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Last active April 24, 2020 00:47
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encrypt and decrypt files and folders with php (AES-256) trought command line
> composer install
# encript:
php _encript-decript-from-console.php enc "password" file.pdf
=> result = timestamp-file.pdf.enc
php _encript-decript-from-console.php enc "password" image.jpg
=> result = timestamp-mage.jpg.enc
php _encript-decript-from-console.php enc "password" folderA
=> result =
php _encript-decript-from-console.php enc "password" C:\\Users\username\folderB
=> result =
# decript:
php _encript-decript-from-console.php enc "password" timestamp-file.enc
=> file.enc.dec
php _encript-decript-from-console.php enc "password" timestamp-image.enc
=> image.enc.dec
php _encript-decript-from-console.php enc "password" C:\\Users\username\folderC.enc
=> timestamp.folderC.enc.dec-folder
php _encript-decript-from-console.php enc "password"
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use \GibberishAES\GibberishAES;
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
set_error_handler(function(int $number, string $message) {
echo "---------------------------------------";
echo "Handler captured error $number: '$message'" . PHP_EOL;
echo "---------------------------------------";
}, E_ALL);
$mode = $argv[1]; // enc = encrypt, dec = decrypt
$pass = $argv[2]; // password
$userInput = $argv[3]; // input file or folder
if (!realpath($userInput)) {
exit('path "' . $userInput . '" doesn\'t exist!');
$timeStamp = (new DateTime())->getTimestamp();
if (is_dir($userInput)) {
// dir
if ($mode === 'enc') {
$zipFileName = $timeStamp . '';
$phar = new PharData($zipFileName);
$folder = realpath($userInput);
$input = file_get_contents($zipFileName);
$encryptedContent = GibberishAES::enc($input, $pass);
$fileOutput = $timeStamp . "-" . basename($userInput) . ".zip.enc";
file_put_contents($fileOutput, $encryptedContent);
echo "encripted! See " . $fileOutput;
} else if ($mode === 'dec') {
$input = file_get_contents($userInput);
$decryptedContent = GibberishAES::dec($input, $pass);
$fileOutput = $timeStamp . "-" . basename($userInput) . (preg_match('/.zip/i', $userInput, $matches) > 0? 'dec-zip-folder': '.dec-folder' );
file_put_contents($fileOutput, $decryptedContent);
echo "decripted! See " . $fileOutput;
} else if (is_file($userInput)) {
// file
if ($mode === 'enc') {
$input = file_get_contents($userInput);
$encryptedContent = GibberishAES::enc($input, $pass);
$fileOutput = $timeStamp . "-" . $userInput . ".enc";
file_put_contents($fileOutput, $encryptedContent);
echo "encripted! See " . $fileOutput;
} else if ($mode === 'dec') {
$input = file_get_contents($userInput);
$decryptedContent = GibberishAES::dec($input, $pass);
$fileOutput = $timeStamp . "-" . $userInput . ".dec";
file_put_contents($fileOutput, $decryptedContent);
echo "decripted! See " . $fileOutput;
} else {
echo 'Error: ' . $userInput . ' is not a file and not a folder!';
"require": {
"dittertp/gibberish-aes-php" : "1.1.*"
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