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Created November 6, 2013 14:56
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Parse a sentence into individual words to display until delimiter character. Loops until end. Error occurs at line 48 I need a loop break in there too on a keypress if possible.
Dim strText As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim LenTextLeft As Integer
Dim CriticalCounter As Integer
'Read the TotalText attribute into a string variable and determine the length
strText = c.GetAttrib("TotalText")
LenTextLeft = Len(strText)
' While there is text left, look for the delimiter character and
' break up the text into sections based on that character.
' Note: Text must include a delimiter character at the end.
CriticalCounter = 0
i = 0
Debug.Print i & "\t" & c.GetAttrib("Condition") & "\t" & CriticalCounter & "\t" & x & "\t" & strText & "\n"
i = i+1
x = InStr(1, Mid$(strText, 1,LenTextLeft), strDelimChar)
If x = 0 Then
x = InStr(1, Mid$(strText, 1,LenTextLeft), strEndChar)-0
LenTextLeft = LenTextLeft -0
End If
If left$(strText,1) = "#" Then
LenTextLeft = LenTextLeft-1
strText = Right$(strText, LenTextLeft)
CriticalCounter = 1
LineList.SetAttrib i-4, "CriticalWord", -4
LineList.SetAttrib i-3, "CriticalWord", -3
LineList.SetAttrib i-2, "CriticalWord", -2
LineList.SetAttrib i-1, "CriticalWord", -1
If left$(strText,1) = "*" Then
LenTextLeft = LenTextLeft-1
strText = Right$(strText, LenTextLeft)
CriticalCounter = 10
If CriticalCounter > 0 Then
CriticalCounter = CriticalCounter + 1
End If
End If
End If
LineList.SetAttrib i, "CriticalWord", CriticalCounter
LineList.SetAttrib i, "TextLine", Mid$(strText, 1, x-1)
LenTextLeft = LenTextLeft-x
strText = Mid$(strText, x+1, LenTextLeft)
Loop While LenTextLeft > 0
'The LineList must include the maximum number of lines for a text
'This script resets the LineList object to run the correct number of trials.
Set LineList.ResetCondition = Samples(i)
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