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Last active October 29, 2024 07:58
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2024 10 29 - Marvel Vinyls Meeting - Web Dev

Marvel Vinyls Meeting Agenda & Details

Online Google hangouts meeting with Marvel Vinyls and Morpheus Plus.

1. Meeting Structure & Flow

  • A loose schedule for the <2-hour meeting:
    • Introduction (5 mins)
    • Requirement gathering & scope finalization (20-30 mins)
    • Deliverables & solutions overview (10-15 mins)
    • Pricing discussion (10-15 mins)
    • Final wrap-up (10-15 mins)
  • Plan checkpoints to confirm the client’s agreement before moving on (e.g., “Does this design match your vision?”).

2. Client's Goals and Expectations

  • Clarify the client's main focus: Performance improvements (loading speed, security, code issues) vs. a full design overhaul (UI/UX).

    From previous discussion:

    • Impactful website, focused for brand recognition.
    • Interface for History/Evolution of Marvel Vinyls.
    • Optimize website design to be more modern and easy to use.
    • Provide interface for showcasing employees and Hierchary. (Need details on level of detail shown to public vs auth visitors).
    • No Ecommerce functionality
  • Clarify client's Branding related details. Personality, tone, PR specifications, presence and relevant details.

  • Ask about CMS/platform/framework preferences if not already finalized, provide suggestions as required.

  • Inquire if they have competitors or reference websites they like to align the design/technical work more closely with their vision.

3. Communication

  • Ensure we have the client's mobile numbers/email as backup.
  • Identify points of contact for Technical, Artistic, and Informational queries during the meeting.

4. Post-Meeting Follow-up

  • Send Marvel Vinyls post-meeting summary email with clear action points, pricing, and deliverables.
  • Set a soft deadline for client feedback/questions post-meeting to keep the project moving forward.

Visual Breakdown

Complete Overview

flowchart TB
    %% Project Start and Initial Payment
    Start([Project Start]) --> Init[Project Initialization]
    Init --> Pay1[Initial Payment 50%]
    %% Main Stages
    Pay1 --> S1[Stage 1: Requirements & Design]
    S1 --> D1{Design Approval}
    D1 --> S2[Stage 2: Static Implementation]
    S2 --> D2{Static Site Approval}
    D2 --> Pay2[Final Payment 50%]
    Pay2 --> S3[Stage 3: Backend Implementation]
    S3 --> D3{Technical Approval}
    D3 --> S4[Stage 4: Dynamic Integration]
    S4 --> D4{Integration Approval}
    D4 --> S5[Stage 5: Documentation & Handover]
    S5 --> D5{Final Approval}
    D5 --> M[Maintenance Phase]
    %% Maintenance Breakdown
    M --> MS[Monthly Services]
    M --> OS[Optional Services]
    %% Styling
    classDef stage fill:#2196F344
    classDef decision fill:#FFA72644
    classDef payment fill:#4CAF5044
    classDef maintenance fill:#9C27B044
    class S1,S2,S3,S4,S5 stage
    class D1,D2,D3,D4,D5 decision
    class Pay1,Pay2 payment
    class M,MS,OS maintenance

Overview with Payment and Change Requests

flowchart TB
    %% Project Start and Initial Fixed Payment
    Start([Project Start]) --> Init[Project Initialization]
    Init --> Pay1[Initial Payment<br/>50% Fixed Fee - ₹2,00,000<br/>Covers Stage 1 & 2]
    %% Stage 1 & 2 with Fixed Fee
    Pay1 --> S1[Stage 1: Requirements & Design]
    S1 --> D1{Design Approval}
    D1 --> S2[Stage 2: Static Implementation]
    S2 --> D2{Static Site Approval}
    D2 --> Pay2[Fixed Fee Balance<br/>50% - ₹2,00,000<br/>Completes Base Website]
    %% Change Request Loops for Stages 1-2
    D1 -->|Change Request| S1
    D2 -->|Change Request| S1
    D2 -->|Change Request| S2
    %% Additional Payment Before Stage 3
    Pay2 --> Pay3[Dynamic Features Payment<br/>Initial payment for<br/>Stages 3-5 functionality]
    %% Stage 3 with Variable Payment
    Pay3 --> S3[Stage 3: Backend Implementation]
    S3 --> D3{Technical Approval}
    D3 --> Pay4[Backend Completion<br/>Payment for infrastructure<br/>and technical setup]
    %% Stage 4 with Variable Payment
    Pay4 --> S4[Stage 4: Dynamic Integration]
    S4 --> D4{Integration Approval}
    D4 --> Pay5[Integration Payment<br/>Covers dynamic features<br/>and CMS implementation]
    %% Stage 5 with Variable Payment
    Pay5 --> S5[Stage 5: Documentation & Handover]
    S5 --> D5{Final Approval}
    D5 --> Pay6[Final Payment<br/>Documentation and<br/>training completion]
    %% Change Request Loops for Stages 3-5
    D3 -->|Change Request| S3
    D4 -->|Change Request| S3
    D4 -->|Change Request| S4
    D5 -->|Change Request| S3
    D5 -->|Change Request| S4
    D5 -->|Change Request| S5
    %% Maintenance Phase
    Pay6 --> M[Maintenance Phase]
    M --> MS[Monthly Services<br/>Security updates, patches<br/>and critical hotfixes]
    M --> OS[Optional Services<br/>SEO, content updates<br/>feature additions]
    %% Styling
    classDef stage fill:#2196F344
    classDef decision fill:#FFA72644
    classDef payment fill:#4CAF5044
    classDef maintenance fill:#9C27B044
    class S1,S2,S3,S4,S5 stage
    class D1,D2,D3,D4,D5 decision
    class Pay1,Pay2,Pay3,Pay4,Pay5,Pay6 payment
    class M,MS,OS maintenance

Detailed Overview

flowchart TB
    %% Stage 1: Requirements & Design
    subgraph S1[Stage 1: Requirements & Design]
        %% Client Inputs
        CI1[Brand Guidelines] --> CI2[Design References]
        CI2 --> CI3[Product Details]
        CI3 --> CI4[Company Info]
        CI4 --> CI5[Goals & Priorities]
        %% Main Tasks
        CI5 --> T11[Create Web Data Doc]
        T11 --> T12[Design URL Map]
        T12 --> T13[Create Wireframes]
        T13 --> T14[Design Options]
        T14 --> T15[Tech Stack Selection]
        %% Deliverables
        T15 --> D11[Web Data Document]
        T15 --> D12[URL Map]
        T15 --> D13[4 Wireframe Options]
        T15 --> D14[Cost Breakdown]
        T15 --> D15[Technical Specs]

    %% Stage 2: Static Implementation
    subgraph S2[Stage 2: Static Site]
        %% Development Tasks
        T21[Develop 100+ Pages] --> T22[Static Elements]
        T22 --> T23[Content Population]
        T23 --> T24[2000+ Images]
        T24 --> T25[Knowledge Base]
        %% Testing
        T25 --> TST1[Proofreading]
        TST1 --> TST2[User Testing]
        TST2 --> TST3[Performance Check]
        %% Deliverables
        TST3 --> D21[Live Static Site]
        TST3 --> D22[Performance Report]
        TST3 --> D23[Content Library]

    %% Stage 3: Backend Implementation
    subgraph S3[Stage 3: Backend]
        %% Infrastructure
        T31[Server Setup] --> T32[Database Design]
        T32 --> T33[API Configuration]
        T33 --> T34[Security Setup]
        %% Systems
        T34 --> SYS1[Backup Systems]
        SYS1 --> SYS2[Storage Config]
        SYS2 --> SYS3[CDN Setup]
        %% Deliverables
        SYS3 --> D31[Backend Infrastructure]
        SYS3 --> D32[Technical Docs]
        SYS3 --> D33[Compliance Report]

    %% Stage 4: Dynamic Integration
    subgraph S4[Stage 4: Dynamic Features]
        %% Core Features
        T41[Frontend-Backend Link] --> T42[CMS Implementation]
        T42 --> T43[User Roles Setup]
        T43 --> T44[Content Management]
        %% Integrations
        T44 --> INT1[Analytics Setup]
        INT1 --> INT2[SEO Integration]
        INT2 --> INT3[Social Media Links]
        %% Admin Features
        INT3 --> ADM1[Admin Panel]
        ADM1 --> ADM2[Content Editor]
        ADM2 --> ADM3[User Management]
        %% Deliverables
        ADM3 --> D41[Dynamic Website]
        ADM3 --> D42[Admin System]
        ADM3 --> D43[Analytics Dashboard]

    %% Stage 5: Documentation & Handover
    subgraph S5[Stage 5: Documentation]
        %% Documentation
        T51[Technical Docs] --> T52[User Manuals]
        T52 --> T53[Video Tutorials]
        T53 --> T54[Training Sessions]
        %% Systems
        T54 --> SYS51[Backup Config]
        SYS51 --> SYS52[Logging Setup]
        SYS52 --> SYS53[Monitoring Tools]
        %% Final Deliverables
        SYS53 --> D51[Documentation Pack]
        SYS53 --> D52[Training Materials]
        SYS53 --> D53[Access Credentials]

    %% Maintenance Phase
    subgraph M[Maintenance Services]
        %% Monthly Services
        M1[Security Updates] --> M2[Service Management]
        M2 --> M3[24h Hotfixes]
        M3 --> M4[Scheduled Updates]
        %% Optional Services
        O1[Quarterly SEO] --> O2[Content Updates]
        O2 --> O3[Feature Additions]
        %% Support
        M4 --> S1M[Basic Support]
        O3 --> S2M[Premium Support]

    %% Stage Flow
    S1 --> S2 --> S3 --> S4 --> S5 --> M

    %% Styling
    classDef stageBox fill:#E3F2FD44,stroke:#2196F3
    classDef task fill:#FFFFFF44,stroke:#2196F3
    classDef clientInput fill:#E8F5E944,stroke:#4CAF50
    classDef deliverable fill:#FFF3E044,stroke:#FF9800
    classDef maintenance fill:#F3E5F544,stroke:#9C27B0

    class S1,S2,S3,S4,S5 stageBox
    class CI1,CI2,CI3,CI4,CI5 clientInput
    class D11,D12,D13,D14,D15,D21,D22,D23,D31,D32,D33,D41,D42,D43,D51,D52,D53 deliverable
    class M,M1,M2,M3,M4,O1,O2,O3,S1M,S2M maintenance
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