一般的な Web Programmer ならば、HTTP Status code はすべて暗記していると聞きました。
HttpStatus.fs です。インストール方法は 適当にコンパイルしてください。
type HttpStatus = | |
{ Code: string; Message: string } | |
override self.ToString () = sprintf "%s %s" self.Code self.Message | |
let httpStatus code message = { Code = code; Message = message } | |
let httpStatusList =[ | |
httpStatus "100" "Continue"; | |
httpStatus "101" "Switching Protocols"; | |
httpStatus "102" "Processing"; | |
httpStatus "200" "OK"; | |
httpStatus "201" "Created"; | |
httpStatus "202" "Accepted"; | |
httpStatus "203" "Non-Authoritative Information"; | |
httpStatus "204" "No Content"; | |
httpStatus "205" "Reset Content"; | |
httpStatus "206" "Partial Content"; | |
httpStatus "207" "Multi-Status"; | |
httpStatus "208" "Already Reported"; | |
httpStatus "300" "Multiple Choices"; | |
httpStatus "301" "Moved Permanently"; | |
httpStatus "302" "Found"; | |
httpStatus "303" "See Other"; | |
httpStatus "304" "Not Modified"; | |
httpStatus "305" "Use Proxy"; | |
httpStatus "307" "Temporary Redirect"; | |
httpStatus "400" "Bad Request"; | |
httpStatus "401" "Unauthorized"; | |
httpStatus "402" "Payment Required"; | |
httpStatus "403" "Forbidden"; | |
httpStatus "404" "Not Found"; | |
httpStatus "405" "Method Not Allowed"; | |
httpStatus "406" "Not Acceptable"; | |
httpStatus "407" "Proxy Authentication Required"; | |
httpStatus "408" "Request Timeout"; | |
httpStatus "409" "Conflict"; | |
httpStatus "410" "Gone"; | |
httpStatus "411" "Length Required"; | |
httpStatus "412" "Precondition Failed"; | |
httpStatus "413" "Request Entity Too Large"; | |
httpStatus "414" "Request-URI Too Large"; | |
httpStatus "415" "Unsupported Media Type"; | |
httpStatus "416" "Request Range Not Satisfiable"; | |
httpStatus "417" "Expectation Failed"; | |
httpStatus "418" "I'm a teapot"; | |
httpStatus "422" "Unprocessable Entity"; | |
httpStatus "423" "Locked"; | |
httpStatus "424" "Failed Dependency"; | |
httpStatus "425" "No code"; | |
httpStatus "426" "Upgrade Required"; | |
httpStatus "428" "Precondition Required"; | |
httpStatus "429" "Too Many Requests"; | |
httpStatus "431" "Request Header Fields Too Large"; | |
httpStatus "449" "Retry with"; | |
httpStatus "500" "Internal Server Error"; | |
httpStatus "501" "Not Implemented"; | |
httpStatus "502" "Bad Gateway"; | |
httpStatus "503" "Service Unavailable"; | |
httpStatus "504" "Gateway Timeout"; | |
httpStatus "505" "HTTP Version Not Supported"; | |
httpStatus "506" "Variant Also Negotiates"; | |
httpStatus "507" "Insufficient Storage"; | |
httpStatus "509" "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded"; | |
httpStatus "510" "Not Extended"; | |
httpStatus "511" "Network Authentication Required" | |
] | |
let showStatus key = | |
match List.tryFind (fun hs -> hs.Code = key) httpStatusList with | |
| Some hs -> hs.ToString() |> printfn "%s" | |
| _ -> | |
let toStringAll xs = List.map (fun x -> x.ToString()) xs | |
match List.filter (fun hs -> hs.Code.Contains key) httpStatusList with | |
| [] -> | |
match List.filter (fun hs -> hs.Message.Contains key) httpStatusList with | |
| [] -> toStringAll httpStatusList | |
| hss -> toStringAll hss | |
| hss -> toStringAll hss | |
|> List.iter (printfn "%s") | |
[<EntryPoint>] | |
let main args = | |
if args.Length <> 1 then showStatus "" | |
else showStatus args.[0] | |
0 |
一般的な Web Programmer ならば、HTTP Status code はすべて暗記していると聞きました。
HttpStatus.fs です。インストール方法は 適当にコンパイルしてください。