Using OSMnx (Python for Street Maps) to download Open Street Map (OSM) rail-data using the Overpass API
Once the dependencies are met run the script to gather the data:
$ ./prepublish
This will download and create ESRI Shape
files in the shp
directory for all Towns as well as all locations in Great Britian, as well as a Leaflet
JavaScript visualisation using the Town data in a GeoJSON format.
These are environment and project dependencies.
For ease of use manage package python
packages dependencies with a local virtual environment venv
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install osmnx
$ sudo apt install virtualenv
Open Street Map data is licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)
Open Street Map tiles are licenced by CC BY-SA (c) OpenStreetMap contributors
What does this line correspond to: from osmnx.downloader import _osm_network_download
It doesn't correspond to any existing package, does it?