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Created March 19, 2018 16:08
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<!-- <script src="lib/monkey keycodes.js"></script> -->
var $DeviceSerialNumber = '*'
var hook = {emit:function(){}}
if (top.commands && top.commands.hook) initWithHook(top.commands.hook)
function initWithHook(_hook){
hook = _hook
hook.on('android-devices::connections::changed', function(connections){
var html = ''
connections = connections.split(',')
for (var index=-1, serial; serial = connections[++index];) {
html += '<option value=' + serial + (serial == $DeviceSerialNumber ?' selected':'') +'>'
+ serial
+ '</option>'
$DeviceSerialNumberSelect.innerHTML = html
monkey.shouldRecord = true
monkey.shouldDoItLive = true
function monkey(command){
if (Array.isArray(command)) command = command.join('\n');
if (monkey.shouldDoItLive) strongMonkey(command)
function strongMonkey(command){
hook.emit('monkey::' + $DeviceSerialNumber + '::do', command);
weakMonkey.MAX_TIMEOUT = 1000
function weakMonkey(command){
if (!monkey.shouldRecord) return;
var sleepTime = 0
if (weakMonkey._timeStamp) sleepTime = - weakMonkey._timeStamp
weakMonkey._timeStamp =
if (sleepTime > weakMonkey.MAX_TIMEOUT) sleepTime = weakMonkey.MAX_TIMEOUT
if (sleepTime) commandText.value += 'sleep ' + sleepTime + '\n';
commandText.value += command + '\n'
function reverseMonkey(){
commandText.value = commandText.value.split('\n').reverse().join('\n').replace(/(down|up)\b/gi, function(string){
if (string == 'up') return 'down'
if (string == 'down') return 'up'
if (string == 'UP') return 'DOWN'
if (string == 'DOWN') return 'UP'
function fasterMonkey(){
commandText.value = commandText.value.replace(/\b(sleep\s+)(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/g, function(match, text, sleepNumber){
return text + (+sleepNumber / 2)
function slowerMonkey(){
commandText.value = commandText.value.replace(/\b(sleep\s+)(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/g, function(match, text, sleepNumber){
return text + (+sleepNumber * 2)
monkeyKey.CommandForKeyId = {
"Up":"press KEYCODE_DPAD_UP",
"Down":"press KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN",
"Left":"press KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT",
"Right":"press KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT",
"U+0020"/*space*/:"press KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER",
"Enter":"press KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER",
"U+0008"/*backspace*/:"press KEYCODE_BACK",
function monkeyKey(keyIdentifier){
var command = monkeyKey.CommandForKeyId[keyIdentifier]
if (!command) return false
return true
<section style="display:inline-block; text-align:center; color:white">
<label><select id=$DeviceSerialNumberSelect onchange="$DeviceSerialNumber = value"></select> Device Serial Number</label><br>
<label><input type=checkbox checked onchange="monkey.shouldRecord = checked"> Record?!</label>
<label><input type=checkbox checked onchange="monkey.shouldDoItLive = checked"> Do It Live?!</label>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_BACK')" title=Back>⬅</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_HOME')" title=Home>🏠</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_MENU')" title=Menu>🎨</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH')">App Switch</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_TAB')" title=tab>⇥</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_ENTER')" title=enter>↩</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_TAB')" title=tab>⇥</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_DEL')" title="Backspace">Backspace</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_DPAD_UP')" title="Up">Up</button>
<button onclick="monkey('touch down 255 197;sleep 10;touch move 255 198;sleep 16;touch move 255 214;sleep 15;touch move 259 234;sleep 17;touch move 259 257;sleep 16;touch move 258 284;sleep 17;touch move 258 314;sleep 17;touch move 258 358;sleep 17;touch move 256 439;sleep 16;touch move 256 555;sleep 16;touch move 256 670;sleep 15;touch move 256 750;sleep 17;touch move 256 800;sleep 17;touch move 255 838;sleep 17;touch move 254 859;sleep 16;touch move 252 868;sleep 16;touch move 252 869;sleep 16;touch move 251 869;sleep 17;touch move 250 867;sleep 7;touch move 248 866;sleep 8;touch up 247 863;'.split(';'))">Drag down</button>
<button onclick="monkey('touch down 384 628;sleep 0.5;touch move 384 629;sleep 8.5;touch move 386 667;sleep 8.5;touch move 386 709;sleep 8.5;touch move 385 757;sleep 8;touch move 384 813;sleep 8.5;touch move 383 868;sleep 8;touch move 383 916;sleep 8;touch move 384 961;sleep 7.5;touch move 384 1002;sleep 3.5;touch up 386 1033;'.split(';'))">Fling down</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT')" title="Left">Left</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER')" title="Center">Center</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT')" title="Right">Right</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN')" title="Down">Down</button>
<button onclick="monkey('touch down 247 863;sleep 8;touch move 248 866;sleep 7;touch move 250 867;sleep 17;touch move 251 869;sleep 16;touch move 252 869;sleep 16;touch move 252 868;sleep 16;touch move 254 859;sleep 17;touch move 255 838;sleep 17;touch move 256 800;sleep 17;touch move 256 750;sleep 15;touch move 256 670;sleep 16;touch move 256 555;sleep 16;touch move 256 439;sleep 17;touch move 258 358;sleep 17;touch move 258 314;sleep 17;touch move 258 284;sleep 16;touch move 259 257;sleep 17;touch move 259 234;sleep 15;touch move 255 214;sleep 16;touch move 255 198;sleep 10;touch up 255 197;'.split(';'))">Drag up</button>
<form onsubmit="monkey('type ' + text_to_type.value); return false"><input name=text_to_type></form>
<form onsubmit="strongMonkey(text_to_type.value); return false">
<textarea style="font-size:8px; height:550px" id=commandText autofocus cols=50 name=text_to_type># Type monkey commands here!
<input type=submit value=Run!>
<input accesskey=k type=reset value=Clear>
<input type=button value=Reverse onclick="reverseMonkey() ;return false;">
<input type=button value=Faster onclick="fasterMonkey() ;return false;">
<input type=button value=Slower onclick="slowerMonkey() ;return false;">
<div style="background:#eee; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top" tabindex=0
onkeydown="return !monkeyKey(event.keyIdentifier)"
<img style="position:relative; background:#555" height=320 width=240 alt="Click and drag here to send touches"
this._down && onmouseup(event)
monkey('touch down ' + event.offsetX + ' ' + event.offsetY);
this._down = true;
if (!this._down) return
monkey('touch move ' + event.offsetX + ' ' + event.offsetY);
monkey('touch up ' + event.offsetX + ' ' + event.offsetY);
this._down = false
<footer style="text-align:center">
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_BACK')" title=Back>⬅</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_HOME')" title=Home>🏠</button>
<button onclick="monkey('press KEYCODE_MENU')" title=Menu>🎨</button>
<img style="position:absolute; top:0; right:0; background:#555" height=640 width=360 alt="Click and drag here to send touches"
this._down && onmouseup(event)
monkey('touch down ' + (event.offsetX*2) + ' ' + (event.offsetY*2));
this._down = true;
if (!this._down) return
monkey('touch move ' + (event.offsetX*2) + ' ' + (event.offsetY*2));
monkey('touch up ' + (event.offsetX*2) + ' ' + (event.offsetY*2));
this._down = false
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