Install an APK
adb install <path_to_apk>
Install an APK, overwriting any existing APKs.
adb install -r <path_to_apk>
Create an EC2 instance with MEAN stack and Loopback
Create an EC2 instance with NodeJs, NPM and MongoDB
SSH into your EC2 instance
ssh -i <path_to_pem> ec2-user@<ec2_amazon_dns>
Transfer file with SCP to EC2 instance
scp -i <path_to_pem> <file_to_transfer> ec2-user@<ec2_amazon_dns>:~
Add a commit with a message
Create tar archive tar -cvzf <tar_name.tgz> <target>
Unzip tar archive tar -xvzf <tar_name.tgz>