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/cat.log Secret

Created December 5, 2015 15:50
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Save anonymous/0b0ccaa42f0e7760c9a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Device : motorola MotoG3 (osprey_reteu_2gb)
Android : 5.1.1 (29, LPI23.72-47)
Memory : 24M (0.38% used, 96M max)
Memclass: 96
OS Host : ilclbld27
App : Signal 3.6.1
--------- beginning of main
W/PartProvider( 4008): onCreate()
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): onCreate(null)
W/ExperienceUpgradeActivity( 4008): getExperienceUpgrade(157)
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): routeApplicationState(), state: 2
D/OpenGLRenderer( 4008): Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
D/Atlas ( 4008): Validating map...
I/Adreno-EGL( 4008): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: ()
I/Adreno-EGL( 4008): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.25.03.04
I/Adreno-EGL( 4008): Build Date: 04/06/15 Mon
I/Adreno-EGL( 4008): Local Branch:
I/Adreno-EGL( 4008): Remote Branch:
I/Adreno-EGL( 4008): Local Patches:
I/Adreno-EGL( 4008): Reconstruct Branch:
I/OpenGLRenderer( 4008): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
D/OpenGLRenderer( 4008): Enabling debug mode 0
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): onDestroy()
W/KeyCachingService( 4008): onCreate()
W/KeyCachingService( 4008): onStartCommand, null
W/KeyCachingService( 4008): foregrounding KCS
W/service ( 4008): Broadcasting new secret...
W/MmsSmsDatabase( 4008): Executing query: SELECT _id, unique_row_id, body, type, thread_id, address, address_device_id, subject, date_sent, date_received, m_type, msg_box, status, part_count, ct_l, tr_id, m_size, exp, st, delivery_receipt_count, mismatched_identities, network_failures, transport_type, attachment_id, unique_id, mid, data_size, _data, ct, cl, cd, name, pending_push FROM (SELECT DISTINCT date_sent AS date_sent, date AS date_received, _id, 'SMS::' || _id || '::' || date_sent AS unique_row_id, NULL AS attachment_id, body, read, thread_id, type, address, address_device_id, subject, NULL AS m_type, NULL AS msg_box, status, NULL AS part_count, NULL AS ct_l, NULL AS tr_id, NULL AS m_size, NULL AS exp, NULL AS st, delivery_receipt_count, mismatched_identities, NULL AS network_failures, 'sms' AS transport_type, NULL AS unique_id, NULL AS mid, NULL AS data_size, NULL AS _data, NULL AS ct, NULL AS cl, NULL AS cd, NULL AS name, NULL AS pending_push FROM sms WHERE (read = 0) UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT date AS date_sent, date_received AS date_received, mms._id AS _id, 'MMS::' || mms._id || '::' || date AS unique_row_id, part._id AS attachment_id, body, read, thread_id, NULL AS type, address, address_device_id, NULL AS subject, m_type, msg_box, NULL AS status, part_count, ct_l, tr_id, m_size, exp, st, delivery_receipt_count, mismatched_identities, network_failures, 'mms' AS transport_type, unique_id, NULL AS mid, data_size, NULL AS _data, ct, cl, cd, name, pending_push FROM mms LEFT OUTER JOIN part ON part._id = (SELECT part._id FROM part WHERE part.mid = mms._id LIMIT 1) WHERE (read = 0) ORDER BY date_received ASC)
I/art ( 4008): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13371(832KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(78KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 9MB/15MB, paused 820us total 65.141ms
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): onCreate(null)
W/ExperienceUpgradeActivity( 4008): getExperienceUpgrade(157)
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): routeApplicationState(), state: 0
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): initializeClearKeyReceiver()
W/DirectoryRefreshListener( 4008): Scheduling for: 1449347378059
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): onResume()
W/KeyCachingService( 4008): onStartCommand, org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.action.ACTIVITY_START_EVENT
W/KeyCachingService( 4008): Incrementing activity count...
W/MessageRetrievalService( 4008): Active Count: 1
W/MessageRetrievalService( 4008): Waiting for websocket state change....
W/MessageRetrievalService( 4008): Network requirement: true, active activities: 1, push pending: 0
W/MessageRetrievalService( 4008): Making websocket connection....
W/WebSocketConnection( 4008): WSC connect()...
W/OkHttpClientWrapper( 4008): Connecting to: wss://
W/MessageRetrievalService( 4008): Network requirement: true, active activities: 1, push pending: 0
W/MessageRetrievalService( 4008): Reading message...
W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 4008): getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
W/MmsSmsDatabase( 4008): Executing query: SELECT _id, unique_row_id, body, type, thread_id, address, address_device_id, subject, date_sent, date_received, m_type, msg_box, status, part_count, ct_l, tr_id, m_size, exp, st, delivery_receipt_count, mismatched_identities, network_failures, transport_type, attachment_id, unique_id, mid, data_size, _data, ct, cl, cd, name, pending_push FROM (SELECT DISTINCT date_sent AS date_sent, date AS date_received, _id, 'SMS::' || _id || '::' || date_sent AS unique_row_id, NULL AS attachment_id, body, read, thread_id, type, address, address_device_id, subject, NULL AS m_type, NULL AS msg_box, status, NULL AS part_count, NULL AS ct_l, NULL AS tr_id, NULL AS m_size, NULL AS exp, NULL AS st, delivery_receipt_count, mismatched_identities, NULL AS network_failures, 'sms' AS transport_type, NULL AS unique_id, NULL AS mid, NULL AS data_size, NULL AS _data, NULL AS ct, NULL AS cl, NULL AS cd, NULL AS name, NULL AS pending_push FROM sms WHERE (read = 0) UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT date AS date_sent, date_received AS date_received, mms._id AS _id, 'MMS::' || mms._id || '::' || date AS unique_row_id, part._id AS attachment_id, body, read, thread_id, NULL AS type, address, address_device_id, NULL AS subject, m_type, msg_box, NULL AS status, part_count, ct_l, tr_id, m_size, exp, st, delivery_receipt_count, mismatched_identities, network_failures, 'mms' AS transport_type, unique_id, NULL AS mid, data_size, NULL AS _data, ct, cl, cd, name, pending_push FROM mms LEFT OUTER JOIN part ON part._id = (SELECT part._id FROM part WHERE part.mid = mms._id LIMIT 1) WHERE (read = 0) ORDER BY date_received ASC)
W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 4008): getSelectedText on inactive InputConnection
W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 4008): getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
W/RecipientPreferenceDatabase( 4008): Muted until: 0
W/EmojiProvider( 4008): loading page emoji-people.png
W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 4008): getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
W/EmojiProvider( 4008): onPageLoaded(emoji-people.png)
W/AttachmentDatabase( 4008): getThumbnailStream((row id: 1945, unique ID: 1449315961247))
W/WebSocketConnection( 4008): onConnected()
W/RecipientPreferenceDatabase( 4008): Muted until: 0
W/RecipientPreferenceDatabase( 4008): Muted until: 0
W/RecipientPreferenceDatabase( 4008): Muted until: 0
W/RecipientPreferenceDatabase( 4008): Muted until: 0
W/RecipientPreferenceDatabase( 4008): Muted until: 0
W/art ( 4008): Before Android 4.1, method int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
W/InputEventReceiver( 4008): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): onPause()
W/KeyCachingService( 4008): onStartCommand, org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.action.ACTIVITY_STOP_EVENT
W/KeyCachingService( 4008): Decrementing activity count...
W/MessageRetrievalService( 4008): Active Count: 0
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): onCreate(null)
W/ExperienceUpgradeActivity( 4008): getExperienceUpgrade(157)
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): routeApplicationState(), state: 0
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): initializeClearKeyReceiver()
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): onResume()
W/KeyCachingService( 4008): onStartCommand, org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.action.ACTIVITY_START_EVENT
W/KeyCachingService( 4008): Incrementing activity count...
W/MessageRetrievalService( 4008): Active Count: 1
W/PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity( 4008): onPause()
W/KeyCachingService( 4008): onStartCommand, org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.action.ACTIVITY_STOP_EVENT
W/KeyCachingService( 4008): Decrementing activity count...
W/MessageRetrievalService( 4008): Active Count: 0
D/OpenGLRenderer( 4008): endAllStagingAnimators on 0xb7980008 (ListView) with handle 0xb833c710
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