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Created June 9, 2013 16:24
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* Created with JetBrains WebStorm.
* User: kiyangqi
* Date: 13-6-9
* Time: 下午11:36
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
function StreamBuf() {
this.chunks = [];
this.length = 0;
// chunk must be Buffer
StreamBuf.prototype.write = function(chunk) {
if(typeof chunk == 'string') {
chunk = Buffer(chunk);
if(chunk.constructor != Buffer) {
throw new Error("chunk must be Buffer or String");
this.length += chunk.length;
} = function(need) {
if(need <= this.length) {
var bytes = 0, i = 0;
var out = [];
while(bytes < need) {
if(bytes + this.chunks[0] <= need) {
var item = this.chunks.shift();
bytes += item.length;
} else {
var item = this.chunks.shift();
out.push(item.slice(0, need - bytes));
bytes = need;
this.length -= need;
return Buffer.concat(out, need);
throw new Error("not enough bytes");
StreamBuf.prototype.readSome = function(needMax) {
return, this.length));
module.exports = StreamBuf;
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