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I really like dogs. They are so fun to play with, simple to care for, and cute.

jack anonyco

I really like dogs. They are so fun to play with, simple to care for, and cute.
  • United States
  • 02:50 (UTC -05:00)
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name=CentOS-6.10 - Base
anonyco /
Last active May 31, 2024 20:48
Shellscript grub.d hook to automatically fixup /boot selected kernels for vmlinuz and initrd.img. Primarily targets ubuntu/derivatives but should work anywhere that uses grub.d
# DESCRIPTION: fixes up /boot selected kernels for vmlinuz and initrd.img
# INSTALLATION: sudo wget '' \
# -O/etc/grub.d/01_fixup_boot_kernel && sudo chmod +x /etc/grub.d/01_fixup_boot_kernel
# ERROR HANDLING: Run this program with peace of mind knowing that any serious/critical error (that would likely bork
# your computer if you were to reboot) will alert you with a graphical popup error dialog to catch your attention:
# * IF either no initrd.img or no vmlinuz was found. This could happen if your system uses a different model
anonyco / Undo And Redo Mutation Observer Records.js
Last active August 23, 2024 12:18
This sample code snippet demonstrates how to undo and redo a MutationRecord observed by a MutationObserver
//(function(){"use strict";
var Object_freeze = Object.freeze;
* @param {!Array<MutationRecord>} mutationRecords
* @return {undefined}
function redoMutations(undidMutations) {
if (undidMutations) for (var i=undidMutations.length|0, record, type, target, addedNodes, removedNodes, nextSibling, value; i; ) {
anonyco / staticCSSSnapshot.console.js
Created August 7, 2019 23:52
Quick & dirty way to inline all of the CSS on a page into style attributes from the console.
const setProps = new WeakMap;
for (const ele of document.getElementsByTagName("*"))
setProps.set(ele, new Set);
function parseRules(ruleSet) {
for (const rule of ruleSet)
if (rule.type === 1) { // STYLE_RULE
for (const ele of document.querySelectorAll(rule.selectorText)) {
const setObj = setProps.get(ele);
anonyco / condensedValidJSVariableName.regex
Created August 19, 2018 18:01
Condensed javascript variable name validator regex (at the cost of speed)
anonyco / CodeMirror.Destroy().js
Created July 30, 2018 02:26
A Destroy Method On All CodeMirror Objects To Ensure Garbage Collection
if (!CodeMirror.prototype.destroy) (function(){
// A destroy extension. Absolutely positively beyond a shadow of a doubt obliterate a CodeMirror instance from memory.
function hasExclusion(stringArr, regexpArr){
return function(exclusion){
var iSA = stringArr.length, cur = null, iEL = 0, iC = 0, iRA = regexpArr.length;
if (isRegExp(exclusion)){
while (iRA--)
if (regexpArr[iRA].source === exclusion.source && regexpArr[iRA].flags === exclusion.flags)
return iRA;
} else {
anonyco / varName.js
Last active April 22, 2020 13:21
Efficient Javascript Valid Variable Name Helper Functions
// This file aims to provide a quick, fast, small-as-possible-while-avoiding-encoding-errors solution for those who
// are interested in parsing javascirpt files using javascript. What this does do is it determines whether a string
// is a valid javascript variable name according to the variable name's code points. What this script does not do is
// determine whether or not that variable is already a reserved keyword. If you need that check, then look elsewhere.
// NOTE: This is the unminified file-part. To use this file, place this file INSIDE the global IIFE around your code
// before any calls to it. But, don't distribute it just yet. The source code is rather large. Instead, you must
// minify it before you incorperate it into the end product website using the closure compiler. Online access to the
// Closure Compiler can be found at