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Created June 30, 2015 04:57
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An example of Object Algebras in Felix
// Title: An example of Object Algebras in Felix
// Author: Garrett Bluma
// Date: June 29, 2015
// Special thanks to Bruno Oliveira and William Cook
// -----------------------------------------
// Object algebras use extension via type parameters and inheritance. Given a
// type parameter and an extended algebra, we can calculate with a minimum of
// glue code. We can also extend an algebra via inheritance or type parameters
// without modifying previously written code.
// | Lit | Add | Sub (added later)
// Basic | | |
// ExpAlg[Eval] | x | x | x
// ExpAlg[Print] | x | x | x
// -----------------------------------------
// Here we define our basic algebra, initially it is completely abstract.
class ExpAlg[E] {
virtual fun Lit : int -> E;
virtual fun Add : E -> E -> E;
// EVAL ------------------------------------
typedef Eval = 1 -> int;
// implement the algebra for evaluation for Lit and Add
instance ExpAlg[Eval] {
fun Lit(x:int) => fun () => x;
fun Add(e1:Eval) (e2:Eval) => fun () => e1() + e2();
open ExpAlg[Eval];
// extended the algebra with subtraction
class SubExpAlg[E with ExpAlg[E]] {
virtual fun Sub : E -> E -> E;
// implement the subtraction method for evaluation
instance SubExpAlg[Eval] {
fun Sub(e1:Eval)(e2:Eval) => fun () => e1() - e2();
open SubExpAlg[Eval];
// PRINT -----------------------------------
typedef Print = 1 -> string;
// implement the algebra for printing for Lit and Add
instance ExpAlg[Print] {
fun Lit(x:int) => fun () => str(x);
fun Add(e1:Print)(e2:Print) => fun () => str(e1()) + " + " + str(e2());
open ExpAlg[Print];
// implement the subtraction method for printing
instance SubExpAlg[Print] {
fun Sub(e1:Print)(e2:Print) => fun () => str(e1()) + " - " + str(e2());
open SubExpAlg[Print];
// DEMO -------------------
var v1 = ExpAlg[Eval]::Add (ExpAlg[Eval]::Lit 3) (ExpAlg[Eval]::Lit 4);
println$ v1(); // => 7
var v2 = ExpAlg[Print]::Add (ExpAlg[Print]::Lit 3) (ExpAlg[Print]::Lit 4);
println$ v2(); // => 3 + 4
// TODO: find out how to do this without all the explicit annotations
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