- VM neutral node.js delivieries
- still V8 as default VM shipped
- high interest IBM/MS/google to get other VMs in to support devices/platforms
- node security (Lift, Adam Baldwin)
- move node-security to vendor-neutral project within node foundation
- node foundation project
- features for v5
- better query string/cookie handling
- new route syntax (possibly breaking on some edge cases, migration guide to come)
- native promise support in routing (basic support for ES2017 with async/await)
- plans for more traceability/contribution (#SOCO)
- stated goals
- clear guidelines on how to become commiter/TC member etc
- organization structure
- harden node projects for production with nsolid
- docker, kubernetes, cloudfoundry support
- google cp, aws (available in marketplace), azure
- security policies to lock down specific versions
- certified modules
- check security vulnerabilities
- permissive OS licenses
- API all the things
- restaurant menu with preorder
- link tv recording/security cameras with vehicle GPS
- node for serverless
- lightweight, startup, IO oriented
- slack bot to analyze language
- slack API POSTs to serverless on message
- https://developer.ibm.com/openwhisk/
- picks up the slack API call and sends over to watson for analysis
- lot of node projects deployed on azure (serverless and appwise)
- classical node arguments from customers
- enables fast agile transformation
- containers are standard artifact for deployment
- VS code to provide seamless dev tool
- integrated git, terminal, autocomplete..
- typescript support, autoload typescript defs to support autocomplete
- combined debugging of backend (node) frontend (ng, react) inside the editor
- nodejs adoption by enterprise seems to be huge (keynotes by ibm, ms, intel..)
- long experience on accelerating java applications
- focus on monitoring/improving performance of node over time
- canary approach
- http://languagesperformance.intel.com/?s=node.js
- community centered approach