FS 0.000 0.000
S 0.751 +0.2%
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x2n1 0.000 0.000
-1 s.d. ----- -2.2%
+1 s.d. ----- +1.5%
Average ----- -0.3%
GC Work
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 18296 0.0%
CSD 446688 0.0%
FS 203576 0.0%
S 855386304 0.0%
VS 39712 0.0%
VSD 3320 0.0%
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+1 s.d. ----- +0.2%
Average ----- -0.0%
GC work balance
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 1.000 0.0%
CSD 1.000 0.0%
FS 1.000 0.0%
S 1.000 0.0%
VS 1.000 0.0%
VSD 1.000 0.0%
VSM 1.000 0.0%
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expert 1.000 0.0%
fannkuch-redux 1.000 0.0%
fasta 1.000 0.0%
fem 1.000 0.0%
fft 1.000 0.0%
fft2 1.000 0.0%
fibheaps 1.000 0.0%
fish 1.000 0.0%
fluid 1.000 0.0%
fulsom 1.000 0.0%
gamteb 1.000 0.0%
gcd 1.000 0.0%
gen_regexps 1.000 0.0%
genfft 1.000 0.0%
gg 1.000 0.0%
grep 1.000 0.0%
hidden 1.000 0.0%
hpg 1.000 0.0%
ida 1.000 0.0%
infer 1.000 0.0%
integer 1.000 0.0%
integrate 1.000 0.0%
k-nucleotide 1.000 0.0%
kahan 1.000 0.0%
knights 1.000 0.0%
lambda 1.000 0.0%
last-piece 1.000 0.0%
lcss 1.000 0.0%
life 1.000 0.0%
lift 1.000 0.0%
linear 1.000 0.0%
listcompr 1.000 0.0%
listcopy 1.000 0.0%
maillist 1.000 0.0%
mandel 1.000 0.0%
mandel2 1.000 0.0%
mate 1.000 0.0%
minimax 1.000 0.0%
mkhprog 1.000 0.0%
multiplier 1.000 0.0%
n-body 1.000 0.0%
nucleic2 1.000 0.0%
para 1.000 0.0%
paraffins 1.000 0.0%
parser 1.000 0.0%
parstof 1.000 0.0%
pic 1.000 0.0%
pidigits 1.000 0.0%
power 1.000 0.0%
pretty 1.000 0.0%
primes 1.000 0.0%
primetest 1.000 0.0%
prolog 1.000 0.0%
puzzle 1.000 0.0%
queens 1.000 0.0%
reptile 1.000 0.0%
reverse-complem 1.000 0.0%
rewrite 1.000 0.0%
rfib 1.000 0.0%
rsa 1.000 0.0%
scc 1.000 0.0%
sched 1.000 0.0%
scs 1.000 0.0%
simple 1.000 0.0%
solid 1.000 0.0%
sorting 1.000 0.0%
spectral-norm 1.000 0.0%
sphere 1.000 0.0%
symalg 1.000 0.0%
tak 1.000 0.0%
transform 1.000 0.0%
treejoin 1.000 0.0%
typecheck 1.000 0.0%
veritas 1.000 0.0%
wang 1.000 0.0%
wave4main 1.000 0.0%
wheel-sieve1 1.000 0.0%
wheel-sieve2 1.000 0.0%
x2n1 1.000 0.0%
-1 s.d. ----- -0.0%
+1 s.d. ----- 0.0%
Average ----- -0.0%
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS (no result) (no result)
CSD (no result) (no result)
FS (no result) (no result)
S (no result) (no result)
VS (no result) (no result)
VSD (no result) (no result)
VSM (no result) (no result)
anna (no result) (no result)
ansi (no result) (no result)
atom (no result) (no result)
awards (no result) (no result)
banner (no result) (no result)
bernouilli (no result) (no result)
binary-trees (no result) (no result)
boyer (no result) (no result)
boyer2 (no result) (no result)
bspt (no result) (no result)
cacheprof (no result) (no result)
calendar (no result) (no result)
cichelli (no result) (no result)
circsim (no result) (no result)
clausify (no result) (no result)
comp_lab_zift (no result) (no result)
compress (no result) (no result)
compress2 (no result) (no result)
constraints (no result) (no result)
cryptarithm1 (no result) (no result)
cryptarithm2 (no result) (no result)
cse (no result) (no result)
digits-of-e1 (no result) (no result)
digits-of-e2 (no result) (no result)
dom-lt (no result) (no result)
eliza (no result) (no result)
event (no result) (no result)
exact-reals (no result) (no result)
exp3_8 (no result) (no result)
expert (no result) (no result)
fannkuch-redux (no result) (no result)
fasta (no result) (no result)
fem (no result) (no result)
fft (no result) (no result)
fft2 (no result) (no result)
fibheaps (no result) (no result)
fish (no result) (no result)
fluid (no result) (no result)
fulsom (no result) (no result)
gamteb (no result) (no result)
gcd (no result) (no result)
gen_regexps (no result) (no result)
genfft (no result) (no result)
gg (no result) (no result)
grep (no result) (no result)
hidden (no result) (no result)
hpg (no result) (no result)
ida (no result) (no result)
infer (no result) (no result)
integer (no result) (no result)
integrate (no result) (no result)
k-nucleotide (no result) (no result)
kahan (no result) (no result)
knights (no result) (no result)
lambda (no result) (no result)
last-piece (no result) (no result)
lcss (no result) (no result)
life (no result) (no result)
lift (no result) (no result)
linear (no result) (no result)
listcompr (no result) (no result)
listcopy (no result) (no result)
maillist (no result) (no result)
mandel (no result) (no result)
mandel2 (no result) (no result)
mate (no result) (no result)
minimax (no result) (no result)
mkhprog (no result) (no result)
multiplier (no result) (no result)
n-body (no result) (no result)
nucleic2 (no result) (no result)
para (no result) (no result)
paraffins (no result) (no result)
parser (no result) (no result)
parstof (no result) (no result)
pic (no result) (no result)
pidigits (no result) (no result)
power (no result) (no result)
pretty (no result) (no result)
primes (no result) (no result)
primetest (no result) (no result)
prolog (no result) (no result)
puzzle (no result) (no result)
queens (no result) (no result)
reptile (no result) (no result)
reverse-complem (no result) (no result)
rewrite (no result) (no result)
rfib (no result) (no result)
rsa (no result) (no result)
scc (no result) (no result)
sched (no result) (no result)
scs (no result) (no result)
simple (no result) (no result)
solid (no result) (no result)
sorting (no result) (no result)
spectral-norm (no result) (no result)
sphere (no result) (no result)
symalg (no result) (no result)
tak (no result) (no result)
transform (no result) (no result)
treejoin (no result) (no result)
typecheck (no result) (no result)
veritas (no result) (no result)
wang (no result) (no result)
wave4main (no result) (no result)
wheel-sieve1 (no result) (no result)
wheel-sieve2 (no result) (no result)
x2n1 (no result) (no result)
-1 s.d. ----- -----
+1 s.d. ----- -----
Average ----- -----
Memory Reads
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS (no result) (no result)
CSD (no result) (no result)
FS (no result) (no result)
S (no result) (no result)
VS (no result) (no result)
VSD (no result) (no result)
VSM (no result) (no result)
anna (no result) (no result)
ansi (no result) (no result)
atom (no result) (no result)
awards (no result) (no result)
banner (no result) (no result)
bernouilli (no result) (no result)
binary-trees (no result) (no result)
boyer (no result) (no result)
boyer2 (no result) (no result)
bspt (no result) (no result)
cacheprof (no result) (no result)
calendar (no result) (no result)
cichelli (no result) (no result)
circsim (no result) (no result)
clausify (no result) (no result)
comp_lab_zift (no result) (no result)
compress (no result) (no result)
compress2 (no result) (no result)
constraints (no result) (no result)
cryptarithm1 (no result) (no result)
cryptarithm2 (no result) (no result)
cse (no result) (no result)
digits-of-e1 (no result) (no result)
digits-of-e2 (no result) (no result)
dom-lt (no result) (no result)
eliza (no result) (no result)
event (no result) (no result)
exact-reals (no result) (no result)
exp3_8 (no result) (no result)
expert (no result) (no result)
fannkuch-redux (no result) (no result)
fasta (no result) (no result)
fem (no result) (no result)
fft (no result) (no result)
fft2 (no result) (no result)
fibheaps (no result) (no result)
fish (no result) (no result)
fluid (no result) (no result)
fulsom (no result) (no result)
gamteb (no result) (no result)
gcd (no result) (no result)
gen_regexps (no result) (no result)
genfft (no result) (no result)
gg (no result) (no result)
grep (no result) (no result)
hidden (no result) (no result)
hpg (no result) (no result)
ida (no result) (no result)
infer (no result) (no result)
integer (no result) (no result)
integrate (no result) (no result)
k-nucleotide (no result) (no result)
kahan (no result) (no result)
knights (no result) (no result)
lambda (no result) (no result)
last-piece (no result) (no result)
lcss (no result) (no result)
life (no result) (no result)
lift (no result) (no result)
linear (no result) (no result)
listcompr (no result) (no result)
listcopy (no result) (no result)
maillist (no result) (no result)
mandel (no result) (no result)
mandel2 (no result) (no result)
mate (no result) (no result)
minimax (no result) (no result)
mkhprog (no result) (no result)
multiplier (no result) (no result)
n-body (no result) (no result)
nucleic2 (no result) (no result)
para (no result) (no result)
paraffins (no result) (no result)
parser (no result) (no result)
parstof (no result) (no result)
pic (no result) (no result)
pidigits (no result) (no result)
power (no result) (no result)
pretty (no result) (no result)
primes (no result) (no result)
primetest (no result) (no result)
prolog (no result) (no result)
puzzle (no result) (no result)
queens (no result) (no result)
reptile (no result) (no result)
reverse-complem (no result) (no result)
rewrite (no result) (no result)
rfib (no result) (no result)
rsa (no result) (no result)
scc (no result) (no result)
sched (no result) (no result)
scs (no result) (no result)
simple (no result) (no result)
solid (no result) (no result)
sorting (no result) (no result)
spectral-norm (no result) (no result)
sphere (no result) (no result)
symalg (no result) (no result)
tak (no result) (no result)
transform (no result) (no result)
treejoin (no result) (no result)
typecheck (no result) (no result)
veritas (no result) (no result)
wang (no result) (no result)
wave4main (no result) (no result)
wheel-sieve1 (no result) (no result)
wheel-sieve2 (no result) (no result)
x2n1 (no result) (no result)
-1 s.d. ----- -----
+1 s.d. ----- -----
Average ----- -----
Memory Writes
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS (no result) (no result)
CSD (no result) (no result)
FS (no result) (no result)
S (no result) (no result)
VS (no result) (no result)
VSD (no result) (no result)
VSM (no result) (no result)
anna (no result) (no result)
ansi (no result) (no result)
atom (no result) (no result)
awards (no result) (no result)
banner (no result) (no result)
bernouilli (no result) (no result)
binary-trees (no result) (no result)
boyer (no result) (no result)
boyer2 (no result) (no result)
bspt (no result) (no result)
cacheprof (no result) (no result)
calendar (no result) (no result)
cichelli (no result) (no result)
circsim (no result) (no result)
clausify (no result) (no result)
comp_lab_zift (no result) (no result)
compress (no result) (no result)
compress2 (no result) (no result)
constraints (no result) (no result)
cryptarithm1 (no result) (no result)
cryptarithm2 (no result) (no result)
cse (no result) (no result)
digits-of-e1 (no result) (no result)
digits-of-e2 (no result) (no result)
dom-lt (no result) (no result)
eliza (no result) (no result)
event (no result) (no result)
exact-reals (no result) (no result)
exp3_8 (no result) (no result)
expert (no result) (no result)
fannkuch-redux (no result) (no result)
fasta (no result) (no result)
fem (no result) (no result)
fft (no result) (no result)
fft2 (no result) (no result)
fibheaps (no result) (no result)
fish (no result) (no result)
fluid (no result) (no result)
fulsom (no result) (no result)
gamteb (no result) (no result)
gcd (no result) (no result)
gen_regexps (no result) (no result)
genfft (no result) (no result)
gg (no result) (no result)
grep (no result) (no result)
hidden (no result) (no result)
hpg (no result) (no result)
ida (no result) (no result)
infer (no result) (no result)
integer (no result) (no result)
integrate (no result) (no result)
k-nucleotide (no result) (no result)
kahan (no result) (no result)
knights (no result) (no result)
lambda (no result) (no result)
last-piece (no result) (no result)
lcss (no result) (no result)
life (no result) (no result)
lift (no result) (no result)
linear (no result) (no result)
listcompr (no result) (no result)
listcopy (no result) (no result)
maillist (no result) (no result)
mandel (no result) (no result)
mandel2 (no result) (no result)
mate (no result) (no result)
minimax (no result) (no result)
mkhprog (no result) (no result)
multiplier (no result) (no result)
n-body (no result) (no result)
nucleic2 (no result) (no result)
para (no result) (no result)
paraffins (no result) (no result)
parser (no result) (no result)
parstof (no result) (no result)
pic (no result) (no result)
pidigits (no result) (no result)
power (no result) (no result)
pretty (no result) (no result)
primes (no result) (no result)
primetest (no result) (no result)
prolog (no result) (no result)
puzzle (no result) (no result)
queens (no result) (no result)
reptile (no result) (no result)
reverse-complem (no result) (no result)
rewrite (no result) (no result)
rfib (no result) (no result)
rsa (no result) (no result)
scc (no result) (no result)
sched (no result) (no result)
scs (no result) (no result)
simple (no result) (no result)
solid (no result) (no result)
sorting (no result) (no result)
spectral-norm (no result) (no result)
sphere (no result) (no result)
symalg (no result) (no result)
tak (no result) (no result)
transform (no result) (no result)
treejoin (no result) (no result)
typecheck (no result) (no result)
veritas (no result) (no result)
wang (no result) (no result)
wave4main (no result) (no result)
wheel-sieve1 (no result) (no result)
wheel-sieve2 (no result) (no result)
x2n1 (no result) (no result)
-1 s.d. ----- -----
+1 s.d. ----- -----
Average ----- -----
Cache Misses
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS (no result) (no result)
CSD (no result) (no result)
FS (no result) (no result)
S (no result) (no result)
VS (no result) (no result)
VSD (no result) (no result)
VSM (no result) (no result)
anna (no result) (no result)
ansi (no result) (no result)
atom (no result) (no result)
awards (no result) (no result)
banner (no result) (no result)
bernouilli (no result) (no result)
binary-trees (no result) (no result)
boyer (no result) (no result)
boyer2 (no result) (no result)
bspt (no result) (no result)
cacheprof (no result) (no result)
calendar (no result) (no result)
cichelli (no result) (no result)
circsim (no result) (no result)
clausify (no result) (no result)
comp_lab_zift (no result) (no result)
compress (no result) (no result)
compress2 (no result) (no result)
constraints (no result) (no result)
cryptarithm1 (no result) (no result)
cryptarithm2 (no result) (no result)
cse (no result) (no result)
digits-of-e1 (no result) (no result)
digits-of-e2 (no result) (no result)
dom-lt (no result) (no result)
eliza (no result) (no result)
event (no result) (no result)
exact-reals (no result) (no result)
exp3_8 (no result) (no result)
expert (no result) (no result)
fannkuch-redux (no result) (no result)
fasta (no result) (no result)
fem (no result) (no result)
fft (no result) (no result)
fft2 (no result) (no result)
fibheaps (no result) (no result)
fish (no result) (no result)
fluid (no result) (no result)
fulsom (no result) (no result)
gamteb (no result) (no result)
gcd (no result) (no result)
gen_regexps (no result) (no result)
genfft (no result) (no result)
gg (no result) (no result)
grep (no result) (no result)
hidden (no result) (no result)
hpg (no result) (no result)
ida (no result) (no result)
infer (no result) (no result)
integer (no result) (no result)
integrate (no result) (no result)
k-nucleotide (no result) (no result)
kahan (no result) (no result)
knights (no result) (no result)
lambda (no result) (no result)
last-piece (no result) (no result)
lcss (no result) (no result)
life (no result) (no result)
lift (no result) (no result)
linear (no result) (no result)
listcompr (no result) (no result)
listcopy (no result) (no result)
maillist (no result) (no result)
mandel (no result) (no result)
mandel2 (no result) (no result)
mate (no result) (no result)
minimax (no result) (no result)
mkhprog (no result) (no result)
multiplier (no result) (no result)
n-body (no result) (no result)
nucleic2 (no result) (no result)
para (no result) (no result)
paraffins (no result) (no result)
parser (no result) (no result)
parstof (no result) (no result)
pic (no result) (no result)
pidigits (no result) (no result)
power (no result) (no result)
pretty (no result) (no result)
primes (no result) (no result)
primetest (no result) (no result)
prolog (no result) (no result)
puzzle (no result) (no result)
queens (no result) (no result)
reptile (no result) (no result)
reverse-complem (no result) (no result)
rewrite (no result) (no result)
rfib (no result) (no result)
rsa (no result) (no result)
scc (no result) (no result)
sched (no result) (no result)
scs (no result) (no result)
simple (no result) (no result)
solid (no result) (no result)
sorting (no result) (no result)
spectral-norm (no result) (no result)
sphere (no result) (no result)
symalg (no result) (no result)
tak (no result) (no result)
transform (no result) (no result)
treejoin (no result) (no result)
typecheck (no result) (no result)
veritas (no result) (no result)
wang (no result) (no result)
wave4main (no result) (no result)
wheel-sieve1 (no result) (no result)
wheel-sieve2 (no result) (no result)
x2n1 (no result) (no result)
-1 s.d. ----- -----
+1 s.d. ----- -----
Average ----- -----
Total Memory in use
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
CS 2097152 0.0%
CSD 2097152 0.0%
FS 2097152 0.0%
S 405798912 0.0%
VS 87031808 0.0%
VSD 2097152 0.0%
VSM 2097152 0.0%
anna 3145728 0.0%
ansi 3145728 0.0%
atom 5242880 0.0%
awards 2097152 0.0%
banner 3145728 0.0%
bernouilli 12582912 0.0%
binary-trees 214958080 0.0%
boyer 3145728 0.0%
boyer2 3145728 0.0%
bspt 2097152 0.0%
cacheprof 4194304 0.0%
calendar 2097152 0.0%
cichelli 11534336 0.0%
circsim 33554432 0.0%
clausify 3145728 0.0%
comp_lab_zift 3145728 0.0%
compress 3145728 0.0%
compress2 3145728 0.0%
constraints 3145728 0.0%
cryptarithm1 2097152 0.0%
cryptarithm2 3145728 0.0%
cse 2097152 0.0%
digits-of-e1 2097152 0.0%
digits-of-e2 3145728 0.0%
dom-lt 3145728 0.0%
eliza 2097152 0.0%
event 7340032 0.0%
exact-reals 2097152 0.0%
exp3_8 3145728 0.0%
expert 2097152 0.0%
fannkuch-redux 2097152 0.0%
fasta 2097152 0.0%
fem 3145728 0.0%
fft 4194304 0.0%
fft2 3145728 0.0%
fibheaps 4194304 0.0%
fish 2097152 0.0%
fluid 3145728 0.0%
fulsom 6291456 0.0%
gamteb 3145728 0.0%
gcd 3145728 0.0%
gen_regexps 3145728 0.0%
genfft 3145728 0.0%
gg 4194304 0.0%
grep 10485760 0.0%
hidden 3145728 0.0%
hpg 4194304 0.0%
ida 3145728 0.0%
infer 6291456 0.0%
integer 2097152 0.0%
integrate 2097152 0.0%
k-nucleotide 17825792 0.0%
kahan 2097152 0.0%
knights 3145728 0.0%
lambda 5242880 0.0%
last-piece 3145728 0.0%
lcss 4194304 0.0%
life 3145728 0.0%
lift 2097152 0.0%
linear 3145728 0.0%
listcompr 2097152 0.0%
listcopy 2097152 0.0%
maillist 7340032 0.0%
mandel 2097152 0.0%
mandel2 2097152 0.0%
mate 6291456 0.0%
minimax 2097152 0.0%
mkhprog 3145728 0.0%
multiplier 4194304 0.0%
n-body 2097152 0.0%
nucleic2 3145728 0.0%
para 3145728 0.0%
paraffins 5242880 0.0%
parser 3145728 0.0%
parstof 4194304 0.0%
pic 4194304 0.0%
pidigits 5242880 0.0%
power 4194304 0.0%
pretty 2097152 0.0%
primes 3145728 0.0%
primetest 2097152 0.0%
prolog 3145728 0.0%
puzzle 3145728 0.0%
queens 2097152 0.0%
reptile 5242880 0.0%
reverse-complem 2097152 0.0%
rewrite 3145728 0.0%
rfib 2097152 0.0%
rsa 2097152 0.0%
scc 2097152 0.0%
sched 3145728 0.0%
scs 4194304 0.0%
simple 46137344 0.0%
solid 4194304 0.0%
sorting 3145728 0.0%
spectral-norm 2097152 0.0%
sphere 3145728 0.0%
symalg 3145728 0.0%
tak 2097152 0.0%
transform 3145728 0.0%
treejoin 7340032 0.0%
typecheck 2097152 0.0%
veritas 2097152 0.0%
wang 4194304 0.0%
wave4main 3145728 0.0%
wheel-sieve1 4194304 0.0%
wheel-sieve2 4194304 0.0%
x2n1 2097152 0.0%
-1 s.d. ----- -0.0%
+1 s.d. ----- 0.0%
Average ----- -0.0%
Module Sizes
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
EffBench 6293 -21.4%
Main 1469 -28.6%
EffBench 4323 -25.3%
Main 1030 -7.6%
EffBench 7256 -24.3%
Main 1837 -19.5%
Main 1484 -23.0%
EffBench 6182 -11.1%
Main 2221 -29.4%
EffBench 2728 -19.8%
Main 1326 -25.2%
EffBench 11466 -9.4%
Main 2086 -14.0%
AbsConc3 52630 -21.3%
AbstractEval2 11288 -24.6%
AbstractMisc 21041 -21.3%
AbstractVals2 73144 -34.4%
Apply 14239 -23.9%
BarakiConc3 31405 -19.9%
BarakiMeet 22816 -25.7%
BaseDefs 159568 -21.1%
Constructors 30705 -23.3%
Dependancy 56445 -29.2%
DomainExpr 18775 -22.2%
EtaAbstract 16303 -27.2%
FrontierDATAFN2 30491 -17.0%
FrontierGENERIC 29916 -16.5%
FrontierMisc2 15487 -29.4%
Inverse 33445 -30.2%
LambdaLift5 73808 -29.3%
Main 36314 -23.7%
MakeDomains 10210 -26.7%
Monster 6434 -7.9%
MyUtils 19006 -26.3%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Parser2 101388 -24.2%
PrettyPrint 21555 -16.6%
PrintResults 33692 -25.1%
ReadTable 29234 -18.5%
Simplify 13781 -20.5%
SmallerLattice 89044 -29.8%
StrictAn6 109420 -20.0%
SuccsAndPreds2 48260 -30.2%
TExpr2DExpr 16982 -27.4%
TypeCheck5 135069 -28.8%
Utils 53033 -23.8%
Main 21312 -25.6%
Main 17469 -22.2%
Main 17785 -18.1%
QSort 9799 -21.5%
Main 32197 +1.5%
Main 14864 -21.3%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Main 21132 -30.1%
Main 45408 -14.0%
Checker 7792 -38.9%
Lisplikefns 29599 -22.2%
Main 12629 -18.4%
Rewritefns 14219 -27.7%
Rulebasetext 24439 +5.0%
BSPT 41206 -22.2%
Euclid 84793 -34.0%
EuclidGMS 27889 -34.9%
GeomNum 12476 -25.5%
Init 31515 -20.8%
Input 34687 +0.2%
Interface 9264 -1.7%
Interpret 8640 -33.4%
Libfuns 169 +7.1%
MGRlib 11864 -26.4%
Main 3791 -12.0%
Merge 40975 -23.5%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Params 7348 -1.6%
Prog 1556 -1.0%
Rationals 35335 -31.9%
Render 12238 -16.0%
Stdlib 7720 -25.0%
Arch_x86 111542 +0.9%
Generics 34348 -12.3%
Main 323834 -18.1%
Main 38742 -26.6%
Auxil 29311 -33.1%
Interval 126 +5.6%
Key 3897 +6.6%
Main 2767 -19.0%
Prog 30383 -24.6%
Main 98630 -25.8%
Main 42002 -27.3%
Main 126789 -27.8%
BinConv 7003 -16.4%
BinTest 1173 -13.3%
Decode 27358 -21.1%
Defaults 358 +0.8%
Encode 19788 -10.7%
Main 3346 -18.7%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
PTTrees 2519 -8.1%
Uncompress 1244 -6.0%
Encode 95472 -13.5%
Main 4574 -20.4%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
WriteRoutines 14143 -16.6%
Main 68118 -33.3%
Main 9257 -27.1%
Main 43771 -26.6%
Main 22182 -25.0%
StateMonad 5192 -11.9%
Main 10568 -26.7%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Main 13220 -17.6%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Dom 81454 -20.4%
Main 6633 -14.8%
Main 57492 -5.3%
Main 35726 -19.7%
Era 206440 -42.2%
Main 12453 -23.9%
Knowledge 21482 -19.3%
Main 14864 -17.9%
Match 6652 -26.9%
Result 2702 -11.8%
Search 15741 -27.0%
Table 30776 -25.5%
Main 17438 -9.0%
Main 12503 -14.9%
Assemble_loadve 3866 -25.6%
Assemble_stiffn 10628 -24.2%
Basics 3627 -29.8%
DB_interface 23374 -39.4%
Database 8860 -17.4%
Degrees 24077 -25.5%
Displacement 7590 -25.7%
Elemforce 4419 -34.0%
Elemstif 11420 -35.6%
Main 5648 -18.8%
Matrix 41459 -35.0%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Pre_assemble 7924 -27.4%
PrintSource 21763 -8.0%
Printuvwforce 7242 -16.9%
VBlldecomp 29132 -37.6%
VBmatrix 24318 -30.8%
Vector 18143 -29.7%
Main 33862 -21.0%
Complex_Vectors 6045 -36.7%
Fourier 36618 -25.6%
Main 7429 -18.6%
Main 45828 -22.7%
Main 59442 -28.3%
Asb_routs 13747 -29.0%
C_matrix 16334 -24.5%
Chl_decomp 77504 -31.2%
Chl_method 25776 -26.1%
Chl_routs 101923 -29.8%
Defs 138 +2.2%
Elefac 9140 -41.7%
Input_proc 49037 -30.6%
Jcb_method 43132 -26.2%
L_matrix 10982 -32.9%
Main 7792 -15.7%
Min_degree 21898 -27.0%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Norm 7297 -17.9%
Rhs_Asb_routs 43091 -36.8%
S_Array 116887 -27.1%
S_matrix 21038 -39.1%
TG_iter 36005 -20.4%
Tol_cal 4484 -15.7%
Csg 72073 -30.7%
Interval 56032 -14.3%
Kolor 10763 -16.4%
Main 3906 -20.3%
Matrix 32748 -34.6%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Oct 26005 -33.0%
Patchlevel 279 +5.7%
Quad 20261 -13.1%
Raster 16841 -27.2%
Shapes 3240 -9.5%
Types 48479 -11.1%
Vector 6216 -31.8%
Compton 8417 -13.0%
Consts 588 +0.2%
Distance 11194 -6.1%
GamtebMain 2904 -9.2%
GamtebType 1036 -4.2%
InitTable 12011 -11.1%
Main 4065 -22.6%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Output 22194 -25.9%
Pair 3958 -13.7%
PhotoElec 3179 -10.5%
RoulSplit 3547 -14.2%
TransPort 24836 -27.8%
Utils 12739 -32.2%
Main 7545 -18.3%
Main 13222 -24.2%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Main 39871 -16.9%
Activity 29613 -21.5%
GRIP 59352 -25.5%
Graph 70268 -18.4%
Main 27767 -14.4%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
PSlib 42104 -19.3%
Parse 14301 -22.7%
Pool 17405 -26.2%
Spark 24438 -19.7%
StdLib 12404 -24.0%
Main 64917 -28.6%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Parsers 9389 -28.2%
StringMatch 48655 -35.8%
Comparing 28095 -36.5%
Cross 9479 -36.2%
EdgePlate 6722 -21.5%
Geometric 15623 -23.3%
Hide 12990 -31.4%
Main 4450 -17.8%
Matrices 462 +4.1%
Memo 29501 -26.0%
MyIO 6653 -19.7%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Numbers 16938 -25.2%
Postscript 7016 -25.5%
Preds 12967 -41.6%
Rotate 6308 -29.6%
Solve 5004 -21.0%
Vectors 28899 -33.9%
Config 8744 +1.7%
Env 20352 -25.8%
GenExp 30535 -24.5%
GenType 11495 -17.0%
GenVal 13924 -23.8%
Main 30421 -19.6%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Types 95414 -19.4%
Utils 6205 -20.0%
Main 75298 -26.0%
Environment 17273 -27.6%
FiniteMap 9859 -30.8%
Infer 14987 -20.0%
InferMonad 12657 -22.4%
Main 9641 -17.4%
MaybeM 2360 -16.8%
MyList 996 -19.2%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Parse 35907 -36.2%
Shows 4666 -13.6%
State 2583 -5.1%
StateX 3811 -13.0%
Substitution 14829 -29.6%
Term 41097 -27.0%
Type 33003 -27.8%
Main 14040 -14.6%
Main 13249 -25.4%
Main 38188 -7.8%
Main 2968 -13.2%
ChessSetArray 30715 -28.2%
ChessSetList 26945 -30.4%
KnightHeuristic 28124 -25.5%
Main 14505 -32.9%
Queue 4939 -16.1%
Sort 11290 -25.2%
Main 63449 -19.3%
Main 64385 -21.6%
Main 22233 -32.9%
Main 25334 -27.2%
LambdaLift 75067 -28.1%
Main 9993 -29.0%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Print 28662 -17.7%
Test 5951 -0.7%
Utilities 23705 -24.7%
AbsCg 187 -1.1%
AbsDensematrix 1660 -0.2%
Absmatlib 191 +1.0%
Cg 9512 -21.7%
Densematrix 42754 -21.6%
Input 54054 -12.2%
Main 13765 -18.5%
Matlib 43883 -21.5%
Matrix 31712 -26.4%
Misc 3227 -17.8%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Utils 3275 -27.4%
Main 34763 -12.6%
Main 35243 -12.8%
Main 16415 -27.4%
Main 13588 -29.7%
Mandel 10988 -29.8%
PortablePixmap 6859 -21.9%
Main 20903 -31.2%
Board 38035 -19.2%
Main 4433 -13.5%
Move 123267 -33.8%
Problem 11282 -22.5%
Solution 44333 -35.5%
Board 28413 -21.1%
Game 14484 -28.8%
Main 3505 -15.9%
Prog 2598 -14.2%
Tree 8185 -23.2%
Wins 1386 +0.2%
Main 70782 -27.9%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Main 90247 -27.5%
Main 12475 -3.7%
Main 105576 -31.5%
RA 35064 -6.2%
RC 32744 -6.1%
RG 9720 -5.7%
RU 34440 -6.3%
Types 4717 +1.8%
Main 139322 -32.0%
Main 34857 -21.3%
Main 342696 -25.7%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Main 249742 -23.3%
ChargeDensity 7543 -35.8%
Consts 360 -0.8%
ElecField 8803 -24.9%
Main 5000 -22.4%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Pic 9033 -27.2%
PicType 77 0.0%
Potential 9965 -33.3%
PushParticle 20651 -27.4%
Utils 24815 -0.7%
Main 8969 -16.6%
Main 79407 -23.9%
CharSeq 11770 -24.9%
Main 4469 -2.7%
Pretty 29043 -22.6%
Main 5700 -23.1%
IntLib 6820 -7.7%
Main 4499 -14.7%
MyRandom 2910 -8.1%
Prime 13915 -25.6%
Engine 10926 -31.5%
Interact 4828 -23.0%
Main 23236 -24.4%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Parse 10615 -28.5%
PrologData 36417 -26.5%
Subst 9931 -29.9%
Version 221 +5.0%
Main 70465 -22.2%
Main 4560 -18.6%
Auxprogfuns 39170 -28.2%
Diff 954 -21.1%
Drawfuns 13653 -16.9%
Geomfuns 21289 -20.0%
Help 15273 +5.5%
Interstate 908 -19.3%
Layout 44446 -7.0%
Main 13602 -28.4%
Mgrfuns 16326 -25.4%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Progfuns 49717 -17.4%
Psfuns 11848 -22.2%
Rational 14692 -39.4%
Tilefuns 19522 -15.7%
Main 18753 -17.9%
Main 115078 -30.5%
Main 3016 -16.7%
Main 3442 -8.4%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Rsa 11565 -18.0%
Digraph 3909 -20.2%
Main 1610 -3.0%
Main 35692 -17.3%
LinearAlgebra 87460 -16.8%
Main 15641 -15.1%
Parse 46457 -23.3%
ParseLib 21610 -31.0%
RandomFix 10581 -19.7%
Simulate 96450 -23.5%
Types 14225 -15.7%
Main 474908 -31.6%
Main 80907 -17.8%
Main 7303 -17.0%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Sort 26294 -23.6%
Main 10623 -23.0%
Main 158153 -33.8%
Ast 2910 +0.8%
BasicNumber 50587 -13.9%
BasicNumberAppr 16019 -19.1%
Env 1527 -22.7%
Eval 21177 -19.1%
Lexer 11752 -12.6%
Main 5702 -12.6%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Op 12221 -9.4%
Parser 24017 -30.3%
Print 17105 -21.7%
RealM 33043 -29.2%
Main 4545 -27.6%
Main 261619 -26.6%
Main 24883 -23.6%
Main 69153 -21.1%
Attributes 2303 -20.4%
Auto 4657 -10.4%
Build_Tm 27645 -30.9%
Build_itrm 48788 -25.3%
Core_database 137400 -26.4%
Core_datatype 42123 -6.2%
Dcore 6634 -16.9%
DerivedRules 22657 -22.1%
Display 44996 -16.3%
Editor 9379 -20.3%
Edlib 15588 -19.0%
Getops 7764 -15.7%
Globals 1581 -27.1%
Goals 51744 -15.4%
Kernel 123067 -16.0%
Lookup 76 +1.3%
Main 33315 -13.9%
NofibUtils 704 -35.1%
Parse 169441 -25.4%
Sub_Core1 44955 -27.6%
Sub_Core2 47284 -24.1%
Sub_Core3 67185 -31.6%
Sub_Core4 75975 -18.4%
Tacticals 11043 -15.1%
Tactics 33501 -10.7%
Tags 7893 -19.8%
ThmTactics 99267 -17.2%
Token 26269 -2.3%
Tree 28215 -18.6%
Type_defs 5866 -13.0%
Unparse 59604 -14.7%
Vtslib 4567 -23.7%
X_interface 79968 -14.3%
Main 45012 -32.0%
Main 43864 -24.7%
Main 23389 -25.5%
Main 35605 -22.5%
Main 6059 -22.9%
-1 s.d. ----- -31.3%
+1 s.d. ----- -11.8%
Average ----- -22.1%
Compile Times
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
EffBench 0.466 -7.1%
Main 0.308 -7.8%
EffBench 0.364 -11.0%
Main 0.276 -8.7%
EffBench 0.406 -8.6%
Main 0.304 -4.3%
Main 0.329 -5.8%
EffBench 0.468 -7.3%
Main 0.333 -7.5%
EffBench 0.322 -4.7%
Main 0.308 -5.2%
EffBench 0.759 -18.3%
Main 0.324 -7.4%
AbsConc3 1.309 -22.5%
AbstractEval2 0.437 -13.0%
AbstractMisc 0.653 -23.1%
AbstractVals2 1.494 -24.0%
Apply 0.523 -17.4%
BarakiConc3 1.020 -20.1%
BarakiMeet 0.706 -27.8%
BaseDefs 4.651 -18.4%
Constructors 0.969 -18.3%
Dependancy 1.579 -25.0%
DomainExpr 0.610 -16.7%
EtaAbstract 0.712 -22.5%
FrontierDATAFN2 0.966 -17.3%
FrontierGENERIC 0.871 -17.2%
FrontierMisc2 0.543 -19.7%
Inverse 0.904 -19.8%
LambdaLift5 2.150 -19.2%
Main 1.429 -13.2%
MakeDomains 0.626 -10.7%
Monster 0.518 -7.7%
MyUtils 0.750 -28.3%
NofibUtils 0.259 -8.9%
Parser2 3.181 -17.2%
PrettyPrint 0.671 -18.6%
PrintResults 1.215 -15.4%
ReadTable 0.871 -14.5%
Simplify 0.522 -15.3%
SmallerLattice 2.286 -21.3%
StrictAn6 3.463 -18.3%
SuccsAndPreds2 1.283 -20.6%
TExpr2DExpr 0.755 -14.0%
TypeCheck5 3.805 -15.6%
Utils 1.765 -18.2%
Main 0.868 -17.5%
Main 0.748 -15.1%
Main 0.966 -6.1%
QSort 0.412 -16.3%
Main 1.378 -15.5%
Main 0.738 -13.3%
NofibUtils 0.247 -7.7%
Main 0.872 -15.3%
Main 2.103 -11.4%
Checker 0.376 -14.1%
Lisplikefns 0.905 -18.5%
Main 0.620 -11.6%
Rewritefns 0.464 -19.2%
Rulebasetext 0.532 -22.2%
BSPT 1.143 -20.3%
Euclid 1.899 -20.8%
EuclidGMS 0.868 -18.0%
GeomNum 0.527 -13.7%
Init 0.838 -18.9%
Input 1.246 -8.0%
Interface 0.463 -15.8%
Interpret 0.535 -9.5%
Libfuns 0.166 0.151
MGRlib 0.502 -13.3%
Main 0.372 -6.5%
Merge 0.888 -23.8%
NofibUtils 0.247 -7.3%
Params 0.399 -12.3%
Prog 0.267 -5.2%
Rationals 0.916 -20.4%
Render 0.592 -13.0%
Stdlib 0.449 -14.0%
Arch_x86 3.535 -16.7%
Generics 1.098 -17.5%
Main 11.621 -21.8%
Main 1.412 -14.9%
Auxil 0.909 -15.0%
Interval 0.164 0.147
Key 0.217 -11.5%
Main 0.384 -8.9%
Prog 1.049 -19.2%
Main 3.380 -17.1%
Main 1.530 -17.3%
Main 3.551 -15.5%
BinConv 0.407 -15.5%
BinTest 0.299 -9.0%
Decode 0.937 -11.5%
Defaults 0.206 -9.2%
Encode 0.779 -12.8%
Main 0.436 -10.8%
NofibUtils 0.256 -7.8%
PTTrees 0.290 -19.3%
Uncompress 0.265 -6.4%
Encode 1.928 -28.3%
Main 0.517 -18.4%
NofibUtils 0.258 -10.5%
WriteRoutines 0.525 -15.4%
Main 2.084 -17.4%
Main 0.597 -9.4%
Main 1.603 -16.3%
Main 1.129 -10.5%
StateMonad 0.311 -15.1%
Main 0.602 -25.4%
NofibUtils 0.274 -15.7%
Main 0.743 -8.6%
NofibUtils 0.254 -9.4%
Dom 4.957 -8.3%
Main 0.635 -4.1%
Main 1.841 -18.9%
Main 1.335 -16.0%
Era 4.692 -23.4%
Main 0.587 -19.3%
Knowledge 0.725 -21.5%
Main 0.787 -15.0%
Match 0.382 -16.5%
Result 0.237 -8.4%
Search 0.552 -17.2%
Table 0.961 -16.0%
Main 1.419 -5.9%
Main 0.737 -14.1%
Assemble_loadve 0.349 -12.0%
Assemble_stiffn 0.492 -15.7%
Basics 0.343 -10.2%
DB_interface 0.747 -18.5%
Database 0.596 -19.0%
Degrees 0.958 -14.3%
Displacement 0.431 -12.3%
Elemforce 0.281 -16.4%
Elemstif 0.455 -17.6%
Main 0.415 -9.2%
Matrix 1.069 -20.9%
NofibUtils 0.248 -8.1%
Pre_assemble 0.409 -12.5%
PrintSource 1.300 -13.7%
Printuvwforce 0.455 -13.6%
VBlldecomp 0.996 -20.2%
VBmatrix 0.874 -15.7%
Vector 0.753 -10.5%
Main 1.811 -10.7%
Complex_Vectors 0.398 -12.3%
Fourier 1.127 -18.7%
Main 0.609 -11.5%
Main 1.908 -9.6%
Main 1.877 -18.1%
Asb_routs 0.663 -25.8%
C_matrix 0.589 -14.6%
Chl_decomp 1.948 -24.8%
Chl_method 1.046 -16.7%
Chl_routs 2.648 -18.1%
Defs 0.168 0.152
Elefac 0.344 -23.0%
Input_proc 1.382 -19.0%
Jcb_method 1.107 -21.8%
L_matrix 0.364 -23.9%
Main 0.458 -9.4%
Min_degree 0.860 -15.2%
NofibUtils 0.256 -7.8%
Norm 0.399 -12.5%
Rhs_Asb_routs 1.168 -23.4%
S_Array 3.170 -19.7%
S_matrix 0.591 -21.3%
TG_iter 1.133 -15.6%
Tol_cal 0.370 -11.9%
Csg 2.052 -15.6%
Interval 1.742 -21.1%
Kolor 0.599 -10.5%
Main 0.440 -5.7%
Matrix 0.793 -20.3%
NofibUtils 0.256 -9.8%
Oct 0.750 -13.9%
Patchlevel 0.170 0.155
Quad 0.524 -26.3%
Raster 0.561 -20.3%
Shapes 0.333 -5.7%
Types 1.206 -25.0%
Vector 0.343 -12.8%
Compton 0.467 -10.1%
Consts 0.179 0.162
Distance 0.524 -11.6%
GamtebMain 0.315 -11.1%
GamtebType 0.188 0.163
InitTable 0.588 -9.7%
Main 0.344 -5.8%
NofibUtils 0.249 -4.8%
Output 0.884 -13.2%
Pair 0.324 -6.8%
PhotoElec 0.308 -9.7%
RoulSplit 0.300 -8.7%
TransPort 0.718 -27.9%
Utils 0.665 -13.7%
Main 0.571 -8.8%
Main 0.749 -13.2%
NofibUtils 0.261 -11.9%
Main 1.593 -12.6%
Activity 1.018 -13.2%
GRIP 1.697 -22.7%
Graph 2.290 -16.5%
Main 1.185 -13.9%
NofibUtils 0.256 -7.0%
PSlib 1.234 -19.5%
Parse 0.587 -14.3%
Pool 0.633 -19.3%
Spark 0.901 -16.5%
StdLib 0.547 -14.8%
Main 1.970 -20.8%
NofibUtils 0.246 -3.7%
Parsers 0.464 -12.3%
StringMatch 1.444 -19.0%
Comparing 0.732 -21.4%
Cross 0.393 -14.8%
EdgePlate 0.361 -10.5%
Geometric 0.535 -18.1%
Hide 0.547 -15.2%
Main 0.405 -5.7%
Matrices 0.179 0.160
Memo 1.748 -10.0%
MyIO 0.428 -6.3%
NofibUtils 0.255 -7.1%
Numbers 0.535 -17.6%
Postscript 0.352 -12.8%
Preds 0.474 -18.1%
Rotate 0.353 -12.7%
Solve 0.337 -13.9%
Vectors 0.877 -28.1%
Config 0.398 -17.3%
Env 0.819 -10.4%
GenExp 1.014 -13.3%
GenType 0.482 -13.3%
GenVal 0.673 -16.2%
Main 1.154 -14.6%
NofibUtils 0.257 -8.2%
Types 2.133 -20.1%
Utils 0.411 -14.4%
Main 2.208 -18.2%
Environment 0.685 -18.4%
FiniteMap 0.495 -17.0%
Infer 0.595 -26.4%
InferMonad 0.554 -13.0%
Main 0.593 -11.3%
MaybeM 0.222 -17.1%
MyList 0.265 -9.4%
NofibUtils 0.250 -7.2%
Parse 1.013 -13.7%
Shows 0.356 -12.1%
State 0.236 -10.6%
StateX 0.247 -13.4%
Substitution 0.500 -18.0%
Term 1.016 -22.8%
Type 0.982 -18.0%
Main 0.745 -12.1%
Main 0.704 -15.2%
Main 2.569 -5.9%
Main 0.520 -2.1%
ChessSetArray 1.234 -13.9%
ChessSetList 1.116 -10.7%
KnightHeuristic 0.980 -17.2%
Main 0.810 -14.6%
Queue 0.353 -13.6%
Sort 0.530 -15.8%
Main 2.246 -14.9%
Main 2.369 -21.2%
Main 0.802 -15.6%
Main 1.018 -12.2%
LambdaLift 1.933 -20.1%
Main 0.510 -12.5%
NofibUtils 0.255 -7.1%
Print 0.970 -14.9%
Test 0.366 -11.2%
Utilities 0.775 -16.5%
AbsCg 0.165 0.149
AbsDensematrix 0.209 -12.0%
Absmatlib 0.164 0.147
Cg 0.452 -18.1%
Densematrix 1.648 -14.9%
Input 2.244 -12.2%
Main 0.705 -10.2%
Matlib 1.604 -17.8%
Matrix 1.122 -16.3%
Misc 0.319 -10.3%
NofibUtils 0.255 -10.2%
Utils 0.307 -8.5%
Main 1.433 -13.5%
Main 1.404 -12.3%
Main 0.792 -11.9%
Main 0.681 -11.3%
Mandel 0.493 -14.6%
PortablePixmap 0.323 -18.3%
Main 0.888 -15.4%
Board 1.167 -19.1%
Main 0.409 -13.4%
Move 2.889 -20.0%
Problem 0.613 -8.8%
Solution 1.267 -21.9%
Board 1.030 -17.1%
Game 0.526 -16.2%
Main 0.369 -9.2%
Prog 0.285 -5.3%
Tree 0.406 -16.0%
Wins 0.219 -6.8%
Main 2.096 -17.8%
NofibUtils 0.251 -8.8%
Main 2.837 -23.7%
Main 1.100 -6.5%
Main 2.577 -18.2%
RA 1.529 -8.6%
RC 1.509 -14.8%
RG 0.614 -8.1%
RU 1.498 -7.2%
Types 0.248 -15.7%
Main 4.325 -18.4%
Main 1.535 -11.2%
Main 10.281 -27.9%
NofibUtils 0.254 -9.4%
Main 8.042 -19.8%
ChargeDensity 0.389 -11.6%
Consts 0.172 0.156
ElecField 0.521 -10.7%
Main 0.393 -7.9%
NofibUtils 0.257 -10.5%
Pic 0.439 -9.1%
PicType 0.166 0.153
Potential 0.668 -18.3%
PushParticle 0.694 -27.1%
Utils 1.631 -7.8%
Main 0.636 -6.8%
Main 2.056 -20.1%
CharSeq 0.423 -19.9%
Main 0.374 -9.1%
Pretty 0.939 -17.7%
Main 0.447 -10.1%
IntLib 0.477 -14.0%
Main 0.431 -10.7%
MyRandom 0.322 -8.7%
Prime 0.573 -14.7%
Engine 0.381 -16.5%
Interact 0.351 -11.4%
Main 0.938 -14.4%
NofibUtils 0.250 -7.6%
Parse 0.468 -17.7%
PrologData 1.154 -17.5%
Subst 0.443 -14.7%
Version 0.162 0.148
Main 2.106 -15.1%
Main 0.415 -9.2%
Auxprogfuns 1.446 -19.5%
Diff 0.274 -3.6%
Drawfuns 0.535 -14.6%
Geomfuns 0.691 -22.7%
Help 0.470 -18.9%
Interstate 0.187 0.168
Layout 1.440 -16.9%
Main 0.501 -13.8%
Mgrfuns 0.616 -15.7%
NofibUtils 0.248 -7.3%
Progfuns 1.993 -14.9%
Psfuns 0.527 -17.8%
Rational 0.463 -18.1%
Tilefuns 0.894 -19.4%
Main 0.984 -11.0%
Main 3.435 -17.8%
Main 0.353 -6.2%
Main 0.356 -11.2%
NofibUtils 0.258 -10.9%
Rsa 0.658 -25.1%
Digraph 0.353 -10.5%
Main 0.310 -7.7%
Main 1.610 -9.3%
LinearAlgebra 3.383 -10.2%
Main 0.722 -9.8%
Parse 1.296 -19.7%
ParseLib 0.733 -19.9%
RandomFix 0.474 -14.1%
Simulate 3.439 -19.0%
Types 0.547 -16.3%
Main 17.808 -19.6%
Main 2.810 -12.0%
Main 0.588 -9.9%
NofibUtils 0.248 -8.1%
Sort 0.929 -17.4%
Main 0.795 -8.6%
Main 3.986 -21.9%
Ast 0.203 -13.3%
BasicNumber 1.691 -19.8%
BasicNumberAppr 0.614 -17.3%
Env 0.272 -5.1%
Eval 0.704 -17.0%
Lexer 0.559 -14.8%
Main 0.423 -10.9%
NofibUtils 0.256 -7.8%
Op 0.459 -19.0%
Parser 0.810 -13.6%
Print 0.718 -22.7%
RealM 0.939 -20.1%
Main 0.369 -9.5%
Main 7.168 -21.5%
Main 0.844 -16.6%
Main 2.165 -15.1%
Attributes 0.286 -10.5%
Auto 0.302 -10.3%
Build_Tm 0.750 -16.0%
Build_itrm 1.274 -16.7%
Core_database 3.432 -21.0%
Core_datatype 1.195 -27.6%
Dcore 0.435 -10.8%
DerivedRules 0.789 -13.6%
Display 1.552 -15.2%
Editor 0.455 -14.1%
Edlib 0.698 -10.5%
Getops 0.379 -13.7%
Globals 0.211 -12.3%
Goals 1.652 -16.5%
Kernel 3.491 -16.3%
Lookup 0.177 0.156
Main 1.351 -13.0%
NofibUtils 0.248 -7.7%
Parse 4.485 -15.8%
Sub_Core1 1.214 -16.9%
Sub_Core2 1.180 -22.6%
Sub_Core3 1.624 -20.6%
Sub_Core4 1.996 -23.8%
Tacticals 0.510 -12.4%
Tactics 1.153 -20.7%
Tags 0.379 -17.4%
ThmTactics 3.079 -18.8%
Token 0.832 -18.6%
Tree 0.946 -14.8%
Type_defs 0.368 -11.1%
Unparse 1.898 -20.4%
Vtslib 0.376 -10.6%
X_interface 2.278 -16.1%
Main 1.422 -13.9%
Main 1.794 -13.0%
Main 0.860 -16.5%
Main 1.086 -19.1%
Main 0.586 -7.8%
-1 s.d. ----- -19.9%
+1 s.d. ----- -9.3%
Average ----- -14.7%
Compile Allocations
Program nofib-ncg-llvm-l nofib-ncg-log
EffBench 177441056 -21.3%
Main 89143256 -14.6%
EffBench 121774376 -19.3%
Main 73753240 -15.4%
EffBench 154034128 -24.6%
Main 90319248 -16.0%
Main 97875792 -12.9%
EffBench 177460008 -21.0%
Main 99031104 -15.8%
EffBench 103345456 -16.3%
Main 91827720 -13.0%
EffBench 282119552 -23.2%
Main 99275120 -16.4%
AbsConc3 685732760 -39.4%
AbstractEval2 184292704 -30.9%
AbstractMisc 294046224 -35.9%
AbstractVals2 782536216 -41.0%
Apply 230608136 -33.1%
BarakiConc3 472211104 -33.6%
BarakiMeet 311325864 -37.9%
BaseDefs 2234154728 -32.8%
Constructors 449391928 -33.6%
Dependancy 720281336 -36.5%
DomainExpr 277467112 -34.3%
EtaAbstract 277128368 -30.4%
FrontierDATAFN2 449811528 -32.5%
FrontierGENERIC 421418336 -36.8%
FrontierMisc2 232322176 -32.7%
Inverse 424129864 -36.6%
LambdaLift5 1002022048 -33.6%
Main 618065960 -24.8%
MakeDomains 223399288 -23.8%
Monster 171144008 -23.9%
MyUtils 290010824 -31.7%
NofibUtils 70519480 -14.1%
Parser2 1486386904 -30.8%
PrettyPrint 308788184 -36.0%
PrintResults 555353896 -28.9%
ReadTable 404182128 -34.4%
Simplify 226964576 -30.8%
SmallerLattice 1130197224 -36.8%
StrictAn6 1659926368 -32.4%
SuccsAndPreds2 611978480 -35.8%
TExpr2DExpr 312893136 -28.3%
TypeCheck5 1823687928 -33.4%
Utils 801104816 -32.5%
Main 344403272 -26.6%
Main 287079704 -30.2%
Main 393518744 -19.9%
QSort 168821248 -32.7%
Main 566209840 -24.0%
Main 275698256 -27.3%
NofibUtils 70524144 -14.1%
Main 339329040 -26.3%
Main 899178240 -17.2%
Checker 148396648 -30.1%
Lisplikefns 399197960 -33.8%
Main 223519248 -28.1%
Rewritefns 203877488 -35.0%
Rulebasetext 267416080 -39.1%
BSPT 571920944 -34.9%
Euclid 984367664 -39.7%
EuclidGMS 395806608 -33.4%
GeomNum 217934824 -28.4%
Init 385336728 -35.0%
Input 493798952 -17.0%
Interface 183628432 -27.4%
Interpret 204865112 -21.0%
Libfuns 45174112 -17.6%
MGRlib 200329976 -28.1%
Main 124264168 -20.6%
Merge 463441824 -44.2%
NofibUtils 70519576 -14.1%
Params 149906800 -21.4%
Prog 80602720 -17.5%
Rationals 427459008 -37.1%
Render 237359032 -26.1%
Stdlib 173086096 -25.6%
Arch_x86 1605462920 -28.1%
Generics 519018288 -31.9%
Main 4962969768 -28.6%
Main 566449272 -29.9%
Auxil 399579864 -33.5%
Interval 43783504 -17.1%
Key 82922232 -28.6%
Main 121527768 -15.4%
Prog 439616040 -30.9%
Main 1514358696 -29.1%
Main 653628920 -28.4%
Main 1701528480 -32.7%
BinConv 151157984 -25.7%
BinTest 84503744 -14.1%
Decode 414274040 -30.5%
Defaults 62537024 -14.0%
Encode 327288016 -23.0%
Main 141189496 -16.3%
NofibUtils 70520504 -14.1%
PTTrees 88933776 -19.6%
Uncompress 72916336 -18.4%
Encode 1072656432 -45.5%
Main 156178216 -18.4%
NofibUtils 70642296 -14.0%
WriteRoutines 225968248 -30.8%
Main 930883168 -32.3%
Main 214168720 -21.8%
Main 659157936 -31.1%
Main 415881296 -24.1%
StateMonad 121473216 -27.2%
Main 197997736 -27.0%
NofibUtils 70523704 -14.1%
Main 274430728 -25.5%
NofibUtils 70523704 -14.1%
Dom 1961503600 -19.2%
Main 212697832 -18.3%
Main 811006456 -31.1%
Main 591536472 -28.2%
Era 2118308120 -35.0%
Main 219186144 -27.4%
Knowledge 314861064 -33.0%
Main 298338184 -25.9%
Match 141445544 -27.3%
Result 83047912 -22.6%
Search 245178752 -31.8%
Table 447517032 -32.4%
Main 499721608 -13.8%
Main 269070824 -22.2%
Assemble_loadve 115246840 -20.4%
Assemble_stiffn 198966208 -29.3%
Basics 112662456 -20.6%
DB_interface 319327168 -31.0%
Database 209859392 -20.6%
Degrees 408316336 -28.7%
Displacement 160357048 -25.8%
Elemforce 100414472 -25.9%
Elemstif 189682456 -32.4%
Main 144368024 -23.7%
Matrix 504743440 -37.6%
NofibUtils 70519120 -14.1%
Pre_assemble 160390384 -27.1%
PrintSource 539716568 -22.6%
Printuvwforce 174336416 -23.5%
VBlldecomp 434638536 -32.6%
VBmatrix 377219448 -30.2%
Vector 314420688 -25.3%
Main 721176456 -21.5%
Complex_Vectors 136280752 -24.6%
Fourier 498675296 -34.7%
Main 196458024 -20.4%
Main 834144672 -24.5%
Main 854961816 -27.2%
Asb_routs 246935008 -28.7%
C_matrix 264958768 -25.2%
Chl_decomp 960276248 -38.8%
Chl_method 460323232 -29.2%
Chl_routs 1343178128 -36.7%
Defs 45974440 -16.4%
Elefac 129633496 -33.2%
Input_proc 660251240 -33.1%
Jcb_method 545956256 -39.1%
L_matrix 142085240 -34.4%
Main 176292696 -26.1%
Min_degree 358621688 -30.8%
NofibUtils 70519712 -14.1%
Norm 146143384 -28.4%
Rhs_Asb_routs 557467856 -36.4%
S_Array 1487511352 -36.3%
S_matrix 274815136 -33.2%
TG_iter 550699064 -33.4%
Tol_cal 130194736 -22.0%
Csg 1003428496 -33.1%
Interval 810454280 -33.3%
Kolor 217639840 -14.9%
Main 136050728 -18.3%
Matrix 396844608 -39.2%
NofibUtils 70524176 -14.1%
Oct 339487872 -32.4%
Patchlevel 49775392 -16.8%
Quad 251608920 -40.9%
Raster 242508560 -32.5%
Shapes 117365544 -13.0%
Types 590477360 -38.0%
Vector 129570008 -27.5%
Compton 190466392 -20.6%
Consts 54658992 -15.5%
Distance 221970400 -23.0%
GamtebMain 103370072 -21.0%
GamtebType 56428464 -18.7%
InitTable 229578728 -17.3%
Main 113265048 -21.5%
NofibUtils 70519200 -14.1%
Output 375289408 -26.4%
Pair 110426832 -21.0%
PhotoElec 104299288 -20.1%
RoulSplit 103248496 -21.3%
TransPort 312249000 -35.5%
Utils 259106520 -23.0%
Main 178728152 -22.8%
Main 279811080 -24.7%
NofibUtils 70522056 -14.1%
Main 685256264 -25.1%
Activity 464111584 -30.3%
GRIP 788337400 -35.5%
Graph 1081077424 -30.2%
Main 469267488 -28.3%
NofibUtils 70519000 -14.1%
PSlib 567556616 -34.5%
Parse 238511064 -29.4%
Pool 264662736 -30.7%
Spark 379248376 -31.1%
StdLib 226306712 -29.8%
Main 874102160 -32.7%
NofibUtils 70519480 -14.1%
Parsers 189320136 -26.2%
StringMatch 657758272 -30.7%
Comparing 335343360 -38.1%
Cross 151536384 -30.7%
EdgePlate 134385064 -28.0%
Geometric 232553632 -33.0%
Hide 232032824 -28.6%
Main 138887792 -19.8%
Matrices 50689344 -18.9%
Memo 743552400 -19.5%
MyIO 161312144 -23.0%
NofibUtils 70520120 -14.1%
Numbers 234117008 -32.9%
Postscript 131418144 -28.6%
Preds 192575936 -31.1%
Rotate 121901976 -28.2%
Solve 117060584 -26.7%
Vectors 363247896 -35.6%
Config 158161152 -30.6%
Env 354888480 -27.1%
GenExp 472406456 -29.4%
GenType 205842952 -30.4%
GenVal 259509808 -28.9%
Main 513750528 -27.9%
NofibUtils 70519520 -14.1%
Types 1112264984 -39.1%
Utils 148159464 -25.3%
Main 1049903568 -32.3%
Environment 265775136 -31.5%
FiniteMap 189542144 -25.5%
Infer 234336480 -33.5%
InferMonad 229056800 -27.7%
Main 218343376 -24.2%
MaybeM 74143384 -25.5%
MyList 78560696 -15.6%
NofibUtils 70524688 -14.1%
Parse 455093952 -31.9%
Shows 126864392 -25.0%
State 81806920 -23.7%
StateX 91850240 -28.4%
Substitution 221436632 -33.3%
Term 484339952 -39.3%
Type 445333664 -34.0%
Main 285181672 -25.9%
Main 244284728 -25.9%
Main 992624216 -17.4%
Main 155395680 -12.4%
ChessSetArray 519027472 -25.8%
ChessSetList 495482936 -26.4%
KnightHeuristic 450642736 -30.6%
Main 306751328 -23.2%
Queue 123191216 -23.3%
Sort 217673296 -27.8%
Main 985776872 -28.7%
Main 1029560792 -28.4%
Main 331251976 -31.3%
Main 423162456 -25.6%
LambdaLift 937778952 -35.5%
Main 193465704 -24.8%
NofibUtils 70511840 -14.1%
Print 442690008 -33.1%
Test 130381496 -19.4%
Utilities 343647808 -33.0%
AbsCg 46305112 -17.7%
AbsDensematrix 71654272 -26.5%
Absmatlib 46124560 -17.8%
Cg 173884120 -30.1%
Densematrix 691903848 -30.2%
Input 974358248 -24.6%
Main 254900856 -25.9%
Matlib 698940008 -31.1%
Matrix 499697664 -30.6%
Misc 98673120 -23.2%
NofibUtils 70512944 -14.1%
Utils 98095952 -22.4%
Main 599494728 -25.1%
Main 605247128 -25.2%
Main 314287744 -24.6%
Main 246702560 -27.2%
Mandel 196970680 -29.5%
PortablePixmap 123875520 -29.3%
Main 362940304 -25.7%
Board 550517104 -34.2%
Main 138055384 -21.7%
Move 1490840416 -37.7%
Problem 219218808 -25.4%
Solution 591452040 -32.6%
Board 464510456 -31.3%
Game 234376992 -32.8%
Main 116423968 -18.8%
Prog 88999224 -19.8%
Tree 150213704 -28.7%
Wins 76057880 -13.3%
Main 948953320 -32.7%
NofibUtils 70516696 -14.1%
Main 1233498952 -33.1%
Main 380155736 -14.5%
Main 1274794080 -34.4%
RA 590694328 -14.3%
RC 567320184 -14.0%
RG 249555600 -11.6%
RU 604204080 -13.7%
Types 95251056 -25.8%
Main 2083541392 -38.5%
Main 635373768 -26.0%
Main 4375027152 -33.3%
NofibUtils 70516448 -14.1%
Main 3490479120 -29.1%
ChargeDensity 140993272 -24.5%
Consts 48275072 -18.1%
ElecField 218453656 -20.9%
Main 138117240 -20.8%
NofibUtils 70515672 -14.1%
Pic 168872032 -24.5%
PicType 47628816 -15.5%
Potential 248546640 -20.7%
PushParticle 290202560 -33.1%
Utils 633491712 -10.0%
Main 219157800 -22.8%
Main 967214976 -36.8%
CharSeq 172210672 -32.8%
Main 124382680 -21.2%
Pretty 415002952 -33.0%
Main 154547872 -20.2%
IntLib 178800448 -25.5%
Main 146759920 -19.3%
MyRandom 98427104 -19.3%
Prime 232957600 -29.0%
Engine 159508568 -34.5%
Interact 126769712 -23.3%
Main 386690896 -28.6%
NofibUtils 70516448 -14.1%
Parse 185257680 -28.9%
PrologData 507329736 -31.9%
Subst 179069032 -29.7%
Version 44847048 -18.1%
Main 1017900464 -31.5%
Main 142353776 -19.8%
Auxprogfuns 621088896 -28.8%
Diff 77726800 -15.1%
Drawfuns 234371800 -31.1%
Geomfuns 329377360 -36.0%
Help 210444864 -35.6%
Interstate 57934936 -20.0%
Layout 668012736 -29.0%
Main 211147968 -32.3%
Mgrfuns 254364184 -29.2%
NofibUtils 70516696 -14.1%
Progfuns 889309496 -28.1%
Psfuns 214667760 -29.2%
Rational 195261408 -34.7%
Tilefuns 381013000 -30.6%
Main 397912488 -22.9%
Main 1577310440 -32.5%
Main 112973056 -17.3%
Main 114404680 -19.6%
NofibUtils 70516384 -14.1%
Rsa 226240808 -27.7%
Digraph 123061920 -22.2%
Main 92671824 -12.7%
Main 693598848 -23.0%
LinearAlgebra 1516452320 -25.4%
Main 286278904 -27.1%
Parse 602729000 -35.2%
ParseLib 317355472 -31.5%
RandomFix 189280152 -27.4%
Simulate 1548915672 -29.3%
Types 232097240 -30.0%
Main 7238068560 -29.0%
Main 1198293904 -26.5%
Main 182951544 -21.9%
NofibUtils 70522064 -14.1%
Sort 405280608 -31.4%
Main 296862768 -17.9%
Main 1834060968 -35.6%
Ast 71142752 -25.7%
BasicNumber 755936544 -32.8%
BasicNumberAppr 250232688 -34.5%
Env 80082312 -17.1%
Eval 297859624 -34.1%
Lexer 227225280 -26.4%
Main 150134864 -22.8%
NofibUtils 70516448 -14.1%
Op 200072184 -34.1%
Parser 352242904 -31.7%
Print 280135688 -31.1%
RealM 416054720 -35.2%
Main 128410384 -21.6%
Main 3457323488 -32.9%
Main 368722336 -32.1%
Main 1023367976 -29.2%
Attributes 86468656 -17.3%
Auto 107756064 -26.7%
Build_Tm 333337848 -35.9%
Build_itrm 634267608 -34.0%
Core_database 1686165616 -37.2%
Core_datatype 538223104 -35.4%
Dcore 160188848 -23.7%
DerivedRules 350723800 -30.9%
Display 693167872 -30.3%
Editor 182144648 -28.4%
Edlib 289491096 -27.3%
Getops 144386080 -27.7%
Globals 68345408 -21.7%
Goals 739953208 -32.0%
Kernel 1669473688 -35.2%
Lookup 51593680 -14.3%
Main 530370728 -28.4%
NofibUtils 70516600 -14.1%
Parse 2191912248 -34.1%
Sub_Core1 623717696 -33.9%
Sub_Core2 595569456 -38.4%
Sub_Core3 845502048 -37.6%
Sub_Core4 985923232 -37.2%
Tacticals 217502200 -28.9%
Tactics 528617136 -31.3%
Tags 139859184 -30.5%
ThmTactics 1417450584 -33.1%
Token 366578984 -32.3%
Tree 424448496 -33.0%
Type_defs 140138976 -24.6%
Unparse 904868664 -31.8%
Vtslib 129478944 -20.2%
X_interface 1111774560 -33.7%
Main 641657816 -30.1%
Main 761933856 -25.1%
Main 353652280 -32.0%
Main 498481720 -35.6%
Main 185416488 -17.5%
-1 s.d. ----- -33.8%
+1 s.d. ----- -19.5%
Average ----- -27.0%
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