#!/usr/bin/env python |
import json |
import osmnx as ox |
from osmnx.utils import log |
from osmnx.downloader import _osm_network_download |
from functools import partial |
from itertools import groupby |
import argparse as args |
from shapely.geometry import shape, Point, LineString |
from shapely.ops import transform |
import geopandas as gp |
ox.config(use_cache=True, log_console=True) |
try: |
import pandas as pd |
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) |
except ImportError: |
pass |
PARSER = args.ArgumentParser(description='Download OSM rail data from OverpassAPI ') |
PARSER.add_argument('--shpfiles', dest='shp', action='store_true', |
default=False, |
help='create ESRI ShapeFile data (default False)') |
ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() |
SHP = ARGS.shp |
def _set_precision(precision=6): |
def _precision(x, y, z=None): |
return tuple([round(i, precision) for i in [x, y, z] if i]) |
return partial(transform, _precision) |
def get_node(e): |
node = {'geometry': Point(e['lon'], e['lat'])} |
node['osmid'] = e['id'] |
if 'tags' in e: |
for t in ox.settings.useful_tags_node: |
if t in e['tags']: |
node['tags'] = True |
node[t] = e['tags'][t] |
return node |
def get_path(e): |
path = {} |
path['osmid'] = e['id'] |
# remove any consecutive duplicate elements in the list of nodes |
g_list = groupby(e['nodes']) |
path['nodes'] = [g[0] for g in g_list] |
if 'tags' in e: |
for t in ox.settings.useful_tags_path: |
if t in e['tags']: |
path[t] = e['tags'][t] |
return path |
def get_linestring(v): |
return LineString([NODES[i]['geometry'] for i in v]) |
with open('great-britain.json', 'r') as fin: |
POLYGON = shape(json.load(fin)) |
ox.settings.useful_tags_node = ['lon', 'timestamp', 'user', 'lat', 'ref', 'changeset', 'id', 'version', 'uid', 'ref:tiploc', 'name', 'electrified', 'frequency', 'voltage', 'railway'] |
ox.settings.useful_tags_path = ['bridge', 'tunnel', 'width', 'id', 'maxspeed', 'junction', 'name', 'version', 'uid', 'changeset', 'landuse', 'timestamp', 'user', 'ref', 'oneway', 'ref:tiploc', 'name', 'electrified', 'frequency', 'voltage', 'railway'] |
DATA = _osm_network_download(POLYGON, 'way["railway"]', '["railway"!~"highway|cycleway|footway|path|pedestrian|steps|corridor|elevator|escalator|proposed|construction|bridleway|abandoned|platform|raceway|service"]["railway"~"rail|subway|light_rail|tram|narrow_gauge"]') |
log('Create node and path data') |
NODES = {} |
PATHS = {} |
for osm_data in DATA: |
for e in osm_data['elements']: |
if e['type'] == 'node': |
key = e['id'] |
NODES[key] = get_node(e) |
if e['type'] == 'way': #osm calls network paths 'ways' |
key = e['id'] |
PATHS[key] = get_path(e) |
log('Create GeoPandas dataframe') |
GF1 = gp.GeoDataFrame.from_dict(PATHS, orient='index') |
GF1['geometry'] = GF1['nodes'].apply(get_linestring) |
GF1 = GF1.drop('nodes', axis=1) |
GF1.crs = 'EPSG:4326' |
GF1['type'] = 'way' |
IDX1 = GF1.within(POLYGON) | GF1.intersects(POLYGON) |
GF1['location'] = 'GB' |
GF1.loc[~IDX1, 'location'] = 'IE' |
if SHP: |
log('Output shapefiles') |
GF2 = gp.GeoDataFrame.from_dict(data=NODES, orient='index') |
GF2.crs = 'EPSG:4326' |
GF2 = GF2.loc[GF2['tags'].dropna().index].drop(columns='tags', axis=1) |
GF2['type'] = 'node' |
IDX2 = GF2.within(POLYGON) | GF2.intersects(POLYGON) |
GF2['location'] = 'GB' |
GF2.loc[~IDX2, 'location'] = 'IE' |
GF1.fillna('').to_file('shp/full_ways.shp', crs='epsg:4326') |
GF2.fillna('').to_file('shp/full_nodes.shp', crs='epsg:4326') |
log('Trim dataframe') |
GF1 = GF1[IDX1].drop('location', axis=1) |
log('Create GeoJSON') |
OUTPUT = GF1.__geo_interface__ |
log('Clean up GeoJSON') |
for i in OUTPUT['features']: |
i['properties'] = {k: v for k, v in i['properties'].items() |
if v is not None} |
i.pop('bbox', None) |
log('Write output file') |
with open('output-all.json', 'w') as fout: |
json.dump(OUTPUT, fout) |
You're right. This was a previous internal
module API call. I've rewritten the code here using the updated module. As it's broken I'll updated it this weekend.