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Created January 21, 2014 23:23
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A Pen by Khalid.
<div class="container">
<h1>Responsive audio player</h1>
<p>Demo for the JW Player support forums, as you <a href="">requested</a>.</p>
<div id="player">Loading...</div>
<!-- The documentation told me to place the JS 'at the location you want the video to appear', but it would be more appropriate to add this to the JS section -->
"file":"" // tick sound from
<p>How I think the WordPress plugin should be adjusted to support responsive video <em>and audio</em> players. Check the description below the image for details.</p>
<img src="">
<figcaption>Delete the 'Player Size' option because it's a restriction when you're using an audio-only player. Add radio buttons to '<del>Fixed</del> width' with an option to set a fixed <code>width</code> and an option to use the value <code>"width": "100%"</code>, which makes it responsive. And add radio buttons to '<del>Fixed</del> height' with an option to set the <code>aspectratio</code>, which overrides <code>height</code> (according to the docs) and an option to use a fixed <code>height</code>. The settings above would make the audio player responsive.</figcaption>

Responsive audio player

Demo: the JW Player is awesome for the modern web. The WordPress plugin needs work though, because it restricts its usage.

A Pen by Khalid on CodePen.


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