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Last active November 17, 2018 08:29
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Reduced, mechanistic model
# This code implements the model outlined in:
# "Design of conditions for emergence of self-replicators"
# by Sarkar, Wang, and England (2018)
# Reduced, one-atom model,
# using 'mechanistic' transition-state modeling
using ChemicalReactionNetworks
using PyPlot
#using ODE
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using DualNumbers
# Since we index reactants as 1,2,3,4
# then the energy is the number of pairwise interactions,
# Which is n(n-1)/2
sarkar_energy(n::Unsigned) = n*(n-1)/2
function sarkar_energy(r::Vector{Unsigned}, stoichr::Vector{Unsigned})
e = 0
for i = 1 : length(r)
e += stoichr[i]*sarkar_energy(r[i])
return e
# calculate energy of transition state.
# The transition state energy is the sum of the following energies:
# sarkar_energy(n_donor-1), because it has already donated
# sarkar_energy(n_receptor), it has not yet accepted
# c0*(n_donor-1+n_receptor), the 'free radical'
function transition_state_energy(n_donor, n_receptor, c0)
a = sarkar_energy(n_donor-1)
b = sarkar_energy(n_receptor)
c = c0*(n_donor-1+n_receptor)
return a+b+c
# Create a pair of reactions that proceed through a transition state.
# e1: energy of reactants
# e2: energy of transition state
# e3: energy of products
# TODO: include temp.
function transition_reactions(r::Reaction, ts, e1, e2, e3)
r1 = Reaction(r.reactants, r.stoichr, [ts], [1], exp(e1-e2), exp(e2-e1))
r2 = Reaction(r.products, r.stoichp, [ts], [1], exp(e3-e2), exp(e2-e3))
return [r1,r2]
# same as above, but produce just _one_ reaction,
# with the assumption that both in the forward and backward directions,
# the transition state -> product reaction is very rapid.
# This is the way it is done in the paper.
function transition_reactions_prompt(r::Reaction, ts, e1, e2, e3)
r = Reaction(r.reactants, r.stoichr, r.products, r.stoichp, exp(e1-e2), exp(e3-e2))
# Generate reactions, but not rate constants, for model
function sarkar_reduc_model_reactions()
# -----
# There are four allowed molecules in the system.
# -----
n_species = 4
# -----
# There are six possible reactions in the reduced system.
# Our convention is that the first molecule in the list is the 'donor',
# and the second is the receptor.
# -----
# Use temporary rate constants for now; these will be filled in later,
# When we create the 'full' model.
reactions = [Reaction([1,1],[1,1],[2],[1],0.0,0.0),
return reactions
# compute energies for LHS, RHS, and transition states.
# For model in paper,
# energy_ϵ = -0.0 to -6.0
# interaction_c0 = -0.1
function sarkar_reduc_model_energies(n_species, reactions, energy_ϵ, interaction_c0)
# proportionality factor for transition state, see page 13
c0 = interaction_c0
ϵ = energy_ϵ
# 'LHS energy' column in table
lhs_e = [sarkar_energy(s.reactants,s.stoichr) for s in reactions]
# 'RHS energy' column in table
# Note: the 5th entry should be 4, not 5; there is a typo/error in paper
rhs_e = [sarkar_energy(s.products,s.stoichp) for s in reactions]
# 'transition state energy' column in table
# Note: the 3rd entry should be 0.7, not 1.7; there is a typo/error in the paper
ts_e = [transition_state_energy(s.reactants[1],s.reactants[2],c0) for s in reactions]
# Some sanity checks.
if n_species==4
@assert round.(Int, lhs_e) == [0,1,3,3,6,7]
@assert round.(Int, rhs_e) == [1,3,2,6,4,6]
@assert round.(Int, 10*ts_e) == [-1,8,7,27,26,35]
lhs_e *= energy_ϵ
rhs_e *= energy_ϵ
ts_e *= energy_ϵ
return lhs_e, rhs_e, ts_e
function sarkar_reduc_model(energy_ϵ, interaction_c0)
reactions = sarkar_reduc_model_reactions()
lhs_e, rhs_e, ts_e = sarkar_reduc_model_energies(4, reactions, energy_ϵ, interaction_c0)
# Replace all reactions with their transition state model equivalents
rr2 = Reaction[]
for i = 1 : length(reactions)
rr2 = cat(dims=1, rr2, transition_reactions(reactions[i], 4+i, lhs_e[i], ts_e[i], rhs_e[i]))
return rr2
function sarkar_reduc_model_orig(energy_ϵ, interaction_c0)
reactions = sarkar_reduc_model_reactions()
lhs_e, rhs_e, ts_e = sarkar_reduc_model_energies(4, reactions, energy_ϵ, interaction_c0)
rhs_e[5] = energy_ϵ*5.0
ts_e[3] = energy_ϵ*1.7
# Replace all reactions with their transition state model equivalents.
# Transition from intermediate state to final state is set to be extremely fast.
rr2 = Reaction[]
for i = 1 : length(reactions)
rr2 = cat(dims=1, rr2, transition_reactions_prompt(reactions[i], 4+i, lhs_e[i], ts_e[i], rhs_e[i]))
return rr2
function simulate_sa_model(reactions::Vector{Reaction}, z0, tspan)
function evolve_vecform(z,p,t)
ydot = mass_action(reactions, z)
ydot[1] = 0.0
return ydot
return res.t,res.u
function plot_zout(n_species,tout,zout)
for i=1:n_species
zs = [z[i] for z in zout]
#zs = zout[:,i]
legend(String[string(m) for m in 1:n_species])
function jacobian(n_species, n_species_full, reactions)
z0 = equilibrium_state(n_species_full, reactions)
z1 = [Dual(z,0.0) for z in z0]
jm = zeros(n_species, n_species)
for i=2:n_species
z1[i-1] = Dual(z1[i-1].value, 0.0)
z1[i] = Dual(z1[i].value, 1.0)
dz1 = mass_action(reactions, z1)
for j=1:n_species
jm[j,i] = dz1[j].epsilon
return jm
# Final ingredient: chemostatting of B1
append!(rr2, [Reaction([],[],[1],[1],10.0,10.0)])
@show equilibrium_state(10, rr2)
rr2 = rr2[1:end-1]
rr2 = sarkar_reduc_model(-3.0, -0.1)
@show rr2
# run model
z0 = zeros(10)
z0[1] = 1.0
@show equilibrium_state(10,rr2)
tout,zout = simulate_sa_model(rr2, z0, (0.0,1e11))
plot_zout(4, tout, zout)
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