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Created August 5, 2016 11:06
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Quick reminders from Terminal (bash) - Linux version
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# dontforget
# Description: A stupid script for short term reminders in bash
# Requires: espeak, mpg123, notify-send, ogg123 (vorbis-tools)
# Source:
# Usage:
# Arguments just need to contain a number and a bunch of words.
# The number can be anywhere in the arguments, but there shouldn't
# be any other numeric digits.
# If the number has h, m, or s immediately after it (no space), it will
# be interpreted as hours, minutes, or seconds. The default assumption
# is minutes.
# Save the script as `dontforget` in your path and make it executable
# Example usage:
# $ dontforget let the dog back inside 10
# => I'll remind you: "let the dog back inside" in 10 minutes
# It can parse a little extra verbosity around the text, too
# $ dontforget to let my dog back in 10m
# => I'll remind you: "let your dog back in" in 10 minutes
# $ dontforget I really need to take a break in 1h
# I'll remind you: "you really need to take a break" in 60 minutes
# Running dontforget with no arguments will list upcoming reminders
# Use `dontforget cancel` or `dontforget nevermind` to cancel the last
# reminder that was created
# $ dontforget cancel
# Canceled "you really need to take a break"
# To turn on desktop notification
# export DF_NOTIFY=true
# To make dontforget remain in the foreground and cancelable with ^c
# export DF_NO_BACKGROUND=true
# Tip:
# alias forget="dontforget cancel"
[[ -z $DF_NOTIFY ]] && DF_NOTIFY=false || $DF_NOTIFY
__df() {
if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
if [[ $# == 1 && $1 =~ (cancel|nevermind) ]]; then
return $?
local timespan reminder
for arg in "$@"; do
if [[ $arg =~ ^[0-9]+[hms]?$ && -z $timespan ]]; then
timespan=$(echo "$arg"|sed -E 's/^([0-9]+)([HhSsMm])?$/\1 \2/')
reminder+=" $arg"
length=${timespan%% *}
unit=${timespan#* }
if [[ $unit == "h" ]]; then
elif [[ $unit != "s" ]]; then
reminder=$(__df_clean_reminder "$reminder")
echo "I'll remind you: \"$reminder\" in $(($length/60)) minutes"
if [[ $DF_NO_BACKGROUND == true ]]; then
sleep $length && __df_remind "$reminder"
sleep $length && __df_remind "$reminder" &
__df_list_reminders() {
IFS=$'\n'; for line in $(ps ax | grep -E "bash .*?dontforget \w+" | grep -v grep); do echo "$(__df_clean_reminder "$(echo "$line" | sed -E 's/.*dontforget //')")"; done
__df_remind() {
local reminder="$*"
if [[ -x "$(command -v notify-send)" && $DF_NOTIFY == true ]]; then
notify-send --urgency=critical "Time to $reminder"
/usr/bin/ogg123 -q /usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/glass.ogg
if [[ $(ping -q -c1 > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $?) -eq 0 ]]; then
/usr/bin/mpg123 "$reminder" > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "$reminder" | /usr/bin/espeak
__df_clean_reminder() {
local input="$*"
# trim whitespace
input=$(echo -e "$input" | sed -E 's/(^ *| *$)//g' | tr -s ' ')
# change " I " to " you "
input=$(echo -e "$input" | sed -E 's/(^| +)[Ii]( +|$)/\1you\2/g')
# change " my " to " your "
input=$(echo -e "$input" | sed -E 's/(^| +)[Mm]y( +|$)/\1your\2/g')
# strip leading "forget" in case you alias to dont, i.e. "dont forget to..."
input=$(echo -e "$input" | sed -E 's/^ *forget//')
# strip extra words from natural language
local output=$(__df_strip_naturals "$input")
# final whitespace trim
echo -e "$output" | sed -E 's/(^ *| *$)//g' | tr -s ' '
__df_strip_naturals() {
local original=$(echo "$*"|sed -E 's/^( *remind me *)//')
while [[ "$original" =~ ^[[:space:]]*(to|in|about) ]]; do
original=$(echo "$original"| sed -E 's/^ *(to|in|about) *//g')
if [[ "$original" =~ in[[:space:]]*$ ]]; then original=$(echo "$original"| sed -E 's/ *in *$//'); fi
echo $original | sed -E 's/(^ *| *$)//g'
__df_cancel() {
local df_job=$(ps ax | grep dontforget | grep -v grep | grep -v cancel | grep -v nevermind | tail -n 1)
if [[ -z $df_job || $df_job == "" ]]; then
echo "No timer found"
return 1
local pid=$(echo "$df_job" | awk '{print $1}')
kill $pid
local title=$(echo "$df_job" | sed -E 's/.*dontforget (.*)$/\1/')
echo "Canceled \"$(__df_clean_reminder "$title")\""
__df "$@"
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