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Created April 22, 2015 16:03
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@tectonic's notes for Kerri Miller's (@kerrizor) RailsConf 2015 talk --
Interview Day
- Set and communicate a schedule (“two-three hours, no laptop needed, we will get lunch, no need to dress up”)
- Set expectations (“we will be writing some code together”)
- Have a diverse set of interviewers
- Allow for breaks
Make a game plan
- assign areas of focus (you do SQL, I’ll do OO)
- have a hand-off plan (allow for breaks, schedule the handoffs so the candidate doesn’t wait)
- coordinate questions
Settling in
- start with a simple conversation
- double-check for red flags
- learn how they communicate
Behavioral Interviewing
- Hypothetical questions are game-able
- Ask for the story of specific situations
- Keep in mind they want to get hired!
Collaboration Audition
- don’t ask “fizz buzz”, ask about specific things that they would use at work, like MVC or sockets
- make level-appropriate
Pairing Audition
- not everyone pairs
- let them use their own laptop
- pick a kata or project you’re both familiar (but not intimate) with
- give feedback and see how they handle it
Presentation Auditions
- have candidate teach you something
- it doesn’t need to be technical
- set clear expectations about length, format, and investment of time. tell them not to prepare longer than X.
- do they use a lot of terms without explaining them? do they convey knowledge well?
- could also be a blog post, or similar
Interviewing Lunch
- if you do this:
- check diet restrictions
- you pay
- tell them upfront
- don’t bring too many people
After Interview
- record impressions immediately
- what would change your mind?
In Group
- gather all feedback, then discuss as a group
- find a consensus
- follow-up interviews can be problematic
- set candidate expectations for response and meet them
“I will let you know by Thursday at 3pm”
On Thursday at 3pm: “Sorry, we’ll let you know on Monday by noon”
- don’t make it personal
- be respectful
- don’t say “we wish you good luck”
- explain potential for reapplication
- if candidate asks for feedback, you can give it. you should have a reason, or there’s something wrong in your process
We improve what we measure
- register predictions ahead of time
- discover your biases
- keep tabs on people you turn down
- Bad idea: group / speed interviews
- Good idea: paying someone to work with you for a week
- Bad: puzzle questions
- Bad: whiteboard coding (it’s a judging, not collaborating experience)
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