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Created December 21, 2012 02:31
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// Camera spline. Naming it "CSpline" over something like "Path" or "Spline" to avoid potential conflicts
[System.Serializable] // Allow Unity-serialization
public class CSpline {
public Vector3[] _points; // Serialized but unlisted
// Unserialized:
private Vector3[] _pathPoints; // Points along the spline polyline
private float[] _tauCache; // distance to each point, for binary search
public float resolveAngle = 0.0f; // The degree of inaccuracy for an angle
// (Lower = slower, smoother; Higher = faster, bumpier, 0 has no pruning )
private bool isDirty = true; // Is dirty? Defaults to true.
// Constructors
public CSpline() {}
public CSpline(params Vector3[] points) { _points = points; }
public CSpline(int _itr, params Vector3[] points) { subdivideIterations = _itr; _points = points; }
int subdivideIterations = 2; // Number of iterations
public Vector3[] points {// = new[] { Vector3.forward,, Vector3.left };
get { return _points; }
set {
_points = value;
isDirty = true;
public Vector3[] smoothPoints {
get {
if (isDirty) resolve();
return _pathPoints;
private float _length;
public float length {
get {
if (isDirty) resolve();
return _length;
public Vector3 pointAndTangent(float t, out Vector3 tangent) {
var at = this[t];
Vector3 offset;
// Use right limit
if (t < 0.01) t = 0.01f;
if (t >= length) {
offset = at - this[length - 0.01f];
} else {
offset = this[t + 0.01f] - at;
tangent = offset.normalized;
return at;
public Vector3 this[float t] {
get {
if (isDirty) resolve();
// Get the next greater index
int index = System.Array.BinarySearch(_tauCache,t);
// If there is an exact match (probably won't happen at any nonzero point)
if (index >= 0) return _pathPoints[index]; // Simply return the matching point
index = ~index; // Negate (Binary search returns the first greater index if there is not an exact match, negated)
if (index == 0) return _pathPoints[index]; // Clamping in the case that the t value is before all points
if (index >= _pathPoints.Length) return _pathPoints[_pathPoints.Length-1];
// Find the current and next point, and our position between them.
Vector3 at = _pathPoints[index-1], next = _pathPoints[index];
var tau = Mathf.InverseLerp(_tauCache[index-1],_tauCache[index],t);
return Vector3.Lerp(at,next,tau);
public void resolve() {
if (_points.Length < 3) { // Shouldn't work with under three points
// Log an error with the active camera as context (since this is a camera spline, after all)
throw new System.ArgumentException("Cannot resolve a spline with fewer than three points, spline has " + points.Length + " points");
isDirty = false;
// Using subdivide and prune method to resolve spline into polyline (Since integrating distance is unreasonable)
Vector3[] last = _points;
// Subdivide the path (recursively)
int itr = 0; // current iteration
do {
var sub = new List<Vector3>();
// Iterate for all points except the last one
for(int i = 0; i < last.Length; ++i) {
// Grab the associated points
before = last[i-2 < 0 ? i-1 < 0 ? 0 : i - 1 : i - 2],
at = last[i-1 < 0 ? 0 : i - 1],
next = last[i],
then = last[i+2 < last.Length ? i + 1 : last.Length - 1];
// The splitting process
sub.AddRange( new[] {
sub.Add(last[last.Length-1]); // Add the endpoint
last = sub.ToArray();
} while (++itr < subdivideIterations);
// Prune the path
if (resolveAngle > 0f) {
var sub = new List<Vector3>();
Vector3 previous = last[0], heading = last[1] - last[0];
for(int i = 0; i < last.Length-1; ++i) {
var nHeading = last[i] - previous;
var angle = Vector3.Angle(heading,nHeading);
if (angle < resolveAngle) continue;
heading = nHeading;
previous = last[i];
last = sub.ToArray();
// Build the length cache
_length = 0f;
_tauCache = new float[last.Length]; _tauCache[0] = 0f;
for (int i = 1; i < last.Length; ++i) {
_length += Vector3.Distance(last[i],last[i-1]);
_tauCache[i] = _length;
_pathPoints = last;
// Quadradic cusps
private Vector3 cusp(Vector3 A, Vector3 B, Vector3 C, float t) {
AB = Vector3.Lerp(A,B,t),
BC = Vector3.Lerp(B,C,t);
return Vector3.Lerp(AB,BC,t);
// Bezier Cusp interpolation (Could be improved by caching midpoints or bulk tau evaluation)
private Vector3 cuspInterp(Vector3 prev, Vector3 last, Vector3 next, Vector3 then, float t) {
// Fork on if we are doing the first or second half of the segment
Vector3 mid = (last + next) * 0.5f;
if (t > 0.5f) {
Vector3 later = (next + then) * 0.5f;
return cusp(mid,next,later,t - 0.5f);
Vector3 prior = (prev + last) * 0.5f;
return cusp(prior,last,mid,t + 0.5f);
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