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Created November 1, 2023 04:51
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from phBot import *
import urllib.request
from threading import Timer
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import datetime
import os
import signal
import struct
import subprocess
import json
import QtBind
name = 'ScriptCommands'
version = 1.4
NewestVersion = 0
#get phbot folder path
path = get_config_dir()[:-7]
StartBotAt = 0
CloseBotAt = 0
CheckStartTime = False
CheckCloseTime = False
SkipCommand = False
delay_counter = 0
BtnStart = False
Recording = False
RecordedPackets = []
ExecutedPackets = []
Index = 0
StopBot = True
gui = QtBind.init(__name__, name)
LvlSaveName = QtBind.createLabel(gui,'Save Name ',10,13)
SaveName = QtBind.createLineEdit(gui,"",80,10,120,20)
RecordBtn = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_start', ' Start Recording ', 220, 10)
Display = QtBind.createList(gui,20,50,280,180)
ShowCommandsBtn = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_ShowCmds', ' Show Current \n Saved Cmds ', 20, 240)
DeleteCommandsBtn = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_DelCmds', ' Delete Cmd ', 120, 240)
ShowPacketsBtn = QtBind.createButton(gui, 'button_ShowPackets', ' Show Packets ', 220, 240)
cbxShowPackets = QtBind.createCheckBox(gui, 'cbxAuto_clicked','Show Packets ', 330, 10)
def ResetSkip():
global SkipCommand
SkipCommand = False
def LeaveParty(args):
if get_party():
log('Plugin: Leaving Party')
return 0
#Notification,title, a windows notification, bot must be minimized
def Notification(args):
if len(args) == 3:
title = args[1]
message = args[2]
show_notification(title, message)
return 0
log('Plugin: Incorrect Notification command')
return 0
#NotifyList,message.. Create a notification in the list
def NotifyList(args):
if len(args) == 2:
message = args[1]
return 0
log('Plugin: Incorrect NotifyList command')
return 0
#PlaySound,ding.wav...wav file must be in your phbot folder
def PlaySound(args):
FileName = args[1]
if os.path.exists(path + FileName):
play_wav(path + FileName)
log('Plugin: Playing [%s]' %FileName)
return 0
log('Plugin: Sound file [%s] doesnt exist' %FileName)
return 0
#example - SetScript,Mobs103.txt
#script must be in your phbot folder
def SetScript(args):
name = args[1]
if os.path.exists(path + name):
set_training_script(path + name)
log('Plugin: Changing Script to [%s]' %name)
return 0
log('Plugin: Script [%s] doesnt exist' %name)
return 0
#CloseBot..kills the bot immediately
#CloseBot,in,5... kills the bot in 5 mins
#CloseBot,at,05:30..kills the bot at a specific time.. 24hour clock
def CloseBot(args):
global CloseBotAt, CheckCloseTime
CheckCloseTime = True
if len(args) == 1:
return 0
type = args[1]
time = args[2]
if type == 'in':
CloseBotAt = str( + timedelta(minutes=int(time)))[11:16]
log('Plugin: Closing Bot At [%s]' %CloseBotAt)
elif type == 'at':
CloseBotAt = time
log('Plugin: Closing Bot At [%s]' %CloseBotAt)
return 0
def Terminate():
log("Plugin: Closing bot...")
#GoClientless.. Kills the Client instantly
def GoClientless(args):
pid = get_client()['pid']
if pid:
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
return 0
log('Plugin: Client is not open!')
return 0
#Stop and Start the bot at specified time
#Ex StartBot,in,5.. Starts bot in 5 mins
#Ex StartBot,at,05:30.. Starts bot at specified time.. 24hour clock
def StartBot(args):
global StartBotAt, CheckStartTime, SkipCommand
#avoid bot doing command again after restarting
if SkipCommand:
SkipCommand = False
return 0
type = args[1]
time = args[2]
CheckStartTime = True
if type == 'in':
StartBotAt = str( + timedelta(minutes=int(time)))[11:16]
log('Plugin: Starting Bot At [%s]' %StartBotAt)
elif type == 'at':
StartBotAt = time
log('Plugin: Starting Bot At [%s]' %StartBotAt)
return 0
#StopStart..Stops and starts the bot 1 second later
def StopStart(args):
global SkipCommand
#avoid bot doing command again after restarting
if SkipCommand:
SkipCommand = False
return 0
Timer(1.0, start_bot, ()).start()
#some cases the bot may not pass over the command again when starting again
Timer(30.0, ResetSkip, ()).start()
SkipCommand = True
return 0
#StartTrace,player..Starts tracing a player
def StartTrace(args):
global SkipCommand
#avoid bot doing command again after restarting
if SkipCommand:
SkipCommand = False
return 0
elif len(args) == 2:
player = args[1]
if start_trace(player):
log('Plugin: Starting to trace [%s]' %player)
return 0
log('Plugin: Player [%s] is not near.. Continuing' %player)
SkipCommand = True
Timer(1.0, start_bot, ()).start()
#some cases the bot may not pass over the command again when starting again
Timer(30.0, ResetSkip, ()).start()
return 0
log('Plugin: Incorrect StartTrace format')
return 0
#RemoveSkill,skillname...Remove the skill if active
def RemoveSkill(args):
locale = get_locale()
if locale == 18 or locale == 56:
RemSkill = args[1]
skills = get_active_skills()
for ID, skill in skills.items():
if skill['name'] == RemSkill:
packet = b'\x01\x05'
packet += struct.pack('<I', ID)
packet += b'\x00'
log('Plugin: Removing skill [%s]' %RemSkill)
return 0
log('Plugin: Skill is not active')
return 0
log('Plugin: Only supported on iSRO or TRSRO, contact me to add support for your server')
return 0
#Drop,itemname... drops the first stack of the specified item
def Drop(args):
locale = get_locale()
if locale == 18 or locale == 56:
DropItem = args[1]
items = get_inventory()['items']
for slot, item in enumerate(items):
if item:
name = item['name']
if name == DropItem:
p = b'\x07' # static stuff maybe
p += struct.pack('B', slot)
log('Plugin: Dropping item [%s][%s]' %(item['quantity'],name))
return 0
log(r'Plugin: You Dont Have any Items to Drop')
return 0
log('Plugin: Only supported on iSRO or TRSRO, contact me to add support for your server')
return 0
#OpenphBot,commandlinearguments..opens a bot with the specified arguements
def OpenphBot(args):
cmdargs = args[1]
if os.path.exists(path + "phBot.exe"):
subprocess.Popen(path + "phBot.exe " + cmdargs)
log('Plugin: Opening a new bot')
return 0
log('Plugin: Invalid path to bot')
return 0
#OpenphBot,path..opens a bat file
def OpenBat(args):
cmdargs = args[1]
if os.path.exists(cmdargs):
log('Plugin: Opened bat' + cmdargs)
return 0
log('Plugin: Invalid path to bat' + cmdargs)
return 0
def DismountPet(args):
PetType = args[1].lower()
if PetType == 'pick':
log('Plugin: You cant dismount a pick pet silly goose')
return 0
pets = get_pets()
if pets:
for id,pet in pets.items():
if pet['type'] == PetType:
p = b'\x00'
p += struct.pack('I',id)
inject_joymax(0x70CB,p, False)
return 0
return 0
def UnsummonPet(args):
PetType = args[1].lower()
if PetType == 'pick':
return 0
elif PetType == 'horse':
return 0
pets = get_pets()
if pets:
for id,pet in pets.items():
if pet['type'] == PetType:
p = struct.pack('I',id)
if PetType == 'transport':
inject_joymax(0x70C6,p, False)
inject_joymax(0x7116,p, False)
log(f'Plugin: Unsummoning [{PetType}]')
return 0
return 0
#ResetWeapons,all or ResetWeapons,primary or ResetWeapons,secondary or ResetWeapons,shield
def ResetWeapons(args):
Items = 'all'
if len(args) == 2:
Items = args[1].lower()
path = get_config_dir()
CharData = get_character_data()
ConfigFile = f"{CharData['server']}_{CharData['name']}.{get_profile()}.json" if len(get_profile()) > 0 else f"{CharData['server']}_{CharData['name']}.json"
if os.path.exists(path + ConfigFile):
with open(path + ConfigFile,"r") as f:
Configdata = json.load(f)
if Items == 'all':
Configdata['Inventory'] = {"Primary": 0, "Secondary": 0, "Shield": 0}
if Items == 'primary':
Configdata['Inventory']['Primary'] = 0
if Items == 'secondary':
Configdata['Inventory']['Secondary'] = 0
if Items == 'shield':
Configdata['Inventory']['Shield'] = 0
with open(path + ConfigFile ,"w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(Configdata, indent=4))
log('Plugin: Weapons have been reset')
return 0
return 0
def event_loop():
global delay_counter, CheckStartTime, SkipCommand, CheckCloseTime
if CheckStartTime:
delay_counter += 500
if delay_counter >= 60000:
delay_counter = 0
CurrentTime = str([11:16]
if CurrentTime == StartBotAt:
CheckStartTime = False
SkipCommand = True
log('Plugin: Starting Bot')
elif CheckCloseTime:
delay_counter += 500
if delay_counter >= 60000:
delay_counter = 0
CurrentTime = str([11:16]
if CurrentTime == CloseBotAt:
CheckCloseTime = False
#-----------------Custom Script Command Stuffs-----------------
def button_start():
global BtnStart, RecordedPackets
if len(QtBind.text(gui,SaveName)) <= 0:
log('Plugin: Please Enter a Name for the Custom Scipt Command')
if BtnStart == False:
BtnStart = True
QtBind.setText(gui,RecordBtn,' Stop Recording ')
log('Plugin: Started, Please Select the NPC to start recording')
elif BtnStart == True:
log('Plugin: Recording Finished')
Name = QtBind.text(gui,SaveName)
BtnStart = False
QtBind.setText(gui,RecordBtn,' Start Recording ')
Recording = False
RecordedPackets = []
Timer(1.0, button_ShowCmds, ()).start()
def button_ShowCmds():
data = {}
if os.path.exists(path + "CustomNPC.json"):
with open("CustomNPC.json","r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
for name in data:
log('Plugin: No Commands Currently Saved')
def button_DelCmds():
Name = QtBind.text(gui,Display)
data = {}
if Name:
with open("CustomNPC.json","r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
for name, value in list(data.items()):
if name == Name:
del data[name]
with open("CustomNPC.json","w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
log('Plugin: Custom NPC Command [%s] Deleted' %name)
Timer(1.0, button_ShowCmds, ()).start()
log('Plugin: Custom NPC Command [%s] does not exist' %Name)
Timer(1.0, button_ShowCmds, ()).start()
def button_ShowPackets():
Name = QtBind.text(gui,Display)
data = {}
if Name:
with open("CustomNPC.json","r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
for name in data:
if name == Name:
Packets = data[name]['Packets']
for packet in Packets:
def GetPackets(Name):
global ExecutedPackets
data = {}
with open("CustomNPC.json","r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
for name in data:
if name == Name:
ExecutedPackets = data[name]['Packets']
def SaveNPCPackets(Name,Packets=[]):
data = {}
if os.path.exists(path + "CustomNPC.json"):
with open("CustomNPC.json","r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
data = {}
data[Name] = {"Packets": Packets}
with open("CustomNPC.json","w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
log("Plugin: Custom NPC Command Saved")
#example.. CustomNPC,savedname,true
def CustomNPC(args):
global SkipCommand, StopBot
if SkipCommand:
SkipCommand = False
return 0
if len(args) < 2:
log('Plugin: Invalid command, use CustomNPC,savedname,state')
return 0
StopBot = True
if len(args) == 3:
State = args[2]
if State.lower() == 'true':
StopBot = True
if State.lower() == 'false':
StopBot = False
if StopBot:
Name = args[1]
#avoid the bot closing the npc window
Timer(0.5, InjectPackets, ()).start()
return 0
def InjectPackets():
global Index, ExecutedPackets
opcode = int(ExecutedPackets[Index].split(':')[0],16)
dataStr = ExecutedPackets[Index].split(':')[1].replace(' ','')
LendataStr = len(dataStr)
data = bytearray()
for i in range(0,int(LendataStr),2):
inject_joymax(opcode, data, False)
if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxShowPackets):
log("Plugin: Injected (Opcode) 0x" + '{:02X}'.format(opcode) + " (Data) "+ ("None" if not data else ' '.join('{:02X}'.format(x) for x in data)))
NumofPackets = len(ExecutedPackets) - 1
if Index < NumofPackets:
Index += 1
Timer(2.0, InjectPackets, ()).start()
elif Index == NumofPackets:
global SkipCommand
log('Plugin: Finished Custom NPC Command')
Index = 0
ExecutedPackets = []
#some cases the bot may not pass over the command when starting again
Timer(30.0, ResetSkip, ()).start()
SkipCommand = True
if StopBot:
def handle_silkroad(opcode, data):
global Recording, BtnStart, RecordedPackets
if data == None:
return True
if BtnStart:
#select NPC to start recording
if opcode == 0x7045:
Recording = True
log('Plugin: Recording Started')
RecordedPackets.append("0x" + '{:02X}'.format(opcode) + ":" + ' '.join('{:02X}'.format(x) for x in data))
if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxShowPackets):
log("Plugin: Recorded (Opcode) 0x" + '{:02X}'.format(opcode) + " (Data) "+ ("None" if not data else ' '.join('{:02X}'.format(x) for x in data)))
if Recording == True:
if opcode != 0x7045:
RecordedPackets.append("0x" + '{:02X}'.format(opcode) + ":" + ' '.join('{:02X}'.format(x) for x in data))
if QtBind.isChecked(gui,cbxShowPackets):
log("Plugin: Recorded (Opcode) 0x" + '{:02X}'.format(opcode) + " (Data) "+ ("None" if not data else ' '.join('{:02X}'.format(x) for x in data)))
return True
#-----------------Custom Script Command Stuffs End-----------------
def CheckForUpdate():
global NewestVersion
#avoid request spam
if NewestVersion == 0:
req = urllib.request.Request('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as f:
lines = str("utf-8")).split()
for num, line in enumerate(lines):
if line == 'version':
NewestVersion = int(lines[num+2].replace(".",""))
CurrentVersion = int(str(version).replace(".",""))
if NewestVersion > CurrentVersion:
log('Plugin: There is an update avaliable for [%s]!' % name)
log('Plugin: [%s] Version %s Loaded' % (name,version))
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