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Created August 5, 2017 10:35
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Rust code shared from the playground
pub struct Or<A, B>(A, B);
impl<A, B> Parser for Or<A, B> where A: Parser, B: Parser<Input = A::Input, Output = A::Output> {
type Input = A::Input;
type Output = A::Input;
impl<'a, T> Parser for &'a mut T where T: Parser {
type Input = T::Input;
type Output = T::Input;
pub trait ChoiceParser {
type Input;
type Output;
fn parse_choice(&mut self, input: Self::Input);
pub trait Parser {
type Input;
type Output;
fn parse_lazy(&mut self, input: Self::Input) {
fn or<P2>(self, p: P2) -> Or<Self, P2>
Self: Sized,
P2: Parser<Input = Self::Input, Output = Self::Output>,
macro_rules! choice {
($first : expr) => {
($first : expr, $($rest : expr),+) => {
macro_rules! tuple_choice_parser {
($head: ident) => {
($head: ident $($id: ident)+) => {
tuple_choice_parser_inner!($head $($id)+);
macro_rules! tuple_choice_parser_inner {
($($id: ident)+) => {
impl<Input, Output $(,$id)+> ChoiceParser for ($($id),+)
$($id: Parser<Input = Input, Output = Output>),+
type Input = Input;
type Output = Output;
fn parse_choice(&mut self, input: Self::Input) {
let ($(ref mut $id),+) = *self;
tuple_choice_parser!(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z);
fn main() {
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