June 26, 2020 19:49
All finite data structures of the same size (cardinality) can be converted between each other and to/from a finite (peano) number
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{- | |
Algebraic data is called such because the ways to define a type | |
correspond to the basic algebra operations for numbers: | |
An empty type Void corresponds to 0 | |
The unit type () corresponds to 1 | |
A sum type Either x y corresponds to x + y | |
A product type (x, y) corresponds to x * y | |
The interpretation of this is that the corresponding number for a type | |
is the number of possible values it can have. | |
For example: | |
data Bool = False | True | |
size Bool = 1 + 1 | |
There are exactly two boolean values, False and True | |
Same thing for these data types: | |
type Bool' = Either () () | |
size Bool' = (+) 1 1 | |
type Bool'' = Maybe () = Nothing | Just () | |
size Bool'' = 1 + 1 | |
The first value: 0 ~ False ~ Left () ~ Nothing | |
The second value: 1 ~ True ~ Right () ~ Just () | |
----- | |
This module allows you to convert between any two finite (non-recursive) | |
types of the same size, for example Bool/Bool'/Bool'' above. | |
It works by converting the data to a natural number between 0 | |
and the size of the type. This constraint is verified on the type-level. | |
It is kind of like a combination of the Enum and Bounded type classes but type safe. | |
However, there is of course no guarantee that the isomorphism makes any sense, we just show | |
that there is a one-to-one correspondance between types of the same size. | |
-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} -- ^ Wouldn't be needed if injective type families were more expressive | |
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- ^ This would be nice to avoid, but most things would break | |
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} | |
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Wno-orphans #-} | |
module AlgebraicData where | |
import Data.Void | |
import Data.Type.Equality | |
import qualified GHC.TypeNats as TN | |
import qualified GHC.Generics as G | |
import Data.Bifunctor (first, bimap) | |
-- First we define normal naturals | |
data Nat = Z | S Nat | |
type N0 = 'Z | |
type N1 = 'S N0 | |
type N2 = 'S N1 | |
type N3 = 'S N2 | |
type N4 = 'S N3 | |
type N5 = 'S N4 | |
-- And a convenience function for converting builtin TypeNats to our nats | |
-- type family N (n :: TN.Nat) = (n' :: Nat) | n' -> n where | |
type family N (n :: TN.Nat) :: Nat where | |
N 0 = 'Z | |
N n = 'S (N (n TN.- 1)) | |
-- Plus is injective, but we can't tell GHC that | |
-- type family Plus a b = (sum :: Nat) | sum a -> b, sum b -> a where | |
type family Plus a b = (sum :: Nat) where | |
Plus 'Z b = b | |
Plus ('S a) b = 'S (Plus a b) | |
type family Times a b where | |
Times 'Z b = 'Z | |
Times ('S a) b = Plus b (Times a b) | |
-- Then we define Singletons for natural numbers to emulate dependent types | |
data SNat (n :: Nat) where | |
SZ :: SNat 'Z | |
SS :: SNat n -> SNat ('S n) | |
deriving instance Show (SNat n) | |
-- deriving instance G.Generic (SNat n) -- ^ GHC can't derive generics for GADTs | |
-- | Class for automatically generating the SNat for a Nat | |
class KnownSNat (n :: Nat) where | |
getSNat :: SNat n | |
instance KnownSNat 'Z where | |
getSNat = SZ | |
instance KnownSNat n => KnownSNat ('S n) where | |
getSNat = SS getSNat | |
n0 :: SNat N0 | |
n0 = SZ | |
n1 :: SNat N1 | |
n1 = SS n0 | |
n2 :: SNat N2 | |
n2 = SS n1 | |
n3 :: SNat N3 | |
n3 = SS n2 | |
n15 :: SNat (N 15) | |
n15 = getSNat | |
-- Who said Haskell isn't a proof assistant? | |
plusZ :: SNat n -> Plus n 'Z :~: n | |
plusZ SZ = Refl | |
plusZ (SS n) = apply Refl (plusZ n) | |
plusSuc :: SNat n -> SNat m -> 'S (Plus n m) :~: Plus n ('S m) | |
plusSuc SZ _ = Refl | |
plusSuc (SS n) m = apply Refl (plusSuc n m) | |
-- This is more or less exactly the proof from the agda standard library | |
plusComm :: SNat n -> SNat m -> Plus n m :~: Plus m n | |
plusComm SZ m = sym (plusZ m) | |
plusComm (SS n) m = trans (apply Refl (plusComm n m)) (plusSuc m n) | |
splus :: SNat n -> SNat m -> SNat (Plus n m) | |
splus SZ m = m | |
splus (SS n) m = SS (splus n m) | |
stimes :: SNat n -> SNat m -> SNat (Times n m) | |
stimes SZ _ = SZ | |
stimes (SS n) m = splus m (stimes n m) | |
spred :: SNat ('S n) -> SNat n | |
spred (SS n) = n | |
-- | Finite naturals: `m :: Fin n` means that `0 <= m < n` | |
data Fin (n :: Nat) where | |
FZ :: SNat n -> Fin ('S n) | |
FS :: Fin n -> Fin ('S n) | |
deriving instance Show (Fin n) | |
enumerateFin :: SNat n -> [Fin n] | |
enumerateFin SZ = [] | |
enumerateFin (SS n) = FZ n : map FS (enumerateFin n) | |
finToInt :: Fin n -> Int | |
finToInt (FZ _) = 0 | |
finToInt (FS n) = 1 + finToInt n | |
fSize :: Fin n -> SNat n | |
fSize (FZ n) = SS n | |
fSize (FS n) = SS (fSize n) | |
lift :: forall n . Fin n -> Fin ('S n) | |
lift (FZ n) = FZ (SS n) | |
lift (FS n) = FS (lift n) | |
liftN :: SNat n -> Fin m -> Fin (Plus n m) | |
liftN SZ m = m | |
liftN (SS n) m = lift $ liftN n m | |
liftNR :: forall n m. SNat n -> Fin m -> Fin (Plus m n) | |
liftNR n m = castWith (apply Refl $ plusComm n (fSize m)) $ liftN n m | |
plusN :: SNat n -> Fin m -> Fin (Plus n m) | |
plusN SZ m = m | |
plusN (SS n) m = FS $ plusN n m | |
plusNR :: forall n m. SNat n -> Fin m -> Fin (Plus m n) | |
plusNR n m = castWith (apply Refl $ plusComm n (fSize m)) $ plusN n m | |
getFin :: forall n m. (KnownSNat n, KnownSNat m) => Fin (Plus n ('S m)) | |
getFin = plusN (getSNat @n) $ FZ (getSNat @m) | |
{- | |
-- These are not useful | |
fPlus :: forall n m. Fin n -> Fin m -> Fin (Plus n m) | |
fPlus (FZ n) m = lift $ liftN n m | |
fPlus (FS n) m = FS $ fPlus n m | |
lemma1 :: SNat n -> Fin m -> Fin (Plus m (Times n m)) | |
lemma1 n (FZ m) = FZ $ spred (stimes (SS n) (SS m)) | |
lemma1 n (FS m) = FZ $ spred (stimes (SS n) (SS (fSize m))) | |
ftimes :: forall n m. Fin n -> Fin m -> Fin (Times n m) | |
-- ftimes (FZ (n :: SNat ('S n1))) m = _ -- FZ @(Times ('S n1) m) _ | |
-- :: Fin (Plus m (Times n1 m)) | |
ftimes (FZ n) m = lemma1 n m --FZ @(Plus m (Times n1 m)) _ | |
ftimes (FS n) m = fPlus m $ ftimes n m | |
-} | |
ftimes :: forall n m. Fin n -> Fin m -> Fin (Times n m) | |
ftimes (FZ n) m = liftNR (stimes n (fSize m)) m | |
ftimes (FS n) m = plusN (fSize m) $ ftimes n m | |
class Finite a where | |
-- | The number of possible values | |
type SizeOf a :: Nat | |
-- | Get a singleton for the number above | |
getSize :: SNat (SizeOf a) | |
-- | | |
toFin :: a -> Fin (SizeOf a) | |
fromFin :: Fin (SizeOf a) -> a | |
instance KnownSNat n => Finite (Fin n) where | |
type SizeOf (Fin n) = n | |
getSize = getSNat | |
toFin :: Fin n -> Fin n | |
toFin = id | |
fromFin :: Fin n -> Fin n | |
fromFin = id | |
instance KnownSNat n => Finite (SNat n) where | |
type SizeOf (SNat n) = N1 | |
getSize = n1 | |
toFin :: SNat n -> Fin N1 | |
toFin _ = FZ SZ | |
fromFin :: Fin N1 -> SNat n | |
fromFin _ = getSNat | |
deriving via Generically Void instance Finite Void | |
deriving via Generically () instance Finite () | |
deriving via Generically Bool instance Finite Bool | |
deriving via Generically (Maybe a) instance Finite a => Finite (Maybe a) | |
deriving via Generically (Either a b) instance (Finite a, Finite b) => Finite (Either a b) | |
-- This is how the above instances would be written manually | |
-- instance Finite Void where | |
-- type instance SizeOf Void = N0 | |
-- getSize = SZ | |
-- toFin :: Void -> Fin 'Z | |
-- toFin x = case x of {} | |
-- fromFin :: Fin 'Z -> Void | |
-- fromFin x = case x of {} | |
-- instance Finite () where | |
-- type instance SizeOf () = N1 | |
-- getSize = SS SZ | |
-- toFin :: () -> Fin N1 | |
-- toFin () = FZ SZ | |
-- fromFin :: Fin N1 -> () | |
-- fromFin (FZ _) = () | |
-- fromFin (FS x) = case x of {} | |
-- instance Finite Bool where | |
-- type instance SizeOf Bool = N2 | |
-- getSize = SS (SS SZ) | |
-- toFin :: Bool -> Fin N2 | |
-- toFin False = FZ (SS SZ) | |
-- toFin True = FS (FZ SZ) | |
-- fromFin :: Fin N2 -> Bool | |
-- fromFin (FZ _) = False | |
-- fromFin (FS (FZ _)) = True | |
-- fromFin (FS (FS x)) = case x of {} | |
-- instance Finite a => Finite (Maybe a) where | |
-- type SizeOf (Maybe a) = 'S (SizeOf a) | |
-- getSize = SS (getSize @a) | |
-- toFin :: Finite a => Maybe a -> Fin ('S (SizeOf a)) | |
-- toFin Nothing = FZ (getSize @a) | |
-- toFin (Just a) = FS $ toFin a | |
-- fromFin :: Fin ('S (SizeOf a)) -> Maybe a | |
-- fromFin (FZ _) = Nothing | |
-- fromFin (FS n) = Just $ fromFin n | |
splitFinEither :: SNat n -> SNat m -> Fin (Plus n m) -> Either (Fin n) (Fin m) | |
splitFinEither SZ _ fp = Right fp | |
splitFinEither (SS n) _ (FZ _fp) = Left $ FZ n | |
splitFinEither (SS (n :: SNat n')) (m :: SNat m) (FS fp :: Fin (Plus ('S n') m)) | |
= either (Left . FS) Right $ splitFinEither n m (fp :: Fin (Plus n' m)) | |
-- instance (Finite a, Finite b) => Finite (Either a b) where | |
-- type instance SizeOf (Either a b) = Plus (SizeOf a) (SizeOf b) | |
-- getSize = splus (getSize @a) (getSize @b) | |
-- -- toFin :: (Finite a, Finite b) => Either a b -> Fin (SizeOf (Either a b)) | |
-- toFin :: (Finite a, Finite b) => Either a b -> Fin (Plus (SizeOf a) (SizeOf b)) | |
-- toFin (Left a) = castWith (apply Refl (plusComm (getSize @b) (getSize @a))) $ liftN (getSize @b) $ toFin a | |
-- toFin (Right b) = plusN (getSize @a) $ toFin b | |
-- -- fromFin :: (Finite a, Finite b) => Fin (SizeOf (Either a b)) -> Either a b | |
-- fromFin :: (Finite a, Finite b) => Fin (Plus (SizeOf a) (SizeOf b)) -> Either a b | |
-- fromFin = bimap fromFin fromFin . splitFinEither (getSize @a) (getSize @b) | |
splitFinPair :: forall n m. SNat n -> SNat m -> Fin (Times n m) -> (Fin n, Fin m) | |
splitFinPair SZ _ ft = case ft of {} | |
-- splitFinPair (SS (n :: SNat n')) m (FZ ft :: Fin (Times ('S n') m)) = _ n m ft | |
-- splitFinPair (SS n) m (FS ft) = undefined n m ft | |
splitFinPair (SS n) m ft = case splitFinEither m (stimes n m) ft of | |
Left x -> ((,) (FZ n) x) | |
Right b -> first FS $ splitFinPair n m b | |
instance (Finite a, Finite b) => Finite (a, b) where | |
type instance SizeOf (a,b) = Times (SizeOf a) (SizeOf b) | |
getSize :: SNat (Times (SizeOf a) (SizeOf b)) | |
getSize = stimes (getSize @a) (getSize @b) | |
toFin (a,b) = ftimes (toFin a) (toFin b) | |
fromFin :: (Finite a, Finite b) => Fin (SizeOf (a, b)) -> (a, b) | |
fromFin = bimap fromFin fromFin . splitFinPair (getSize @a) (getSize @b) | |
-- | The main result. We can convert between any finite types with the same cardinality | |
convert :: (Finite a, Finite b, SizeOf a ~ SizeOf b) => a -> b | |
convert = fromFin . toFin | |
-- | We can also enumerate any finite type | |
enumerateFinite :: forall a. Finite a => [a] | |
enumerateFinite = fromFin <$> enumerateFin (getSize @a) | |
convert_id :: Finite a => a -> a | |
convert_id = convert | |
prop_convert_id :: (Eq a, Finite a) => a -> Bool | |
prop_convert_id x = x == convert_id x | |
prop_all_convert_id :: forall a. (Eq a, Finite a) => Bool | |
prop_all_convert_id = all prop_convert_id $ enumerateFinite @a | |
-- Orphan instance | |
instance (Finite a, Eq b) => Eq ((->) a b) where | |
a == b = all (\x -> a x == b x) $ enumerateFinite | |
--- Generics | |
instance Finite (f p) => Finite (G.M1 i t f p) where | |
type SizeOf (G.M1 i t f p) = SizeOf (f p) | |
getSize = getSize @(f p) | |
toFin :: Finite (f p) => G.M1 i t f p -> Fin (SizeOf (G.M1 i t f p)) | |
toFin = toFin . G.unM1 | |
fromFin = G.M1 . fromFin | |
instance Finite (G.V1 p) where | |
type instance SizeOf (G.V1 p) = N0 | |
getSize = SZ | |
toFin :: G.V1 p -> Fin 'Z | |
toFin x = case x of {} | |
fromFin :: Fin 'Z -> G.V1 p | |
fromFin x = case x of {} | |
instance (Finite (f p), Finite (g p)) => Finite ((f G.:+: g) p) where | |
type instance SizeOf ((f G.:+: g) p) = Plus (SizeOf (f p)) (SizeOf (g p)) | |
getSize = splus (getSize @(f p)) (getSize @(g p)) | |
-- toFin :: (Finite (f p), Finite (g p)) => (f :+: g) p -> Fin (SizeOf ((f :+: g) p)) | |
toFin :: (Finite (f p), Finite (g p)) => (f G.:+: g) p -> Fin (Plus (SizeOf (f p)) (SizeOf (g p))) | |
toFin (G.L1 a) = castWith (apply Refl (plusComm (getSize @(g p)) (getSize @(f p)))) $ liftN (getSize @(g p)) $ toFin a | |
toFin (G.R1 b) = plusN (getSize @(f p)) $ toFin b | |
-- fromFin :: (Finite (f p), Finite (g p)) => Fin (SizeOf ((f :+: g) p)) -> (f :+: g) p | |
fromFin :: (Finite (f p), Finite (g p)) => Fin (Plus (SizeOf (f p)) (SizeOf (g p))) -> (f G.:+: g) p | |
-- fromFin = bimap fromFin fromFin . eitherToGPlus . splitFinEither (getSize @(f p)) (getSize @(g p)) | |
fromFin = either (G.L1 . fromFin) (G.R1 . fromFin) . splitFinEither (getSize @(f p)) (getSize @(g p)) | |
pairToGPair :: (f p, g p) -> (G.:*:) f g p | |
pairToGPair (a, b) = a G.:*: b | |
instance (Finite (f p), Finite (g p)) => Finite ((G.:*:) f g p) where | |
type instance SizeOf ((G.:*:) f g p) = Times (SizeOf (f p)) (SizeOf (g p)) | |
getSize :: SNat (Times (SizeOf (f p)) (SizeOf (g p))) | |
getSize = stimes (getSize @(f p)) (getSize @(g p)) | |
toFin (a G.:*: b) = ftimes (toFin a) (toFin b) | |
fromFin :: (Finite (f p), Finite (g p)) => Fin (SizeOf ((G.:*:) f g p)) -> (f G.:*: g) p | |
fromFin = pairToGPair . bimap fromFin fromFin . splitFinPair (getSize @(f p)) (getSize @(g p)) | |
-- fromFin = _ . bimap fromFin fromFin . splitFinPair (getSize @(f p)) (getSize @(g p)) | |
instance Finite (G.U1 p) where | |
type instance SizeOf (G.U1 p) = N1 | |
getSize = SS SZ | |
toFin :: G.U1 p -> Fin N1 | |
toFin G.U1 = FZ SZ | |
fromFin :: Fin N1 -> G.U1 p | |
fromFin (FZ _) = G.U1 | |
fromFin (FS x) = case x of {} | |
-- This is where we could recurse automatically with Generic if we wanted | |
-- It might also be possible to explicitly prevent recursion here | |
-- instance (G.Generic c, Finite (G.Rep c ())) => Finite (G.K1 i c p) where | |
-- type SizeOf (G.K1 i c p) = SizeOf (G.Rep c ()) | |
-- getSize = getSize @(G.Rep c ()) | |
-- -- toFin :: Finite c => G.K1 i c p -> Fin (SizeOf (G.K1 i c p)) | |
-- toFin = gToFin . G.unK1 | |
-- -- fromFin :: Fin (SizeOf c) -> G.K1 i c p | |
-- fromFin = G.K1 . gFromFin | |
instance Finite c => Finite (G.K1 i c p) where | |
type SizeOf (G.K1 i c p) = SizeOf c | |
getSize = getSize @c | |
toFin :: Finite c => G.K1 i c p -> Fin (SizeOf (G.K1 i c p)) | |
toFin = toFin . G.unK1 | |
fromFin :: Fin (SizeOf c) -> G.K1 i c p | |
fromFin = G.K1 . fromFin | |
newtype Generically c = Generically {getGenerically :: c} | |
instance (G.Generic c, Finite (G.Rep c ())) => Finite (Generically c) where | |
type SizeOf (Generically c) = SizeOf (G.Rep c ()) | |
getSize = getSize @(G.Rep c ()) | |
toFin = toFin . G.from @c @() . getGenerically | |
-- toFin = gToFin . getGenerically | |
fromFin = Generically . @c @() . fromFin | |
-- fromFin = Generically . gFromFin | |
-- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} | |
-- {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} | |
-- type GFinite x = Finite (G.Rep x ()) | |
-- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} | |
-- gToFin :: forall a. (G.Generic a, Finite (G.Rep a ())) => a -> Fin (SizeOf (G.Rep a ())) | |
-- gToFin = toFin . G.from @a @() | |
-- gFromFin :: forall a. (G.Generic a, Finite (G.Rep a ())) => Fin (SizeOf (G.Rep a ())) -> a | |
-- gFromFin = @a @() . fromFin | |
-- An infinite data structure as an experiment | |
data Delay = Delay Delay | |
deriving (G.Generic) | |
-- This fails with stack overflow. It would be better if it failed faster, but better than an infinite loop | |
-- deriving Finite via Generically Delay | |
-- | An example type with three elements | |
-- | |
-- >>> getSize @Trinary | |
-- SS (SS (SS SZ)) | |
-- | |
-- >>> toFin T2 | |
-- FS (FZ (SS SZ)) | |
-- | |
-- >> finToNat $ toFin T2 | |
-- 2 | |
data Trinary = T1 | T2 | T3 | |
deriving (G.Generic, Show) | |
deriving Finite via Generically Trinary | |
-- deriving via Generically [a] instance Finite [a] | |
-- {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-} | |
-- {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} | |
-- data Finite0 proxy p = Finite0 (Finite p => proxy p) | |
-- data Finite1 proxy p = Finite1 ((forall a. Finite (p a)) => proxy p) | |
-- data Finite2 proxy p = Finite2 ((forall a b. Finite (p a b)) => proxy p) | |
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