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Anil Kumar anilkumar416

  • Bengaluru
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manuelvicnt / AnAndroidApp.kt
Last active January 1, 2023 17:05
Hilt and AssistedInject working together in Hilt v2.28-alpha times - ViewModel version
// Assisted Injection doesn't work with @HiltViewModel or @ViewModelInject
// Read more about the issue here:
// AssistedInject and Hilt working together in v2.28-alpha times
// Example of a ViewModel using AssistedInject injected in a Fragment by Hilt
// As AssistedInject isn't part of Dagger yet, we cannot use in
// conjuction with @ViewModelInject

Android Interview Questions

Q1: Explain activity lifecycle ☆☆

Answer: As a user navigates through, out of, and back to your app, the Activity instances in your app transition through different states in their lifecycle.

To navigate transitions between stages of the activity lifecycle, the Activity class provides a core set of six callbacks: onCreate(), onStart(), onResume(), onPause(), onStop(), and onDestroy(). The system invokes each of these callbacks as an activity enters a new state.

Interview Questions


Q1: What is a primary constructor in Kotlin? ☆☆

Answer: The primary constructor is part of the class header. Unlike Java, you don't need to declare a constructor in the body of the class. Here's an example: