To simplify this process, we will use CFSSL - CloudFlare's PKI/TLS toolkit
brew install cfssl
The ./
script will create the the self-signed ca certificate for each environment and application. If a csr
already exists, it will NOT be overwritten.
./ <app_name>
Here <app_name>
is the name of the application for which the ssl certs need to be generated.
This scripts generates the server and client certificates for each environment. The csr for each certificate is stored
in the config/
directory under each environment. The certificates are created with a 8760h (1 year) expiration and
should be refreshed before expiry.
Mutual authentication (or "client-side authentication") configuration is similar to the server by providing truststores, a client certificate and private key to the client channel. The server must also be configured to request a certificate from clients, as well as truststores for which client certificates it should allow.
SslContext sslContext = GrpcSslContexts
.forServer(certChainFile, privateKeyFile) // path to the environment specific server certificate and corresponding key
.trustManager(caCertFile) // path to the environment specific CA certificate
.addService(new ServiceImpl())
SslContext sslContext = GrpcSslContexts.forClient()
.trustManager(caCertFile) // path to the environment specific CA certificate
.keyManager(clientCertFile, clientKeyFile) // path to the environment specific client certificate and corresponding key
NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress(serverHost, serverPort)
Negotiated client certificates are available in the SSLSession, which is found in the SSL_SESSION_KEY attribute of ServerCall. A server interceptor can provide details in the current Context.
public final static Context.Key<SSLSession> SSL_SESSION_CONTEXT = Context.key("SSLSession");
public <ReqT, RespT> ServerCall.Listener<ReqT> interceptCall(MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT> method,
ServerCall<RespT> call, Metadata headers, ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT> next) {
SSLSession sslSession = call.attributes().get(ServerCall.SSL_SESSION_KEY);
if (sslSession == null) {
return next.startCall(method, call, headers)
return Contexts.interceptCall(
Context.current().withValue(SSL_SESSION_CONTEXT, clientContext),
method, call, headers, next);