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anthonykasza / generate capitalization variants
Created January 31, 2025 15:33
generate capitalization variants
# chatgpt solved it right away using python's built-ins. i need to brush up on my itertools.
import itertools
def generate_case_combinations(input_string):
# Create a list of lists with each character's possible case
case_options = [[char.lower(), char.upper()] if char.isalpha() else [char] for char in input_string]
# Use itertools.product to generate the Cartesian product of all the case variations
anthonykasza /
Created February 23, 2024 20:32
Python calls tshark on a pcap to generate ClientHello fingerprints
# Python calls tshark on a pcap to generate ClientHello fingerprint
# This script only supports TLS, not SSL
import argparse
from publicsuffix2 import get_tld
from hashlib import sha256
import subprocess
import sys
anthonykasza /
Created November 16, 2023 15:44
Forge a 3-way TCP handshake for pcap analysis
# The foundation for this script was provided by ChatGTP
# Zeek needs a TCP handshake to analyze a TLS stream.
# This script forges a handshake for each packet carrying a ClientHello record
# and writes the handshake, the ClientHello, and any ServerHellos to its own pcap
import sys
from scapy.all import *
def find_hellos(pcap_file):
class Game():
def __init__(self, size, debug=False, players=2):
self.debug = debug
self.board = [["-"] * size for i in range(size)]
self.players = players
self.symbols = {}
self.turns = 0
self.next_turn = 0
self.winner = None
anthonykasza / The Fundamentals of AWS Cloud Security
Created December 8, 2022 16:10
The Fundamentals of AWS Cloud Security
The Fundamentals of AWS Cloud Security
AWS re:Inforce 2019, Becky Weiss
- identity and access
- grant entities (services or humans) permission to make API calls on behalf of you or your account
- every AWS service uses IAM to authenticate and authorize API calls
anthonykasza /
Last active October 7, 2022 17:34
calculate the water volume between peaks of a mountain range
mountain_ranges = {
(0,1,2,3,4): 0+0+0,
(4,3,2,1,0): 0+0+0,
(0,3,2,1,1): 0+0+0,
(1,1,1,1,1): 0+0+0,
(1,1,0,0,0): 0+0+0,
(0,0,1,1,1): 0+0+0,
(0,0,1,0,0): 0+0+0,
(1,0,0,0,1): 1+1+1,
(1,0,0,0,2): 1+1+1,
anthonykasza /
Last active July 17, 2022 19:15
scripts to find magic strings in single-byte encoded data - sequences are neato
# A script which single-byte XOR encodes an input file
import sys
ifn = sys.argv[1]
data = open(ifn, "rb").read()
c = "a"
for key in [0xaa, 0xab, 0x57, 0x07, 0x13]:
ofn = c + ifn
anthonykasza /
Last active June 22, 2022 14:04
vanity EOA generator
from eth_account import Account
import secrets
prefix = "0xbca9"
while True:
priv = secrets.token_hex(32)
private_key = "0x" + priv
acct = Account.from_key(private_key)
if acct.address.startswith(prefix):
print("private key:", private_key)
anthonykasza / toy-matrix.zeek
Created August 22, 2020 23:42
toy matrices
# A toy example showing pure scriptland matrix types. Good luck multiplying anything.
module Matrix;
export {
type matrix_int: vector of vector of int;
type matrix_dbl: vector of vector of double;
global make_matrix_int: function(rows: count, cols: count): matrix_int;
global make_matrix_dbl: function(rows: count, cols: count): matrix_dbl;
anthonykasza / zeek.nanorc
Last active November 30, 2021 22:05
zeek nano syntax
## Here is an example nanorc for syntax highlighting in Zeek scripts. Edited the standard sh.nanorc to create this, and added in the regex described by Scott Runnels.
## For Scott's bro-mode.el, go to
syntax "zeek" "\.zeek$"
magic "(POSIX|Bourne.*) shell script text"
header "^#!.*/(ba|k|pdk)?sh[-0-9_]*"
icolor brightgreen "^[0-9A-Z_]+\(\)"
color cyan "(usec|msec|sec|min|hr|day)s?\b"
color cyan "[0-9]+\/(tcp|udp|icmp|unknown)"