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Last active December 17, 2015 22:29
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hbase shell
1) list -- list all the tables in Hbase
2) create 'test', 'cf' -- creates a table named test and column family cf
3) scan ‘test’ -- reads the content of test table
4) put 'test', 'row1', 'cf:a', 'value2' -- add a row “row1” to table “test” with value “value2”, value 2 could be a JSON object
5) disable 'test' -- disable the table “test”
6) drop 'test' -- drop the table “test”
7) deleteall 'test', 'row1' -- delete the row “row1” from table “test”
8) scan 'table_name', { COLUMNS => 'column_family:column_qualifier', LIMIT => 10 }
9) hadoop dfs -rm filename.csv
10) hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal filename.csv /user/ankit.rakha/
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