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Last active February 4, 2025 15:34
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A simple demo of lazy nats in haskell, defined as list of unit
import Data.List (genericLength)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
type Nat = [()]
instance Enum Nat where
succ = (():)
pred = tail
fromEnum = length
toEnum = flip replicate ()
enumFrom = iterate succ -- Not necessery, but slightly more efficient
instance Num Nat where
(+) = (++)
(*) = (>>)
fromInteger = toEnum . fromInteger
sumLazy :: (Foldable t, Num b) => t b -> b
sumLazy = foldr (+) 0
-- Not really lazy enough to be useful in this case
productLazy :: (Foldable t, Num b) => t b -> b
productLazy = foldr (*) 1
-- >>> (4 :: Nat) < genericLength [1..]
-- True
-- >>> (6 :: Nat) <= sumLazy [2..]
-- True
-- We can't determine if a product is non-zero without seeing the whole list
-- >>> (3 :: Nat) <= productLazy ([2,3,4] ++ repeat (error "not sufficiently lazy"))
-- *** Exception: not sufficiently lazy
-- We can however multiply infinite numbers
-- >>> (8 :: Nat) <= sumLazy [1..] * genericLength [2..]
-- True
-- If the second number is infinite, we'll only check that the first number is non-zero
-- >>> (10 :: Nat) <= sumLazy [1, undefined] * sumLazy [2..]
-- True
-- * Using non-empty lists to get non-zero natural numbers
type PositiveInteger = NE.NonEmpty ()
instance Enum PositiveInteger where
toEnum = NE.fromList . toEnum
fromEnum = length
instance Num PositiveInteger where
(+) = (<>)
(*) = flip (>>) -- Flip is necessary to get laziness
fromInteger = toEnum . fromInteger
-- If we guarantee that the number is non-zero, we can get laziness with products as well
-- >>> (3 :: PositiveInteger) <= productLazy ([2,3,4] ++ (error "not sufficiently lazy"))
-- True
-- >>> (3 :: PositiveInteger) <= productLazy ([2..])
-- True
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