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Last active September 22, 2015 08:33
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AMOVA between the three methylation types obtained by msap (I-II-III).
### AMOVA between the three methylation types obtained by the package msap
# AMOVA requires a distance matrix between all samples.
# Such distance matrix could be only be built with quantitative data or with binary data.
# In the case of three category variables, we cannot set a distance between two samples
# (is distance between pattern I and III larger than between II and III?).
# This is why population studies of MSAP needs to join patterns II and III as methylated in order to
# build a binary variable to be analysed by AMOVA/PCoA.
# Anyway, we can made a hack *assuming that distance between different states is equal to 1
# (independently of which states they are)*.
# The interpretation of such a distance matrix would be tricky as you give the same value to I-II difference
# that to II-III or I-III.
# For this we could use the Gower (1971) dissimilarity for mixed variables and then apply the
# AMOVA function implmented in msap.
# 1. run msap for your data and store it in an object (i.e. test1):
# test1 <- msap("YOURDATA.csv", name="TEST", do.pcoa = F, do.amova = F, do.cluster = F, no.bands = "u", do.shannon = F )
# 2. Source this script and run the AMOVA3states() function on test1
# source("AMOVA3states.R")
# AMOVA3states(test1)
#There is a function in the package FD to compute Gower dissimilairty (gowdis)
# We will use the function diffAmova from msap, although it is not exported
# in the msap NAMESPACE, so we should source it from my web:
source(file = "" )
#We also need an adaptation of the pcoa() function
pcoa <- function(DM, groups, name){
ntt <- length(levels(groups))
pcol <- cmdscale(DM, eig=T)
var <- pcol$eig / sum(pcol$eig) *100
var1 <- round(var[1], digits=1)
var2 <- round(var[2], digits=1)
spcoo<-split(pcol$points, groups)
maxX <- max(pcol$points$V1)
minX <- min(pcol$points$V1)
maxY <- max(pcol$points$V2)
minY <- min(pcol$points$V2)
par(bty = 'n')
plot(0,0, main=name, type = "n",xlab=paste("C1 (",var1,"%)"),
ylab=paste("C2 (",var2,"%)"),
frame=TRUE, cex=1.5)
bgcolors<-rainbow(ntt+1)[-2] #No yellow?
symbs <- c(21,22,23,24,25) #What if we have > 7 groups???
for(i in 1:ntt){
points(spcoo[[i]], pch=21, col="black", bg=bgcolors[i])
s.class(pcol$points, groups, cpoint=0,
col=bgcolors, add.plot=TRUE)
# Built a function wrap to take methylation patterns
# and obtain the Gower similarity and the AMOVA
AMOVA3states <- function(L){
kk[kk=="u"]<- 1
kk[kk=="h"]<- 2
kk[kk=="i"]<- 3
kk[kk=="f"]<- NA
diffAmova(gowdis(kk), L$groups, 4, T)
pcoa(gowdis(kk), L$groups, "PCoA" )
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