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Created December 27, 2012 06:56
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CoffeeKup "Director's cut version" just for the lulz
# taken from
params = {}
params.cache = {}
params.format = on
params.autoescape = off
params.tags_used = """
a abbr address article aside audio b bdi bdo blockquote button canvas caption cite code colgroup datalist dd del details dfn div dl dt em
fieldset figcaption figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 header hgroup i iframe ins kbd label legend li map mark menu meter nav noscript object
ol optgroup option output p pre progress q rp rt ruby s samp section select small span strong sub summary sup table tbody td textarea tfoot
th thead time tr u ul video area base br col command embed hr img input keygen param source track wbr
""".replace(/\n/g, ' ').split ' '
params.self_closing = """
area base br col command embed hr img input keygen param source track wbr
""".split(' ')
dummy = (data = {}) ->
__ck =
tabs: 0
buffer: []
defaults: params
repeat: (string, count) -> Array(count + 1).join string
indent: -> @output @repeat(' ', @tabs) if @defaults.format
render_idclass: (str) ->
classes = []
for i in str.split '.'
if '#' in i
id = i.replace '#', ''
classes.push i unless i is ''
@output " id=\"#{id}\"" if id
if classes.length > 0
@output " class=\""
for c in classes
@output ' ' unless c is classes[0]
@output c
@output '"'
render_attrs: (obj, prefix = '') ->
for k, v of obj
v = k if typeof v is 'boolean' and v
v = "(#{v}).call(this);" if typeof v is 'function'
if typeof v is 'object' and v not instanceof Array
@render_attrs(v, prefix + k + '-')
else if v
@output " #{prefix + k}=\"#{__ck.esc(v)}\""
render_contents: (contents) ->
switch typeof contents
when 'string', 'number', 'boolean'
@output __ck.esc(contents)
when 'function'
@output '\n' if @defaults.format
result = data
if typeof result is 'string'
@output __ck.esc(result)
@output '\n' if @defaults.format
render_tag: (name, idclass, attrs, contents) ->
@output "<#{name}"
@render_idclass(idclass) if idclass
@render_attrs(attrs) if attrs
if name in @defaults.self_closing
@output ' />'
@output '\n' if @defaults.format
@output '>'
@output "</#{name}>"
@output '\n' if @defaults.format
output: (txt) ->
__ck.buffer.push String(txt)
tag: (name, args) ->
combo = [name]
combo.push i for i in args
for a in combo
switch typeof a
when 'function'
contents = a
when 'object'
attrs = a
when 'number', 'boolean'
contents = a
when 'string'
if combo.length is 1
contents = a
if a is combo[0]
idclass = a
contents = a
__ck.render_tag(name, idclass, attrs, contents)
esc: (txt) ->
if @defaults.autoescape
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
dummy = String(dummy)
.replace(/function\s*\(.*\)\s*\{/, '')
.replace(/return null;\s*\}$/, '')
helpers = """
var h, tag;
h = __ck.esc;
tag = __ck.tag;
""".replace(/\n/g, '')
helpers += "var #{params.tags_used.join ','};"
helpers += "#{t} = function(){return tag('#{t}', arguments);};" for t in params.tags_used
kompile = (template) ->
code = dummy + helpers + template.replace(/\/\/.*/g, '')
code += ';return __ck.buffer.join("");'
return code
$.fn.render = (locals) ->
return tpl(locals) if tpl = params.cache[$(@).selector]
params.cache[$(@).selector] = new Function('data', kompile($(@).html()))
catch e
console.log e
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