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Created March 7, 2011 14:51
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(ns game.components.core
[clojure.contrib.def :only (defvar-)]
(game.utils [core :only (safe-merge
(defvar- id-entity-map (atom {}))
(defprotocol Entity
(get-components [this])
(get-component [this ctype]))
(extend-protocol Entity
(get-components [this] (vals @this))
(get-component [this ctype] (ctype @this))
(get-components [this] (vals this))
(get-component [this ctype] (ctype this)))
(defn get-entity [id] (get @id-entity-map id))
(defn get-entity-of [component]
(get-entity (:entity-id component)))
(defn get-id [entity] ; memoizable if performance bottleneck
(if entity
(:entity-id (first (get-components entity)))))
(defn exists? [entity] (get-entity (get-id entity)))
;; Component
(defn create-comp
"All components should be created with this function.
Special keys:
:depends [:a :b :c] -> entity checks at creation if :a :b and :c components exist.
:init, :destroy -> function with (fn [entity]) called at creation, removal of entity.
Uses safe-merge - asserts that no keys in props is overridden."
[ctype & maps]
{:pre [(keyword? ctype)
(every? map? maps)]}
(apply safe-merge {:type ctype} maps))
(defmacro defcomponent
"the first element of body may be {:pre :post}; the rest should be maps merged into the component-map.
creates a factory function with name: ctype-component.
Any number of arguments in arg-vector can be keywords, and for every keyword a map is conjoined to the body with those keywords as keys."
[ctype arg-vector & body]
(let [keywords-map (keywords-to-hash-map (filter keyword? arg-vector))
; transform optional keywords to symbols for a standart arg-vector
arg-vector (vec (map #(symbol (name %)) arg-vector))
first-element (first body)
is-condition (and
(map? first-element)
(or (:pre first-element) (:post first-element)))
body (if is-condition
`(~first-element (create-comp ~ctype ~@(conj (rest body) keywords-map))) ; mach 'apply
`((create-comp ~ctype ~@(conj body keywords-map))))] ; mach 'apply
`(defn ~(symbol (str (name ctype) "-component")) ~arg-vector
;; Entity
(defn get-unique-entity-id [] (get-unique-number))
(defn assoc-uid [maps uid] ; rename assoc-entity-id
(map #(assoc % :entity-id uid) maps))
(defn- dependencies-ok? [components]
(let [types (map :type components)]
(fn [component]
(if-let [dependencies (:depends component)]
(every? #(some #{%} types) dependencies)
(defn create-entity-with-id
"Must have one or more components."
[uid & components]
{:pre [(pos? (count components)) ; because get-id only works with >1 components.
(distinct-seq? (map :type components))
(dependencies-ok? components)]}
(let [components (assoc-uid components uid)
entity (atom (zipmap (map :type components) components))]
(swap! id-entity-map assoc uid entity)
(runmap #(if-do (:init %) entity) components)
(defn create-entity
"Must have one or more components."
[& components]
(apply create-entity-with-id (get-unique-entity-id) components))
;; Removelist
(defvar- removelist (atom #{}))
(defn add-to-removelist [entity-or-id] ; arglist benutzen und hier kürzere version entity nur als arg?
(let [id (if (number? entity-or-id) entity-or-id (get-id entity-or-id))]
(swap! removelist conj id)))
(defn- remove-entity-from-game
"do not call this at mapping through components - use add-to-removelist instead.
because calling this while update-components is running could lead to NullPointerE"
(when (and entity (exists? entity))
(swap! id-entity-map dissoc (get-id entity))
(runmap #(if-do (:destroy %) entity) (get-components entity))))
(defn update-removelist []
(runmap #(remove-entity-from-game (get-entity %)) @removelist)
(reset! removelist #{}))
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