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Forked from todc/
Created September 24, 2016 11:27
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Fresh Mac OS Setup

1. Run Software Update

Make sure everything is up to date.

Software Update

2. Install Xcode and its "Command Line Tools"

  1. Go to App Store and install Xcode.
  2. Open and accept the terms
  3. Then go to the terminal and install "Command Line Tools":
xcode-select --install

Notice this only works for Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9). For earlier versions, continue to use the in-app download in Xcode.

3. Install Homebrew

  1. Open a terminal window and execute the Homebrew install script:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor

4. Install Homebrew-Cask

brew tap phinze/cask
brew install brew-cask

5. Install Software from App Store

  • Gradient
  • xScope

6. Install Software via Homebrew

brew install mackup

brew cask install launchbar
# Add /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/ to the list of Application folders Launchbar indexes
brew cask install totalfinder
brew cask install nvalt
brew cask install dropbox
brew cask install iterm2
brew cask install the-unarchiver

brew cask install google-chrome
brew cask install firefox

brew cask install rubymine
brew cask install intellij-idea
brew cask install sourcetree
brew cask install querious
brew cask install sublime-text
brew cask install apikitchen
brew cask install charles

brew cask install skype

brew cask install candybar
brew cask install snagit
brew cask install vlc
brew cask install vmware-fusion

brew install rbenv
brew install ruby-build
brew install mysql
brew install redis

# Restore configuration files from Dropbox
mackup restore

# Install latest version of Ruby
rbenv install 2.1.1

7. Install Fonts

Meslo - for Xcode

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