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tukui v11 chat.lua
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
if TukuiCF["chat"].enable ~= true then return end | |
local TukuiChat = CreateFrame("Frame") | |
local OnEvent = function(self, event, ...) self[event](self, event, ...) end | |
TukuiChat:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent) | |
----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
local _G = _G | |
local replace = string.gsub | |
local find = string.find | |
local tabalpha = 1 | |
local tabnoalpha = 1 | |
local replaceschan = { | |
['–ì–∏–ª—å–¥–∏—è'] = '[–ì]', | |
['–ì—Ä—É–ø–ø–∞'] = '[–ì—Ä]', | |
['–†–µ–π–¥'] = '[–†]', | |
['–õ–∏–¥–µ—Ä —Ä–µ–π–¥–∞'] = '[–õ–†]', | |
['–û–±—ä—è–≤–ª–µ–Ω–∏–µ —Ä–µ–π–¥—É'] = '[–û–†]', | |
['–û—Ñ–∏—Ü–µ—Ä'] = '[–û]', | |
['–ü–æ–ª–µ –±–æ—è'] = '[–ü–ë]', | |
['–õ–∏–¥–µ—Ä –ø–æ–ª—è –±–æ—è'] = '[–õ–ü–ë]', | |
['Guilde'] = '[G]', | |
['Groupe'] = '[GR]', | |
['Chef de raid'] = '[RL]', | |
['Avertissement Raid'] = '[AR]', | |
['Officier'] = '[O]', | |
['Champs de bataille'] = '[CB]', | |
['Chef de bataille'] = '[CDB]', | |
['Guild'] = '[G]', | |
['Party'] = '[P]', | |
['Party Leader'] = '[PL]', | |
['Dungeon Guide'] = '[DG]', | |
['Guide du donjon'] = '[GdD]', | |
['Raid'] = '[R]', | |
['Raid Leader'] = '[RL]', | |
['Raid Warning'] = '[RW]', | |
['Officer'] = '[O]', | |
['Battleground'] = '[B]', | |
['Battleground Leader'] = '[BL]', | |
['Gilde'] = '[G]', | |
['Gruppe'] = '[Grp]', | |
['Gruppenanführer'] = '[GrpL]', | |
['Dungeonführer'] = '[DF]', | |
['Schlachtzug'] = '[R]', | |
['Schlachtzugsleiter'] = '[RL]', | |
['Schlachtzugswarnung'] = '[RW]', | |
['Offizier'] = '[O]', | |
['Schlachtfeld'] = '[BG]', | |
['Schlachtfeldleiter'] = '[BGL]', | |
['Hermandad'] = '[H]', | |
['Grupo'] = '[G]', | |
['Líder del grupo'] = '[LG]', | |
['Guía de mazmorra'] = '[GM]', | |
['Banda'] = '[B]', | |
['Líder de banda'] = '[LB]', | |
['Aviso de banda'] = '[AB]', | |
['Oficial'] = '[O]', | |
['CampoDeBatalla'] = '[CB]', | |
['Líder de batalla'] = '[LdB]', | |
['(%d+)%. .-'] = '[%1]', | |
} | |
-- Hide friends micro button (added in 3.3.5) | |
FriendsMicroButton:SetScript("OnShow", FriendsMicroButton.Hide) | |
FriendsMicroButton:Hide() | |
GeneralDockManagerOverflowButton:SetScript("OnShow", GeneralDockManagerOverflowButton.Hide) | |
GeneralDockManagerOverflowButton:Hide() | |
-- set the chat style | |
local function SetChatStyle(frame) | |
local id = frame:GetID() | |
local chat = frame:GetName() | |
-- yeah baby | |
_G[chat]:SetClampRectInsets(0,0,0,0) | |
-- Removes crap from the bottom of the chatbox so it can go to the bottom of the screen. | |
_G[chat]:SetClampedToScreen(false) | |
-- Stop the chat chat from fading out | |
_G[chat]:SetFading(false) | |
-- set strata to low | |
_G[chat]:SetFrameStrata("LOW") | |
-- move the chat edit box | |
_G[chat.."EditBox"]:ClearAllPoints(); | |
_G[chat.."EditBox"]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", TukuiInfoLeft, TukuiDB.Scale(2), TukuiDB.Scale(-2)) | |
_G[chat.."EditBox"]:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", TukuiInfoLeft, TukuiDB.Scale(-2), TukuiDB.Scale(2)) | |
-- Hide textures | |
for j = 1, #CHAT_FRAME_TEXTURES do | |
_G[chat..CHAT_FRAME_TEXTURES[j]]:SetTexture(nil) | |
end | |
-- Removes Default ChatFrame Tabs texture | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sTabLeft", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sTabMiddle", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sTabRight", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sTabSelectedLeft", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sTabSelectedMiddle", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sTabSelectedRight", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sTabHighlightLeft", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sTabHighlightMiddle", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sTabHighlightRight", id)]) | |
-- Killing off the new chat tab selected feature | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sTabSelectedLeft", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sTabSelectedMiddle", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sTabSelectedRight", id)]) | |
-- Kills off the new method of handling the Chat Frame scroll buttons as well as the resize button | |
-- Note: This also needs to include the actual frame textures for the ButtonFrame onHover | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sButtonFrameUpButton", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sButtonFrameDownButton", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sButtonFrameBottomButton", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sButtonFrameMinimizeButton", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sButtonFrame", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G["ChatFrameMenuButton"]) | |
-- Kills off the retarded new circle around the editbox | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sEditBoxFocusLeft", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sEditBoxFocusMid", id)]) | |
TukuiDB.Kill(_G[format("ChatFrame%sEditBoxFocusRight", id)]) | |
-- Kill off editbox artwork | |
local a, b, c = select(6, _G[chat.."EditBox"]:GetRegions()); TukuiDB.Kill (a); TukuiDB.Kill (b); TukuiDB.Kill (c) | |
-- Disable alt key usage | |
_G[chat.."EditBox"]:SetAltArrowKeyMode(false) | |
-- hide editbox on login | |
_G[chat.."EditBox"]:Hide() | |
-- script to hide editbox instead of fading editbox to 0.35 alpha via IM Style | |
_G[chat.."EditBox"]:HookScript("OnEditFocusGained", function(self) self:Show() end) | |
_G[chat.."EditBox"]:HookScript("OnEditFocusLost", function(self) self:Hide() end) | |
-- hide edit box every time we click on a tab | |
_G[chat.."Tab"]:HookScript("OnClick", function() _G[chat.."EditBox"]:Hide() end) | |
-- rename combag log to log | |
if _G[chat] == _G["ChatFrame2"] then | |
FCF_SetWindowName(_G[chat], "Log") | |
end | |
-- create our own texture for edit box | |
local EditBoxBackground = CreateFrame("frame", "TukuiChatchatEditBoxBackground", _G[chat.."EditBox"]) | |
TukuiDB.CreatePanel(EditBoxBackground, 1, 1, "LEFT", _G[chat.."EditBox"], "LEFT", 0, 0) | |
EditBoxBackground:ClearAllPoints() | |
EditBoxBackground:SetAllPoints(TukuiInfoLeft) | |
EditBoxBackground:SetFrameStrata("LOW") | |
EditBoxBackground:SetFrameLevel(1) | |
local function colorize(r,g,b) | |
EditBoxBackground:SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b) | |
end | |
-- update border color according where we talk | |
hooksecurefunc("ChatEdit_UpdateHeader", function() | |
local type = _G[chat.."EditBox"]:GetAttribute("chatType") | |
if ( type == "CHANNEL" ) then | |
local id = GetChannelName(_G[chat.."EditBox"]:GetAttribute("channelTarget")) | |
if id == 0 then | |
colorize(unpack( | |
else | |
colorize(ChatTypeInfo[].r,ChatTypeInfo[].g,ChatTypeInfo[].b) | |
end | |
else | |
colorize(ChatTypeInfo[type].r,ChatTypeInfo[type].g,ChatTypeInfo[type].b) | |
end | |
end) | |
hooksecurefunc("FCFTab_UpdateAlpha", function() | |
_G[chat.."Tab"]:SetAlpha(1) | |
_G[chat.."Tab"].mouseOverAlpha = tabalpha | |
_G[chat.."Tab"].noMouseAlpha = tabnoalpha | |
end) | |
end | |
-- change chat tab color | |
hooksecurefunc("FCFTab_UpdateColors", function(chatTab, isSelected) | |
chatTab:GetFontString():SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) | |
if ( chatTab.conversationIcon ) then | |
chatTab.conversationIcon:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1) -- changes color of the whisper window icon. | |
end | |
if isSelected then | |
FCFTab_UpdateColors(chatTab, false) | |
end | |
end) | |
-- Setup chatframes 1 to 10 on login. | |
local function SetupChat(self, event, addon) | |
if addon ~= "Tukui" then return end | |
self:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") | |
for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do | |
local frame = _G[format("ChatFrame%s", i)] | |
SetChatStyle(frame) | |
FCFTab_UpdateColors(_G["ChatFrame"..i.."Tab"], false) | |
_G["ChatFrame"..i.."TabText"]:SetFont(TukuiCF["media"].font, 12) | |
_G["ChatFrame"..i]:SetFont(TukuiCF["media"].font, 12) | |
end | |
-- Remember last channel | |
ChatTypeInfo.WHISPER.sticky = 1 | |
ChatTypeInfo.BN_WHISPER.sticky = 1 | |
ChatTypeInfo.OFFICER.sticky = 1 | |
ChatTypeInfo.RAID_WARNING.sticky = 1 | |
ChatTypeInfo.CHANNEL.sticky = 1 | |
-- hide Blizzard Chat option that we don't need | |
InterfaceOptionsSocialPanelWholeChatWindowClickable:Hide() | |
InterfaceOptionsSocialPanelWholeChatWindowClickable:SetScript("OnShow", function(self) self:Hide() end) | |
InterfaceOptionsSocialPanelConversationMode:Hide() | |
end | |
local function SetupChatPosAndFont(self) | |
self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") | |
for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do | |
local chat = _G[format("ChatFrame%s", i)] | |
local id = chat:GetID() | |
local name = FCF_GetChatWindowInfo(id) | |
local point = GetChatWindowSavedPosition(id) | |
local _, fontSize = FCF_GetChatWindowInfo(id) | |
-- well... tukui font under fontsize 12 is unreadable. | |
if fontSize < 12 then | |
FCF_SetChatWindowFontSize(nil, chat, 12) | |
else | |
FCF_SetChatWindowFontSize(nil, chat, fontSize) | |
end | |
-- set font align to right if a any chat is found at right of your screen. | |
if i == 4 and name == "Loot" and point == "BOTTOMRIGHT" or point == "RIGHT" or point == "TOPRIGHT" then | |
chat:SetJustifyH("RIGHT") | |
end | |
-- force chat position on #1 and #4, needed if we change ui scale or resolution | |
-- also set original width and height of chatframes 1 and 4 if first time we run tukui. | |
-- doing resize of chat also here for users that hit "cancel" when default installation is show. | |
if i == 1 then | |
chat:ClearAllPoints() | |
chat:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", TukuiInfoLeft, "TOPLEFT", TukuiDB.Scale(2), TukuiDB.Scale(18)) | |
FCF_SavePositionAndDimensions(chat) | |
elseif i == 4 and name == "Loot" then | |
if not chat.isDocked then | |
chat:ClearAllPoints() | |
chat:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", TukuiInfoRight, "TOPRIGHT", 0, TukuiDB.Scale(6)) | |
FCF_SavePositionAndDimensions(chat) | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
-- reposition popup over chat #1 | |
BNToastFrame:HookScript("OnShow", function(self) | |
self:ClearAllPoints() | |
self:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", ChatLeft, "TOPLEFT", 0, TukuiDB.Scale(3)) | |
self:SetBackdropColor(unpack(TukuiCF["media"].backdropcolor)) | |
self:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(TukuiCF["media"].bordercolor)) | |
end) | |
end | |
TukuiChat:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") | |
TukuiChat:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") | |
TukuiChat["ADDON_LOADED"] = SetupChat | |
TukuiChat["PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"] = SetupChatPosAndFont | |
-- Setup temp chat (BN, WHISPER) when needed. | |
local function SetupTempChat() | |
local frame = FCF_GetCurrentChatFrame() | |
SetChatStyle(frame) | |
end | |
hooksecurefunc("FCF_OpenTemporaryWindow", SetupTempChat) | |
-- Get colors for player classes | |
local function ClassColors(class) | |
if not class then return end | |
class = (replace(class, " ", "")):upper() | |
local c = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class] | |
if c then | |
return string.format("%02x%02x%02x", c.r*255, c.g*255, c.b*255) | |
end | |
end | |
-- For Player Logins | |
local function CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM(...) | |
local login = select(3, find(arg1, "^|Hplayer:(.+)|h%[(.+)%]|h has come online.")) | |
local classColor = "999999" | |
local foundColor = true | |
if login then | |
local found = false | |
if GetNumFriends() > 0 then ShowFriends() end | |
for friendIndex = 1, GetNumFriends() do | |
local friendName, _, class = GetFriendInfo(friendIndex) | |
if friendName == login then | |
classColor = ClassColors(class) | |
found = true | |
break | |
end | |
end | |
if not found then | |
if IsInGuild() then GuildRoster() end | |
for guildIndex = 1, GetNumGuildMembers(true) do | |
local guildMemberName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, class = GetGuildRosterInfo(guildIndex) | |
if guildMemberName == login then | |
classColor = ClassColors(class) | |
break | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
if login then | |
-- Hook the message function | |
local AddMessageOriginal = ChatFrame1.AddMessage | |
local function AddMessageHook(frame, text, ...) | |
text = replace(text, "^|Hplayer:(.+)|h%[(.+)%]|h", "|Hplayer:%1|h|cff"..classColor.."%2|r|h") | |
ChatFrame1.AddMessage = AddMessageOriginal | |
return AddMessageOriginal(frame, text, ...) | |
end | |
ChatFrame1.AddMessage = AddMessageHook | |
end | |
end | |
TukuiChat:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") | |
local function AddMessageHook(frame, text, ...) | |
-- chan text smaller or hidden | |
for k,v in pairs(replaceschan) do | |
text = text:gsub('|h%['..k..'%]|h', '|h'..v..'|h') | |
end | |
text = replace(text, "vient de se connecter.", "is now |cFF00FF00online|r !") | |
text = replace(text, "vient de se déconnecter.", "is now |cffff0000offline|r !") | |
text = replace(text, "has come online.", "is now |cff298F00online|r !") | |
text = replace(text, "has gone offline.", "is now |cffff0000offline|r !") | |
text = replace(text, "ist jetzt online.", "ist jetzt |cff298F00online|r !") | |
text = replace(text, "ist jetzt offline.", "ist jetzt |cffff0000offline|r !") | |
text = replace(text, "|Hplayer:(.+)|h%[(.+)%]|h has earned", "|Hplayer:%1|h%2|h has earned") | |
text = replace(text, "|Hplayer:(.+):(.+)|h%[(.+)%]|h whispers:", "From [|Hplayer:%1:%2|h%3|h]:") | |
text = replace(text, "|Hplayer:(.+):(.+)|h%[(.+)%]|h says:", "[|Hplayer:%1:%2|h%3|h]:") | |
text = replace(text, "|Hplayer:(.+):(.+)|h%[(.+)%]|h yells:", "[|Hplayer:%1:%2|h%3|h]:") | |
if TukuiDB.client ~= "deDE" and find(text, replace(ERR_AUCTION_SOLD_S,'%%s', '')) then -- "A buyer has been found for your auction of %s." | |
local itemname = text:match(replace(ERR_AUCTION_SOLD_S, '%%s', '(.+)')) | |
text = "|cffef4341"..BUTTON_LAG_AUCTIONHOUSE.."|r - |cffBCD8FF"..ITEM_SOLD_COLON.."|r " | |
local _, solditem = GetItemInfo(itemname) | |
if solditem then | |
text = text..solditem | |
else | |
text = text..itemname | |
end | |
end | |
return AddMessageOriginal(frame, text, ...) | |
end | |
function TukuiDB.ChannelsEdits() | |
for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do | |
if ( i ~= 2 ) then | |
local frame = _G["ChatFrame"..i] | |
AddMessageOriginal = frame.AddMessage | |
frame.AddMessage = AddMessageHook | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
TukuiDB.ChannelsEdits() | |
-- /tt - tell your current target. | |
for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do | |
local editBox = _G["ChatFrame"..i.."EditBox"] | |
editBox:HookScript("OnTextChanged", function(self) | |
local text = self:GetText() | |
if text:len() < 5 then | |
if text:sub(1, 4) == "/tt " then | |
local unitname, realm | |
unitname, realm = UnitName("target") | |
if unitname then unitname = gsub(unitname, " ", "") end | |
if unitname and not UnitIsSameServer("player", "target") then | |
unitname = unitname .. "-" .. gsub(realm, " ", "") | |
end | |
ChatFrame_SendTell((unitname or tukuilocal.chat_invalidtarget), ChatFrame1) | |
end | |
end | |
end) | |
end | |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
-- Copy on chatframes feature | |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
local lines = {} | |
local frame = nil | |
local editBox = nil | |
local isf = nil | |
local function CreatCopyFrame() | |
frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "CopyFrame", UIParent) | |
frame:SetBackdrop({ | |
bgFile = TukuiCF["media"].blank, | |
edgeFile = TukuiCF["media"].blank, | |
tile = 0, tileSize = 0, edgeSize = TukuiDB.mult, | |
insets = { left = -TukuiDB.mult, right = -TukuiDB.mult, top = -TukuiDB.mult, bottom = -TukuiDB.mult } | |
}) | |
frame:SetBackdropColor(unpack(TukuiCF["media"].backdropcolor)) | |
frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(TukuiCF["media"].bordercolor)) | |
if TukuiDB.lowversion == true then | |
frame:SetWidth(TukuiDB.Scale(410)) | |
else | |
frame:SetWidth(TukuiDB.Scale(710)) | |
end | |
frame:SetHeight(TukuiDB.Scale(200)) | |
frame:SetScale(1) | |
frame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", UIParent, "BOTTOM", 0, TukuiDB.Scale(10)) | |
frame:Hide() | |
frame:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG") | |
local scrollArea = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "CopyScroll", frame, "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate") | |
scrollArea:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", TukuiDB.Scale(8), TukuiDB.Scale(-30)) | |
scrollArea:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", TukuiDB.Scale(-30), TukuiDB.Scale(8)) | |
editBox = CreateFrame("EditBox", "CopyBox", frame) | |
editBox:SetMultiLine(true) | |
editBox:SetMaxLetters(99999) | |
editBox:EnableMouse(true) | |
editBox:SetAutoFocus(false) | |
editBox:SetFontObject(ChatFontNormal) | |
if TukuiDB.lowversion == true then | |
editBox:SetWidth(TukuiDB.Scale(410)) | |
else | |
editBox:SetWidth(TukuiDB.Scale(710)) | |
end | |
editBox:SetHeight(TukuiDB.Scale(200)) | |
editBox:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", function() frame:Hide() end) | |
scrollArea:SetScrollChild(editBox) | |
local close = CreateFrame("Button", "CopyCloseButton", frame, "UIPanelCloseButton") | |
close:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT") | |
isf = true | |
end | |
local function GetLines(...) | |
--[[ Grab all those lines ]]-- | |
local ct = 1 | |
for i = select("#", ...), 1, -1 do | |
local region = select(i, ...) | |
if region:GetObjectType() == "FontString" then | |
lines[ct] = tostring(region:GetText()) | |
ct = ct + 1 | |
end | |
end | |
return ct - 1 | |
end | |
local function Copy(cf) | |
local _, size = cf:GetFont() | |
FCF_SetChatWindowFontSize(cf, cf, 0.01) | |
local lineCt = GetLines(cf:GetRegions()) | |
local text = table.concat(lines, "\n", 1, lineCt) | |
FCF_SetChatWindowFontSize(cf, cf, size) | |
if not isf then CreatCopyFrame() end | |
if frame:IsShown() then frame:Hide() return end | |
frame:Show() | |
editBox:SetText(text) | |
end | |
function TukuiDB.ChatCopyButtons() | |
for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do | |
local cf = _G[format("ChatFrame%d", i)] | |
local button = CreateFrame("Button", format("ButtonCF%d", i), cf) | |
button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 0, 0) | |
button:SetHeight(TukuiDB.Scale(20)) | |
button:SetWidth(TukuiDB.Scale(20)) | |
button:SetAlpha(0) | |
TukuiDB.SetTemplate(button) | |
local buttontext = button:CreateFontString(nil,"OVERLAY",nil) | |
buttontext:SetFont(,12,"OUTLINE") | |
buttontext:SetText("C") | |
buttontext:SetPoint("CENTER") | |
buttontext:SetJustifyH("CENTER") | |
buttontext:SetJustifyV("CENTER") | |
button:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(self, btn) | |
if i == 1 and btn == "RightButton" then | |
ToggleFrame(ChatMenu) | |
else | |
Copy(cf) | |
end | |
end) | |
button:SetScript("OnEnter", function() | |
button:SetAlpha(1) | |
end) | |
button:SetScript("OnLeave", function() button:SetAlpha(0) end) | |
local tab = _G[format("ChatFrame%dTab", i)] | |
tab:SetScript("OnShow", function() button:Show() end) | |
tab:SetScript("OnHide", function() button:Hide() end) | |
end | |
end | |
TukuiDB.ChatCopyButtons() | |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
-- Enhance/rewrite a Blizzard feature, chatframe mousewheel. | |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
local ScrollLines = 3 -- set the jump when a scroll is done ! | |
function FloatingChatFrame_OnMouseScroll(self, delta) | |
if delta < 0 then | |
if IsShiftKeyDown() then | |
self:ScrollToBottom() | |
else | |
for i = 1, ScrollLines do | |
self:ScrollDown() | |
end | |
end | |
elseif delta > 0 then | |
if IsShiftKeyDown() then | |
self:ScrollToTop() | |
else | |
for i = 1, ScrollLines do | |
self:ScrollUp() | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
-- Play sound files system | |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
if then | |
local SoundSys = CreateFrame("Frame") | |
SoundSys:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER") | |
SoundSys:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER") | |
SoundSys:HookScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) | |
if event == "CHAT_MSG_WHISPER" or "CHAT_MSG_BN_WHISPER" then | |
PlaySoundFile(TukuiCF["media"].whisper) | |
end | |
end) | |
end |
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