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Created October 11, 2017 07:41
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[Golang] Convert size in bytes to Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, GB and TB
package main
import (
var (
sizeInMB float64 = 999 // This is in megabytes
suffixes [5]string
func Round(val float64, roundOn float64, places int ) (newVal float64) {
var round float64
pow := math.Pow(10, float64(places))
digit := pow * val
_, div := math.Modf(digit)
if div >= roundOn {
round = math.Ceil(digit)
} else {
round = math.Floor(digit)
newVal = round / pow
func main() {
size := sizeInMB * 1024 * 1024 // This is in bytes
suffixes[0] = "B"
suffixes[1] = "KB"
suffixes[2] = "MB"
suffixes[3] = "GB"
suffixes[4] = "TB"
base := math.Log(size)/math.Log(1024)
getSize := Round(math.Pow(1024, base - math.Floor(base)), .5, 2)
getSuffix := suffixes[int(math.Floor(base))]
fmt.Println(strconv.FormatFloat(getSize, 'f', -1, 64)+" "+string(getSuffix))
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qxxt commented Jan 14, 2022

Or simpler:
byte to kb = float(n)/(1<<10)
byte to mb = float(n)/(1<<20)
byte to gb = float(n)/(1<<30)

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@qxxt can you please provide more information about your solution?

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qxxt commented Jan 24, 2022

(1<<10) is 1024. It is a byte shift operation. 1024 byte is equal to 1 kb.

(1<<20) is also a byte shift operation and is equal to 1024*1024. It's a total byte of 1mb. Byte unit are a base2 number.

1gb is 1mb*1mb, and so on...

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qxxt commented Jan 24, 2022

And since binary is base 2.
1<<10 is equal to 2^10.
1<<20 = 2^20.

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const (
    _ = 1 << (10 * iota)

KiB = 1_024
MiB = 1_048_576
GiB = 1_073_741_824
TiB = 1_099_511_627_776

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const (
_ = iota //ignore first value by assigning to blank identifier
KB = 1 << (10 * iota)

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anikitenko commented May 3, 2022

@thisisankit27 thank you but how will these consts help me to determine for example 618761333 bytes are exactly KB, MB, GB? The reason I'm asking is that my mathematical method allows to determine index in array but what about const?

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maxmcd commented Feb 11, 2023


func prettyByteSize(b int) string {
	bf := float64(b)
	for _, unit := range []string{"", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"} {
		if math.Abs(bf) < 1024.0 {
			return fmt.Sprintf("%3.1f%sB", bf, unit)
		bf /= 1024.0
	return fmt.Sprintf("%.1fYiB", bf)

Converted from here:

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fresonn commented Nov 6, 2023

@maxmcd thanks 😇

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