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Anthony Clark anthonyjclark

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D&D 5th Edition “Kid Mode” Suggestions and Variants


After reading and hearing some experiences of parents playing Dungeons & Dragons with their kids, I was sold. Playing a game with kids at an age where they still largely live in a world of make-believe sounded amazing to me. I’ve spent about a year now reading rules, running adventures, and watching/listening to others play. I’m still sold and excited for my kids to be old enough to play.

However, it’s worthwhile to keep in mind that D&D itself is intended to be a very deep game in terms of complexity, as it can easily keep a group of adults entertained. While I firmly believe that 5th Edition (the current iteration of the game) is incredibly accessible and can be taught to a younger audience than many previous versions, for those of us champing at the bit to get started, I wanted to see what I could it pare down to, with the idea that it could be built back up by introducing a concept or two at a time.

I've playtested with the most simplified