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Last active November 29, 2020 12:58
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A module for converting any data type with a Generic instance into a pretty tree
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module GenericToTree where
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Tree
import GHC.TypeLits (symbolVal, KnownSymbol)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Array as Array
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- class Show a => ToTree a where
class ToTree a where
toTree :: a -> Tree String
toTreeList :: [a] -> Tree String
toTreeList = toTreeList__
default toTree :: (Generic a, ToTree (Rep a ()) ) => a -> Tree String
toTree = toTree . from @a @()
-- class Show a => ToForest a where
class ToForest a where
toForest :: a -> Forest String
data SillyTree = SLeaf | SNode SillyTree SillyTree
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance ToTree SillyTree where
toTree = toTree . from
exampleTree :: Tree String
exampleTree = toTree $ SNode (SNode SLeaf SLeaf) SLeaf
showAsTree :: ToTree a => a -> String
showAsTree = drawTree . simplfiyTree . toTree
printAsTree :: ToTree a => a -> IO ()
printAsTree = putStrLn . showAsTree
showExampleTree :: String
showExampleTree = drawTree exampleTree
-- | Simplifier
simplfiyTree :: Tree String -> Tree String
simplfiyTree = cataTree simplifySingle
simplifySingle :: String -> Forest String -> Tree String
-- simplifySingle a (Node "" []:xs) = simplifySingle (a ++ "+") xs
simplifySingle a (Node "" []:xs) = simplifySingle a xs
simplifySingle "[]" [Node b []] = Node ("[" ++ b ++ "]") []
simplifySingle a [Node b []] | not (elem ' ' b) = Node (a ++ " " ++ b) []
simplifySingle a [Node b []] = Node (a ++ " $ " ++ b) []
simplifySingle a [Node b bs] = Node (a ++ " . " ++ b) bs
simplifySingle a [] = Node a []
simplifySingle a xs | all (null . subForest) xs, length simpl < 90 = pure simpl
| a == "(,)" = "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map rootLabel xs) ++ ")"
| a == "[]" = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map rootLabel xs) ++ "]"
| otherwise = a ++ concatMap ((' ':) . parenthize . rootLabel) xs
-- simplifySingle a xs = Node (show (length xs) ++ a) xs
simplifySingle a xs = Node a xs
parenthize :: String -> String
parenthize s | not (elem ' ' s) = s
parenthize s@('[':_) = s
parenthize s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
-- cataTree :: (a -> Forest b -> Tree b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
cataTree :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b
cataTree f (Node x xs) = f x $ cataTree f <$> xs
transformTree :: (Tree a -> Tree a) -> Tree a -> Tree a
transformTree f (Node x ts) = f (Node x $ transformTree f <$> ts)
-- * Instances
class GetName (meta :: Meta) where
getName :: String
instance KnownSymbol name => GetName ('MetaCons name fixity selectors) where
getName = symbolVal @name Proxy
instance KnownSymbol name => GetName ('MetaSel ('Just name) fixity selectors strictness) where
getName = symbolVal @name Proxy ++ " = "
instance GetName ('MetaSel 'Nothing fixity selectors strictness) where
getName = ""
instance ToTree (f p) => ToTree (M1 D t f p) where
toTree (M1 x) = toTree x
-- Constructor, get name
instance (GetName meta, ToForest (f p)) => ToTree (M1 C meta f p) where
toTree (M1 x) = Node (getName @meta) $ toForest x
instance (ToForest (f p), ToForest (g p)) => ToForest ((f :*: g) p) where
toForest (x :*: y) = toForest x ++ toForest y
-- Selector, get name
instance (GetName meta, ToTree (f p)) => ToForest (M1 S meta f p) where
toForest (M1 x) = pure $ mapHead (getName @meta ++) $ toTree x
-- instance (ToForest (f p)) => ToForest (M1 S meta f p) where
-- toForest (M1 x) = toForest x
instance (ToTree f) => ToTree (K1 R f p) where
toTree (K1 x) = toTree x
instance (ToTree f) => ToForest (K1 R f p) where
toForest (K1 x) = [toTree x]
instance ToForest (U1 p) where
toForest U1 = []
-- instance ToTree (f p) => ToTree (M1 i t f p) where
-- toTree (M1 x) = toTree x
instance (ToTree (f p), ToTree (g p)) => ToTree ((f :+: g) p) where
toTree (L1 x) = toTree x
toTree (R1 x) = toTree x
-- * Specific instances
instance ToTree a => ToTree [a] where
toTree = toTreeList
toTreeList__ :: ToTree a => [a] -> Tree [Char]
toTreeList__ xs = Node "[]" $ toTree <$> xs
instance ToTree a => ToTree (Maybe a)
instance (ToTree a, ToTree b) => ToTree (a, b)
instance (ToTree a, ToTree b, ToTree c) => ToTree (a, b, c)
instance (ToTree a, ToTree b, ToTree c, ToTree d) => ToTree (a,b,c,d)
instance (ToTree a, ToTree b) => ToTree (Map.Map a b) where
toTree a = mapHead ("Map.fromList . " ++) . toTree $ Map.toList a
instance ToTree a => ToTree (Set.Set a) where
toTree a = mapHead ("Set.fromList . " ++) . toTree $ Set.toList a
instance (ToTree a, ToTree b) => ToTree (Array.Array a b) where
toTree a = mapHead ("Array.fromList . " ++) . toTree $ Foldable.toList a
wrapText :: [a] -> Tree [a] -> Tree [a]
wrapText s = mapHead (s ++)
instance ToTree Char where
toTree = toTreeShow
toTreeList = toTreeShow
instance ToTree Bool
instance ToTree Double where toTree = toTreeShow
instance ToTree Int where toTree = toTreeShow
instance ToTree Integer where toTree = toTreeShow
toTreeShow :: Show a => a -> Tree String
toTreeShow a = Node (show a) []
mapHead :: (a -> a) -> Tree a -> Tree a
mapHead f (Node a xs) = Node (f a) xs
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