E.g. here we're renaming all the files of pattern 'ABC_LTD-507685-2017.pdf to '507685-2017.pdf'
rename -v -n 's/[^-]+-(.*)/$1/g' *.pdf
alias public_ip='dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com'
pkill -f <pattern>
Split files and reassemble using split and cat
split -b 800M large-file.iso file_prefix_
cat file_prefix_* > reassembled-large-file.iso
md5sum large-file.iso
md5sum reassembled-large-file.iso
find . -type f -size +5000c
Filter files greater than 5000kb
find . -type f -size -5000c
Filter files smaller than 5000kb
cat /proc/meminfo
netstat -nltp
systemctl --type=service