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Created December 28, 2017 20:52
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- {foo:}
- {foo:,bar}
- [foo:]
+MAP {}
=VAL :foo
=VAL :
+MAP {}
=VAL :foo
=VAL :
=VAL :bar
=VAL :
+SEQ []
+MAP {}
=VAL :foo
=VAL :
"foo": null
"foo": null,
"bar": null
"foo": null
Parse error: found unexpected ':'
Parse error: found unexpected ':'
luajit: found unexpected ':' at document: 1, line: 1, column: 7
while scanning a plain scalar at line: 1, column: 4
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'load'
/bin/luajit-json:6: in main chunk
[C]: at 0x004044a0
=VAL :foo
=VAL :
=VAL :foo
=VAL :
=VAL :bar
=VAL :
=VAL :foo
Traceback (most recent call last)
nimyaml_event.nim(8) nimyaml_event
stream.nim(220) finished
Error: unhandled exception: Unexpected token (expected ',') [YamlStreamError]
YAML Error: Can't parse inline map
Line: 2
Document: 1
at /lib/perl5/YAML/ line 491.
Line : 1
Message : Not Implemented: Flow Style
Where : /lib/perl5/YAML/PP/ line 526
YAML : "- "
at /bin/perl5-pp-event line 18.
'foo:' => undef
'foo:,bar' => undef
YAML::XS::Load Error: The problem:
found unexpected ':'
was found at document: 1, line: 1, column: 7
while scanning a plain scalar at line: 1, column: 4
=VAL :foo
=VAL :
=VAL :foo
=VAL :
=VAL :bar
=VAL :
=VAL :foo
=VAL :
[{'foo': None}, {'bar': None, 'foo': None}, [{'foo': None}]]
=VAL :foo:
=VAL :
=VAL :foo:
=VAL :
=VAL :bar
=VAL :
=VAL :foo:
[{'foo:': None}, {'bar': None, 'foo:': None}, ['foo:']]
/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/psych.rb:380:in `parse': (<unknown>): found unexpected ':' while scanning a plain scalar at line 1 column 4 (Psych::SyntaxError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/psych.rb:380:in `parse_stream'
from /usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/psych.rb:463:in `load_stream'
from /bin/ruby-json:6:in `<main>'
=== <label goes here>
from: <Source URL or description>
tags: tag words
+++ in-yaml
- {foo:}
- {foo:,bar}
- [foo:]
+++ out-yaml
Parse error: found unexpected ':'
+++ in-json
"foo": null
"foo": null,
"bar": null
"foo": null
+++ test-event
Parse error: found unexpected ':'
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